Saturday, February 4, 2017

Notes on Decoration Design of Villa

1, the first is for their own this property for "property positioning" ... ...;

2, to determine the image of your mind this house concept ... ...;

3, set the amount of renovation investment ... ...;

4, review the configuration of hydropower lines ... ...;

5, summed up their own ideas: Owners in the self-home design:

To meet the needs of life is the core basis;

Reflect their own taste is the basis of ideas;

The amount of money is the material basis:

Reserve change space is the basis of creativity.

How to master the villa decoration design

Buy a villa is to improve the quality of life, can be decorated villa is different from the ordinary room decoration new troubles. This version received a number of villa owners of the letter, their confusion in general there are three aspects: how to do interior decoration style and interior architectural style of harmony and unity? How to achieve the best use of the state? How to use some high-tech household products? To this end, we invited the designer to do a principled answer.
Many owners bought a more ideal villa, the face of how decoration, often fall into a loss and contradiction: both the style of decoration, the effect and taste to grasp is difficult to decide, but also the choice of materials, brand And the decoration of the total price of the control that no bottom of mind; both the higher the level of the pursuit of space allocation, but also the function of a more idealized consideration. These three issues are the puzzles of the concrete.

There are three proposals to draw attention to

First, pay attention to architectural style, residential environment and the style of the three uniform interior.

General villas are European-style building style, and many owners want to move the original Chinese mahogany furniture into the villa, if the interior decoration to mahogany furniture as the starting point to design, and architectural style had a contradiction. In this case, I generally carry out two such treatment: 1, to persuade the owners of Chinese mahogany furniture sold or transferred to the parents, children, relatives and friends, and the purchase of new European-style furniture, interior design can be very calm with the European 2, will be a level or a level of one or two rooms, for alternative design (Chinese design), to meet the owners to retain the aspirations of Chinese mahogany furniture. This design considerations, as in the three-bedroom two-room space, arranged a Japanese and the layout of the room the same.

Second, to achieve the best use of state, hydropower is the foundation.

Villas are often built in the suburbs, most of the underground garage, if civil engineering did not do a good waterproof layer, then in the decoration of the construction must be strengthened waterproof layer and moisture considerations. In particular, the underlying infrastructure, design must take into account the water, moisture, in this regard rather overkill, can not be taken lightly. In the ordinary room decoration, water and electricity design is relatively simple, the design is often not as the focus of full attention. However, for the villa, due to large area, space interspersed complex, it should pay attention to the main light source, auxiliary light source, artistic point light source of reasonable configuration, coupled with strong, weak coordination and consideration of the two systems, and illumination , The distribution of socket switches, lighting groups, especially the double-circuit control of lighting between floors, etc. All these professional configurations must be designed and constructed from higher professional standards in order to ensure foolproof.

Third, attention to the application of high-tech products.

In recent years, advanced electronic products in the home decoration which is more and more widely and widely used. In addition to television, computer, telephone, audio equipment, **** air conditioning system, **** fresh air system, home heating system, hidden background sound system, **** control system, remote monitoring system and home security system , Remote control systems, clean water systems, etc., require designers in the design process, understand and be able to introduce to the owners of various types of system installation, use requirements and configuration costs for owners to choose and decide. This will avoid the decoration to the late or just renovated, the owners are due to the lack of certain systems and regret and dissatisfaction.

29 items of kitchen decoration design kitchen need to pay attention to

1, cabinet designers recommend using Lalan, rice boxes.

2, the gas pipeline to the kitchen gas water heater do not go out between the tube, the wall to open a slot buried PVC pipe, you do not have to punch in the plank. Kitchen off, microwave ovens, refrigerators and other electrical power switch to pre-designed. Kitchen tiles do not buy matte, or oily hard to wipe.

3, made the whole cabinets of the DX must pay attention to the level of buckle plate, or cabinets installed after the prototype was exposed; the water pipe to the point up, or supporting the hose leading too short, have to re-buy longer;

4, artificial marble, good tender ah, rags on the gray or impurities can make it face to spend. If no money to buy the kind of DuPont Corian to try to use white or light-colored, so even if there are scratches is not so obvious!

