Friday, October 21, 2016

Mechanical excavation construction technology

1 scope
This technology is applicable to industrial and civil buildings and structures of large Foundation pit (Groove), trench and large area flat ground mechanical excavation.
2 construction preparation
2.1 the main tools:
2.1.1 excavation machinery: excavators, bulldozers, scrapers, dump truck, etc.
2.1.2 General tools: shovel (pointed, flat two), trolleys, small white lines or 20th, wire and steel tape and adjustable triangle, and so on.
2.2 operating conditions:
2.2.1 prior to excavation, construction should be based on programme requirements, underground, above ground obstructions within the construction area cleared and closed.
2.2.2 location of the building or structure or ground positioning control lines (piles), standard level, and gray line of the slot size, must be inspected and through pre-screening procedures.
2.2.3 night-time construction, there should be adequate lighting; in dangerous places should be set clearly marked, excavation sequence and reasonable arrangements to prevent wrong to dig or over.
2.2.4 when the excavation of Foundation pit water level tank, trench, according to the local geological information, take measures to reduce the water table. Generally fell to face following 0.5M before the excavation.
2.2.5 construction machinery access to the site through the roads, bridges and unloading facilities and so on, should be checked in advance and, if necessary, to reinforce or expand and other preparatory work.
2.2.6 selected for earth-moving machinery, construction should be based on the topography of the area and operating conditions, soil type and thickness, total quantity and duration into account, to the level of play of construction machinery efficiency to determine, prepare construction program.
2.2.7 layout of construction area running routes, according to an area the size of the project, mechanical properties, transport distance and terrain conditions to be determined.
2.2.8 in mechanical construction could not work parts, cleaning and repair of slopes slope bottom, shall be equipped with manually.
2.2.9 familiar with the drawings, technical clarification.
3 operational processes
3.1 process:
Determine the order of excavation and slope end of segment dug under the tiered average Bian Heqing

3.2 determination of slope:
3.2.1 in the natural humidity of the soil, excavation of Foundation pit (slot), when the trench while digging depth does not exceed the provisions of the following, do not slope without support. dense, medium dense sand and gravel soil (filled with sand) 1.0RN. hard plastic, plastic, clayey silt and silty clay 1.25m. hard plastic, plastic clay and soil detritus (filled with clay) -1.5M. of hard clay in a 2.0M.
3.2.2 above provides depth in 5M when soil with natural humidity, uniform structure, hydrological conditions, without water, without support of Foundation pit (Groove) and pipe must slope. Steepest gradient of the slope should comply with the provisions of l-3.
Table 1-3 of various types of soil slope
Slope (height: width)
Top top no load dead load top load
1 medium dense sands 1:1 1:1.5
2 medium dense soil detritus (filled with sand) 1:0.75 1:1 1:1.25
3 hard plastic light loam 1:0.67 1:1
4 medium dense soil detritus (filled with clay) 1:0.50 1:0.67 1:0.75
5 hard plastic clay, clay 1:0.33 1:0.67
6 old loess 1:0.10 1:0.33
7 soft (after it has been well-point dewatering) 1:1.00--
Note: when there is a mature experience, are not subject to the table limit.

3.2.3 use longer temporary slope gradient should be based on engineering geology and slope height, combined with similar stability of soil slope value. Such as geological conditions, soil (or rock) more uniform quality, height in the 10m temporary slope gradient should be determined according to table 1-4:
Table 1-4 of the various types of soil cut slope
Categories of soil slope (height: width)
1 sand (not including sand and silty sand) 1:1.25~1:1.15

Hard 1:0.75~1:1.00
Hard plastic 1:1.0~1:1.25
Filling hard, hard plastic clay 1:0.5~1:1.00
Filling sand 1:1.00~1:1.50
Note: when there is a mature experience, are not subject to the table limit.