5, marble countertop, do not listen to js that use silica gel, in addition to marble, according to the square calculation, cutting angle fee, grinding fees, other costs should not have, labor costs included in the square cost, in particular, do not use silica gel, Is simply a waste, has always been a marble shop with cement.

6, the kitchen white artificial stone countertops simply for the same as God for it, the usual operation of what a dirty oil or dirty water, it is necessary to quickly erase, or infiltrate forever on the inside. Have trouble!

7, the kitchen lights to light, preferably in the top of the pool or cut vegetables and then install a lamp, or poor eyesight with the blind the same night. Kitchen cabinets should have drawers;
8, the group enough cabinets General service quality and product quality is nothing to be critical, but be sure to pay attention to ask questions. Cabinet designers say that the upper and lower cabinets can be coated with cement or paste almost the sub-brick leveling.

9, the decoration of the kitchen, only considered the width of the refrigerator, but forgot the thickness of the refrigerator, forget the bottom of the back of the refrigerator there is a metal plate, only the thickness of the above, the results of the poor 5 cm, erupted in the original refrigerator The place is not enough, the refrigerator to figure out a piece, but also in the near door, do not know whether to change a refrigerator. The original refrigerator, but very expensive, not willing to stay with the rental. Really annoying! . .
10, the cabinet did not do drawers, that blue is a panacea. Drainage problems due to lack of weeks, causing the dishwasher installed 3 back, is still in shock.

11, the kitchen sink position too in the middle, and water pipes first cloth, the leading position set the bucket can not move, and the decoration team should be clear in the beginning.

12, stove and disinfecting cabinet only in the cabinet when you open the table and the design of the cabinet when used to, because the stove according to the size of the table to open, this is the last thing .. Disinfection cabinet to be a little earlier, when the cabinets retest to take To the size of the cabinet or no way to further design.If you are a decoration company to do the cabinet, you can put your favorite size of the disinfection cabinet to them.Now even if you buy back, but also the size of the size of the over there. At that time, if you cut prices you regret it.
13, the kitchen cabinets inside a few more partitions, right. Hand-made door is not refined, for reference only. Artificial stone countertops cheap, bargain management chaos, a lot of goods not serious string board goods. In the counter can not see these problems, but to look at the processing plant to see the truth, and went all over the city's processing plant I collected a variety of brand box samples, and finally with the expensive "Monterey." Is not the best do not know, only know that is a comprehensive consideration of price, quality I can afford.

14, do man-made stone countertop hole location to draw their own good to be assured, especially the audience basin. Table narrow, pots and large workers that can not be installed, from the hole position to support the program should be their own overall planning. Do not trust the workers' wisdom too much.

15, after installing the cabinet to install the range hood, a big mistake ah! . Range hood installation trouble a lot, but also in the cabinet between the seam is relatively large. Best to install at the same time.

16, Caipen faucet must be good to use the back of the switch, that must be easy to use your fingers to keep clean, the hands of oil when the rotation is also difficult.
17, cabinets with the edge of the best special trip to buy a few more to buy more, buy other materials at the same time to buy it is not possible to get a good price, which is very profiteering products, very cheap!

18, to do kitchen cabinets prior to consider the size of the sink, the keel spacing determines the sink size, my keel spacing is relatively small, then buy a sink is very worry. Sink to large building materials supermarkets such as obi bar, big market brand name price is not cheap, big market no-name quality crazy rotten.

19, digging down the sink piece of the table, in the kitchen window to do a 300 * 700 breakfast table.

20, room gas pipeline change: Directly to find the district to help lay the gas pipeline on the line pull, (let the property help you find them also) the price is to talk about. I changed the price to 60 (he gave me a quote of 160).
21, kitchen gas stove next to the design of a rice cooker socket, no amount of size, the results of cabinet re-test found that it is a stove top of the eye. Taking into account the future it is a security risk, had to say shift focus, making the console narrow.
22, hidden works must do a good job, especially the kitchen socket location to be appropriate, otherwise it will affect the size of the cabinet and the overall effect.

23, for safety reasons, the kitchen door next to the top, it is best to install a socket for the future release of gas alarm. This must not province. If it is a narrow type of kitchen, cabinet basin and in the head, preferably in the top of the cabinet basin mounted a chandelier, or wash things at night is the backlight.

24, the kitchen design, only the most useful drawer was later blocked the refrigerator, the result of white design, and no drawer (the kitchen drawer is still very useful than the cupboard practical)! Kitchen ceiling do not use dark, coupled with dim scrub lamp, alas, kitchen lighting type with the dummy!

25, had to save, B & Q bought the promotion of Asian tiles (white, matte), a moment of brain fever, listening to BF, then posted in the kitchen, is nowhere to use, just wipe the cement seal, Brick more laborious!
26, in order to save money did not buy the whole kitchen, their workers do the cabinet, the results of the gas stove and the bottom of the door dislocation, the bucket below the cabinet has three doors, OTC there are four doors, how to see how awkward. Remind students to ask workers to do so, as the overall kitchen as a number of cabinets were done together, so there will not be dislocation phenomenon.

27, remove the flue before the baffle is considered a good choice to sacrifice the amount of exhaust emissions or choose the neighbor's rice.

28, the location of the refrigerator ill-considered, and now from the living room to see the kitchen, wanted to have a corridor, and the kitchen switch in the back of the refrigerator.

29, cabinet: leading to the water heater gas pipe, do not wear from the next cabinet. The gas pipe leading to the stove, horizontal pipe height of the best in between 70-75cm, too low, then the loss of the next cabinet space. Below the gas stove, to design disinfection cabinet or drawer, be sure to consider not touch the gas pipe.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Villa interior design trends

Internal and external communication
As the most relaxing form of accommodation, the villa should be fully protected in the privacy of the premise, so that the owner to enjoy the fun of blending with nature. Thus, the natural scenery of the villa is a necessary prerequisite, and how the outdoor landscape into the interior, how the interior furnishings become an extension of the natural landscape has also become the most concerned about the interior part of the villa. Space division and definition is no longer simply based on practical standards of daily life, outdoor landscape perspective and similar framing techniques are also integrated into the determination of the proportion of indoor, thus affecting the combination of materials and colors.

Personalized style
Villa must meet the owner's personality life, although the cold minimalism popular, even once a fashion design representative, but is gradually being personalized soft signs of the collapse and erosion. Completely **** the elements are no longer just minimalist and complicated variation, or publicity personality of the special expression, eclectic and loose with the nature, so that villas really become a tool to enjoy, and the advantages of social status and ideology , But also through the individual to enjoy the unique degree and quality to show
Retro is not a mechanical repetition
Retro seems to be a constant theme, but retro is never mechanically repeated. In this era, the classical theme implied by the cultural core is deeply understood and well preserved, and carry the essence of the culture of modeling, materials, color in the new materials, new technologies, vertical leap, to create a variety of whimsical collocation.

Subversion of the eternal
The destruction of all mature set is the designer of the most bored, in the past a single style of strict supporting the idea has been completely broken, such as: once considered the perfect three plus two plus one living room sofa combination, has long been conservative And the lack of creativity, replaced by the most likely to look completely in tune with the combination of furniture, but also implies the owner of the unique logic of life. The designer's bold and in-depth master of life needs to play an unprecedented.

Standard for Construction Technology of Paper Binding and Soft Bags

1, the scope of application: The process applies to PVC plastic wallpaper, composite wallpaper and wall paper and other wallpaper and wall works, doors and other soft package project.