3.2.4 cutting through different types of soil (or rock) or depth of more than 10m, its slope can be made into a broken-line or steps.
3.2.5 city cut due to limitations of nearby buildings, and when the piles are used, you can slope, but piles of construction programs.
3.3 excavation (Groove) or when a trench should rationally determine the depth of excavation sequence, the route and the.
3.3.1 large Foundation pit excavated by bulldozers (Groove), generally from both sides or top (vertical) moving, towards the middle or top soil, temporary accumulation and horizontal soil away from the Foundation pit (Groove) on each side.
3.3.2 excavation of large Foundation pit using scrapers (Groove), vertical branch, stratified according to the grade line of shovels down, but each floor centerline location should be slightly higher than the sides to prevent accumulation.
3.3.3 used backhoe, shovel excavator excavation (Groove) or when the channel, there are two methods of its construction; end dig law: excavators from the pit (Groove) or ends to back of the trench method of excavation. Configuration on either side of excavators dump truck shipments. lateral excavation methods: excavation side along the pit (Groove) or the side of the trench, dump trucks on the other side of the ship.
3.3.4 when excavators move along the cut edge, machinery from the upper edge of the slope shall not be less than the width of the Foundation pit (Groove) or trench depth of 1/2. As the digging deeper than 5M, should be determined according to professional construction programmes.
3.4 excavation should be staged sequentially from top to bottom. Made in a slope at any time, in order to facilitate emptying.
3.4.l in the excavation process, should feel free to check out the Groove wall and slope of the State. The depth is greater than 1.5M, according to the changes in soil conditions, we should do a pit (Groove) or trench support preparation, to prevent collapse.
3.4.2 excavation (Groove) and the trench shall not be dug to the design height of the following, if not exactly digging base elevation is to design, persistence of elevation above a layer of soil is not dug, to copy after ping, dug by hand.
Persistence layer: scrapers, bulldozers dug, 20cm; backhoe used backhoe, shovel and shovel dug, 30cm.
3.4.3 in machinery construction dig into Earth, mining should be manual at any time, and trolleys to transport Earth machinery to dig the place, so as to use the machinery of cherry-picking.
3.5 repair help and clear bottom. From trough bottom design elevation 50cm help, copy line, nailed a small wooden stick, and interned with artificial layers of cherry-picking. While both ends of axis (centerline) Latrun line (with a small wire or wire), check from the slot size, determine the width of Groove standard, to repair slot. Finally clear the bottom of Earth.
3.5.1 the bottom after repair level, quality inspection and acceptance.
3.5.2 excavation (slots) for earth moving, in field conditions when stacked, must have sufficient backfill need good soil; excess earth should be removed to avoid second handling.
3.6 rain, winter:
3.6.1 excavation should not be conducted during the rainy season, or work surfaces should not be too large, should be done piecemeal, by staging.
3.6.2 rain during construction in the excavation (Groove) or when the trench, should pay attention to slope stability. If necessary, appropriate slow slope, or braces. While in the pits (Groove) outside surrounded by Earthen berms or digging ditches, prevent surface water from entering. Always check on the slope, support, an embankment and found the problem to deal with.
3.6.3 excavation should not be in the winter. If it is necessary at the time of construction in winter, its method of construction should be carried out by winter programme.
3.6.4 to prevent freezing when excavation and earth-moving, but before the freeze, covered with insulation material or soil tilling raking, plowing depth should be determined according to local temperature conditions. Not less than 30cm.
3.6.5 excavation (Groove) or when a trench, you must prevent the Foundation of Foundation soils and cold. Should set aside an appropriate thickness of basement elevation above the loose Earth. Or cover it with other insulation materials. If the excavation Earth causes nearby buildings or structure of ground and Foundation exposed, antifreezing measures should be taken to prevent freezing damage.
4 quality criteria
4.1 project:
4.1.1 column base, pit, trench, trench and soil soil of the site must comply with the design requirements and no disturbances.
4.2 allowable deviation, as shown in table l-5.

Earthworks excavation and site grading allows deviation

Serial number item tolerance (mm) test method

3 surface elevation
Length, width,
Slope on the steep +0-50
Does not allow for level checking
Theodolite, cable and standard inspections
Observation or using a slope-scale inspection
Table 1-5
5 finished product protection
5.1 positioning axis standard pile, pile, standard and standard, Dragon door, dug Earth must not hit touch, nor may you rest on the Dragon door. And should always measure and checking its position, level elevation and slope meets the design requirements. Positioning standard benchmarks and standards should also be regularly repeated and check that they are correct.
5.2 when the excavation should be the protection of neighbouring buildings or structures, roads, pipelines, such as subsidence and deformation will occur. And design units or units should be consulted when necessary, protective measures, and settlement and displacement observation during construction.
5.3 If artifacts are found in the construction or Tomb Raider, should be protected and should be reported to the local authorities in a timely manner, to continue construction. If there are any permanent target for the measure or established long-term geological and seismic observation points, and so on, should be protected. Laying in the ground or underground pipelines, cables, lots of earth-moving construction, prior written consent of the relevant authorities, construction should take measures to prevent damage to the pipeline, causing a serious accident.
6 quality problems to be noticed
6.l basement overbreak: excavation (Groove) tunnel shall not exceed the base level. If the place when over, it should be agreed by the design unit, not allowed to deal with.
6.2 base unprotected: pit (Groove) excavated to minimize soil disturbance. Case basis not timely construction, can be reserved in substrate elevation above 30cm soil is not dug, dug until you can do basic.
6.3 construction order unreasonable should be carried out strictly according to the construction plan set and construction order Earth excavation, care should be taken first from the lower excavation, subparagraph layering, in turn, form a certain slope to facilitate drainage.
6.4 sinking of construction machinery: construction must be aware of soil and groundwater. Bulldozers, scrapers, takes in the underground water level 0.5M push above shoveled Earth; backhoe digging in the ground-water level above 0.8M is generally required, in case of mechanical weight sinks. Shovel Excavators digging the step height shall not exceed the maximum cutting height of 1.2 times.
Undersize 6.5 excavation, slope too steep: pit (Groove) width of the excavation or trench bottom and slopes, in addition to considering the size requirements should be based on the need to increase the Width of the construction, such as drainage, support structures, such as the width you want.
6.6 when rainy season, trench, pit should be set aside at the end of 30cm soil, then you hit concrete pad to the design height.
7 quality records
This standard shall meet the following quality records:
Engineering geology investigation report of 7.1.

Engineering location measurement records.

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