2, material requirements:
2.1 Wallpaper and wall covering: In order to ensure the quality of wall paper, all kinds of wallpaper, wallpaper quality should meet the design requirements and the corresponding national standards. Types of plastic wallpaper, no primary wallpaper, peelable wallpaper, pre-coated wallpaper and layered wallpaper.
2.2 Adhesives (finished and on-site deployment of two categories) Requirements:
2.2.1 Adhesive is water soluble.
2.2.2 on the grass-roots and the end of the paper have good adhesion. Base putty should be flat, solid, solid, no powder, from the skin and cracks. Putty's bond strength should be consistent with "building indoor putty" (JG / T3049) N-type requirements.
2.2.3 there is not necessarily moisture, so there is a certain water content in the grass roots can still be used in order to shorten the duration. Base color should be consistent.
2.2.4 still have a certain degree of flexibility after drying to adapt to the grass-roots and wallpaper and wallpaper thermal expansion.
2.2.5 have a certain degree of mildew.Myelast growth will not only in the wallpaper and the grassroots between the production of insulation layer and affect the bond strength, but also through the wallpaper to produce mildew on the surface.
2.2.6 If the fire protection requirements of the adhesive layer can not afford high-temperature performance.
Soft wood wall wood frame, keel, floor, panels and other wood species, specifications, grade, moisture content and anti-corrosion treatment. Application of closed primer before the primer brushing the grass.
2.3 Soft package material:
2.3.1 soft packing wall used fill materials, textile fabrics and keel, wood substrate should be carried out fire treatment.
2.3.2 moisture-proof wall should be evenly coated with a layer of oil or oil-filled shop. Do not use bituminous linoleum as a moisture barrier.
2.3.3 Wood keel should adopt the groove tenon process prefabrication, can be whole or piece install, and wall connection should be close, solid and meet the design requirements, shall not have decay, knot, split, twisted and other defects, and advance By preservative treatment.
2.3.4 Outer surface with the pressure of the sub-frame material and wood paste face and other fabrics, the general use of semi-finished products factory drying material, moisture content of less than 12%, the thickness should be based on design requirements and appearance of good material ; And in advance through the anti-corrosion treatment.
2.6 In the case of a lightweight partitioning design, the primary, surfacing and other fill materials must meet the design requirements and the associated use.
2.7 Cover materials and practices must meet the requirements of the design drawings, and meet the building decoration design of the relevant provisions of fire prevention.
2.8 Materials in line with "wood-based panels and their products in the formaldehyde emission content" GB18580-2001 and "wallpaper of harmful substances" GB18585-2001 and other requirements. 8.5.1 concrete or plastering the new building base wall in the putty should be painted before the anti-alkali seal primer.
3 main equipment (tools):
3.1 Main Tools: cutting table, steel ruler (1m long), wallpaper knife, towel, plastic bucket, plastic washbasin, oil scraper, mix putty tank, small roller, knife, brush, Hammer, red pencil, sandpaper, broom, tool bag, carpentry work table, electric saws, electric wire saws, electric wire saws, , Electric planer, the impact of drilling, pistol drilling, cutting, cutting fabric fabrics, leather table.
3.2 The main tools: steel ruler (1m long) cutting weaving knife, towel, plastic bucket, plastic basin, oil scraper, small roller, knife, brush, pen, cloth or cotton, sandpaper, , The box, ruler, hammer, wire saw, aluminum wooden ruler, ruler, multi-purpose knife, playing with the powder package, ink fountain, small white line, broom, .
4, operating conditions:
4.1 Wallpaper and soft package project should be sprayed in the ceiling and windows and doors paint has been done, the ground has been done under the circumstances.
4.2 Electrical and other equipment has been installed, the impact of the equipment or accessories should be removed. Wall nail cap should be nailed into the grassroots surface, and brushing anti-rust paint, filled with putty
4.3 paper before the grass-roots quality of treatment to meet the following requirements:
4.3.1 The concrete of the new building or plastering the base layer of the wall in the putty should be painted before brushing alkali seal primer.
4.3.2 old wall in the paper before the loose old decoration layer, and brushing interface agent.
4.3.3 The grass-roots have been checked and accepted qualified, basic dry, concrete and plaster surface moisture content of not more than 8%; wood products wall water content should not exceed 12%. Intuitive logo is plaster surface anti-white, no wet printing, hand touch feel dry.
4.3.4 Putty should be flat, solid, solid, no powder, from the skin and cracks. Putty's bond strength should be consistent with "building indoor putty" (JG / T3049) N-type requirements.
4.3.5 Base color should be consistent.
4.3.6 Before the application of closed primer coated primer.
4.4 Climatic conditions: papering process and before drying, should be to prevent wind blowing and abrupt changes in temperature. Winter construction should be carried out under the conditions of heating, construction environment temperature of not less than 15 degrees.
4.5 If the room is higher should be prepared in advance scaffolding, the room is not high, should be set in advance wooden stool.
4.6 technical personnel to carry out the construction of the end, should emphasize the technical measures and quality requirements. Large area construction should be preceded by a model, the quality inspection departments identified qualified before the team can organize the construction.
5, the construction process:
5.1 Wallpaper construction process:
In principle, after the first paper wall mounted wall.
Grass-roots processing → hanging vertical, sets of square, looking for rules, elastic line → calculation of materials, paper cutting → → → paste wallpaper wallpaper dressing
5.2 Wallpaper wallpaper mounting process:
5.2.1 Grass-roots processing of paper-based engineering requirements: solid and solid, smooth and smooth surface, not loose, out of powder Feizhen, Ma points, sand and cracks. Yin and Yang should be straight. The same color. Otherwise it will directly affect the quality of paper and durability. the grass-roots level of different materials should be paste. concrete surface and plaster surface, if necessary, increase the number of full putty putty.
5.2.2 hanging straight, set of square, to find the rules, playing line: First of all, the ceiling should be symmetrical centerline by hanging straight, set side, find ways to pop up the center line in order to symmetrical control from the middle to both sides. Wall top junction processing principles: where there is hanging mirror line by hanging mirror line, no hanging mirror line according to the design requirements of elastic line.
5.2.3 calculation of materials, cutting paper: according to design requirements to determine the direction of the paste wallpaper, and then calculate the materials, cutting paper. Should be the size of each side to set aside 2 ~ 3cm, out, shake to the residual water, the paper with a net towel dip dry.
5.2.4 Brush, paste paper: in the back of the paper and the ceiling of the paste part of the plastic brush, should pay attention to the width of the brush according to the wallpaper, should not be too wide, paving should be from the beginning to the shop on both sides sticky. The first must be good by the line has been found to stick straight stick, should be noted that the two sides of the paper throwing 1-2cm is not crushed to meet with the second shop when the shop sticky pressure Zha pressure on the seam requirements. And then according to the law shop sticky second, two pieces of paper lap 1-2cm, with the steel ruler than Qi, the two will press the tight rule, a person with a paper knife to cut, then take the two pieces of paper Go, with the scraper with the glue to squeeze the gap compaction. Then the top of the Yin Jiao at both ends of the steel ruler than with Qi, straightened, with the scraper and roller compaction, and finally with a wet towel to the seams roll out the rubber marks wipe clean, in turn.
5.2.5 Trimming: After the wallpaper is pasted, check whether there is empty drum, then cha is smooth, with or without Alice phenomenon, whether the plastic scar wipe, with or without packet, the surface is smooth, Clean, etc., until it meets the requirements.
5.3 Wallpaper Wallpaper operation process
5.3.1 Primary treatment: gray surface layer, to be full of putty putty and frosted paper. If the surface of the pores, pitting, uneven, in order to ensure the quality of the full increase in the number of putty and scrub the paper. Especially the yin and yang angle, windowsill, pipe and skirting board after the connection processing, to carefully check the dressing. Surface putty putty, you can putty in five or six dry, with a plastic scraper for regular calendering treatment. For fresh concrete wall surface application of cleaning agent to remove surface oil film (due to the template release agent caused). Seams are not to be connected with rake, not a nail head, seams can be affixed to 50-70mm wide to strengthen the linen or paper tape, or putty fill and full scratch, and finally polished with sandpaper. Wallpaper, the board should first use the local oil-based putty leveling, paper-faced gypsum on the paper, the board should first scratch again latex plaster putty. In addition to surface debris, with the putty to make the surface smooth, and to prevent the primary color, affect the decorative effect, if necessary, brushing oil-based primer. For the attachment of a solid, smooth surface of the old oil paint, wall, paper should be playing before the hair processing. If the gypsum board and wooden base with pull, should be attached to a layer of gauze, and then putty putty repair, to prevent the wall paper after tearing rip tear. base in the base of the pan base, it is appropriate to use 9% dilute acetic acid and cleaning, to prevent erosion of the wall, so that color.
5.3.2 hanging vertical, sets of square, looking for rules, playing line:
The first corner of the room should be the angle of the yin and yang by hanging vertical, sets of square, to find rules, and determine from which Yinjiao start in accordance with the size of the wallpaper segmented bomb line control (customary practice is the door left corner began paving the first A hanging mirror line by hanging mirror line, no hanging mirror line according to the design requirements of the spring line control.
5.3.3 calculation of materials, cutting paper:
According to the amount of good height of the wall is about to enlarge 2-3cm, according to the size of the calculation of materials, cutting, the general should be cut in the work table, if wallpaper, wall cloth with pattern design, All good, especially the other carefully cut, not dislocation, cutting edge close to the edge of the blade, ruler pressed wallpaper, forced evenly, at one go, the middle can not stop or change the knife angle. After cutting the paper should be flat straight, neat, no glitches, pay attention to cut the wallpaper after the roll flat, do not put up.
5.3.4 Roll paper:
Different wallpaper, wall covering the reaction of the paper is not the same, the reaction is more obvious is the plastic paper tires. Glass fiber substrate, no stretch with water, to help paper before the need for paper. plastic wallpaper with water swelling, about 5-10min swollen feet, dry after the self-contraction, the width direction of the expansion rate of 0.5-1.2%, shrinkage of 0.2-0.8% .If not consider this feature, then the paper The wallpaper will appear quality problems such as bubbles. So you must first plastic wallpaper soaked in the sink 2-3min, the boring water treatment, remove and remove the remaining water, put it aside for 20min or row of brush water 10min, so that it will shrink with the evaporation of water, stretch tight. composite paper wallpaper due to poor wet strength, paper is not allowed before the boring water treatment. To achieve the purpose of softening wallpaper, wallpaper in the back of the uniform brush adhesive, and then glue the face of plastic stack, place 4-8min, you can wall paper. Textile fiber wallpaper can not be soaked in water, but first in the back of the wallpaper with a damp cloth a little wipe and then paste. Wallpaper before, should take a small piece of wallpaper to try stickers, every other day to observe the effect of seams and vertical and horizontal shrinkage.
5.3.5 Brush, paste paper: should be in the paper and the wall brush glue, the brush plastic width should be consistent, the wall should not be too wide a plastic brush. Paste paper from the corner of the wall from the beginning of the first paving, according to a good vertical line has been hanging straight, and from the top down by hand flattening, scraper scraping, and a small roller to the upper and lower corners Compaction. The first stick to stay 1-2cm (should be turned around the corners of about 2cm), and then stick the second shop, according to the same pressure flattening, compaction, with steel ruler in the first and second wallpaper Cha Cha Department Open, the paper torn off, the edge of the Department of plastic with a solid at the Cha, and in time to squeeze out the glue with a wet towel to wipe, and then use the same method will be connected to the top, then cut the edge of the tiptoe neat, real. In case of electric door and bolt box on the wall, the paper should be marked in its position. In the wall paper, the sun angle does not allow Cha Cha joints, Yin angle must take paper to take the seam, does not allow the whole paper Paving, to avoid hollowing and wrinkles.
5.3.6 Flower paper splicing: Patchwork at the paper The pattern should be set up properly. before the shop should pay attention to flower and paper color to be consistent. Wall and the top of the wall of the lap should be based on design requirements, generally linked to the mirror line room should be hanging mirror line for the sector, no hanging mirror line room shall spring line shall prevail. flower-shaped splicing If there are difficulties, the wrong Cha should try to throw to the inconspicuous Yin angle, large surface should not appear Cha Cha and flower-shaped chaos phenomenon.
5.3.7 Wallpaper Dressing:
Paste paper should be carefully checked on the Alice Qiaojiao wallpaper, blistering, wrinkles and plastic scar is not wiped, etc., should be promptly processed and trimmed to make it perfect.
5.4 winter construction:
5.4.1 winter construction should be carried out under the conditions of heating, indoor operating temperature should not be less than 5 ℃.
5.4.2 do a good job closed doors and windows gap, and set the person responsible for temperature, moisture, ventilation, prevent cold into the cold finished products.
5.5 soft package engineering construction technology
5.5.1 Process: In principle, the room, the top interior decoration has been basically completed, the walls and decorative floor finish finished wood, began to do when the surface layer into the soft wall decoration decoration and installation works.
Grass-roots or floor treatment → hanging vertical, set the square, looking for rules, elastic line → calculation of materials, sets of fabric → paste fabric → paste face or decorative edge, brush trim → soft trim wall
5.5.2 Operation Technology: Base or floor treatment:
Grass roots must be carefully handled, the method is first floor seam with oil filling putty embedded in dense, full of putty putty 1-2 times, to be putty after drying with sandpaper polished, paste, the grass-roots surface full of clear oil a. If the filling layer, this process can be simplified. hanging straight, sets of square, looking for rules, shells line:
According to the requirements of the design drawings, the room needs soft bag wall decoration size, shape and so on through the hanging straight, sets of square, looking for rules, elastic wire and other processes, the actual design of the size and shape to the real wall. Calculation of materials, sets of cut filler and fabric:
First of all, according to the requirements of the design drawings to determine the specific practice of the soft bag wall. There are two general practice, one direct paving method (this method is relatively simple, but the grass-roots or floor flatness requirements higher) is the prefabricated paving mosaic method, this method has a certain degree of difficulty, requirements must be horizontal and vertical Straight, not skew, the size must be accurate and so on. It is necessary to do positioning signs to facilitate the condemnation. And then in accordance with the design requirements for the use of materials and substrate (filler), the fabric sets of cutting work. Note that the same room, the same pattern and fabric must be the same volume of material and the same site (including filler) sets of fabric cutting. Paste the fabric:
Such as the use of direct paving method of construction, decoration should be the basic completion of the wall finishes, border paint to meet the living conditions of living before the paste fabric; if the pre-built paving mosaic method, is not subject to this limit, can be pre-paste fabric jobs. First, according to the design drawings and modeling requirements of the first paste filler (such as foam, polystyrene board or sponge, wood, plywood, etc.), according to design materials (adhesive glue, nails, wood screws, And then put the fabric in accordance with the positioning sign to find a good vertical and horizontal coordinates, up and down the positive, first of all the upper part of the temporary fixed with wood and nails, and then the lower end and the two-in-one, Side position to find good, you can press the design requirements Nail nail fabric. Installation of face or decorative edge:
According to the design selection and processing of a good face or decorative edge, according to the design requirements of the paint brush (to make living conditions), can be prefabricated paving inlaid decorative panels for installation work, first try to meet the design requirements And effect, can be fixed with the grass-roots level and installation of decorative or decorative line, the last brush trim trim paint survived. Trimming the soft wall:
If the soft package wall construction by the rear, the repair of the soft cover wall work is relatively simple, if the construction insert earlier, due to increased product protection film, the finishing work is greater, such as increased dust removal, nail protection film Nail eye and the treatment of glue marks.
5.5.3 Winter Construction: winter construction should be carried out under the conditions of heating, indoor operating temperature should not be less than 5 ℃, pay attention to fire prevention work. well closed doors and windows of the gap, and a person responsible for temperature, moisture, ventilation, prevent cold into the cold finished products.
6 should pay attention to the quality of the problem:
6.1 surface layer material color is different: Mainly is the material quality is poorer, the construction did not carry on the test to spell and conscientiously selects.
6.2 line angle is not straight, stitch grid is not straight, not straight: the main construction is not seriously in accordance with the size of the drawings, check the actual size of the construction structure, and sub-block is not fine ball wire, pull the line is not straight and hanging line correction check out And other causes.
6.3 surface layer of dirty, strabismus with glue marks: the main reason is manifold, one caused by the operation process; the second is the operator must have a clean construction site and construction methods to develop good habits; third is to strengthen the protection of finished products Management and education; Fourth, before the completion of the top-down to carry out a thorough and thorough cleaning.
7 Product Protection:
7.1 should be promptly wipe clean the residual surface in the decorative surface of the dirt, such as fingerprints, dust, water and other debris, should paste the protective film to prevent pollution and corrosion.
7.2 conscientiously implement a reasonable order of construction, a small number of types of work (water, electricity, ventilation, equipment installation, etc.) should be done in front to prevent damage to the surface.
7.3 When finished, the corners of the easy-to-break parts should be protected by the nail angle, and other types of work shall not scratch or contaminate the surface.
7.4 Completed parts should be located in the custody of the person, in case of endanger the behavior of finished products should be immediately stopped, and dealt with severely.
8 Quality acceptance criteria:
8.1 Division of inspection and approval:
The same variety of paper or soft package project every 50 (large rooms and corridors according to the construction area of ​​30 square meters for a) should be divided into an inspection lot, less than 50 should also be divided into an inspection lot.
8.2 Check the quantity should meet the following requirements:
Biaohu works each inspection batch should be at least 10% checks, and not less than 3, less than 3 should be fully checked.
Soft bag project Each inspection lot should be checked at least 20%, and not less than 6, less than 6 should be fully checked.
8.3 Wallpaper project
8.3.1 Master project Wallpapers, wall covering types, specifications, designs, colors and combustion performance levels must meet the design requirements and the relevant provisions of the existing national standards.
Inspection methods: observation; inspection product certification, acceptance record and performance inspection report. The quality of the primary treatment shall be in accordance with the requirements of this Code.
Inspection methods: observation; hand touch inspection; check the construction record. After the paper pieces should be horizontal and vertical splicing, splicing at the pattern, the pattern should be consistent, not from the seam, do not overlap, not significant Patch.
Inspection methods: observation; patchwork inspection distance of 1.5m at the wall face. wallpaper, wall covering should be firmly affixed, no leakage paste, subsidies, delamination, hollowing and Alice edge.
Inspection methods: observation; hand touch inspection.
8.3.2 General items wallpaper wallpaper, wall covering surface should be smooth, the color should be consistent, not corrugated undulations, bubbles, cracks, wrinkles and spot stains, strabismus should be no glue marks.
Inspection methods: observation; hand touch inspection. Composite embossed wallpaper indentation and foam wallpaper should be no damage to the foam layer.
Inspection method: observation. wallpapers, wall cloth and a variety of decorative lines, equipment, wire box should be hand over closely.
Inspection method: observation. wallpaper, wallpaper edge should be straight and tidy, no paper hair, flying stab.
Inspection method: observation. Wallpaper, wall cloth at the corners of the lap should be straight and smooth, the sun should be no seams.
Inspection method: observation.
8.4 Flexible project acceptance
8.4.1 Master project
8.8.1 The material, color, pattern, burning performance grade and moisture content of the lumber, lining material and frame shall conform to the design requirements and the relevant provisions of the national current standards.
Inspection methods: observation; inspection of product certification, acceptance records and performance inspection report.
8.8.2 The installation location and construction practices of the flexible package project shall comply with the design requirements.
Inspection methods: observation; scale inspection; check the construction record.
8.8.3 soft package project keel, liner, frame should be installed firmly, without warping, patchwork should be straight.
Inspection method: observation; hand pull inspection.
8.8.4 single soft fabric should not be seams, should be closely around the pressure tight.
Inspection method: observation: hand touch inspection.
8.9 Soft bag project acceptance general project
8.9.1 soft package surface should be smooth, clean, no rugged and wrinkled; pattern should be clear, no color, the overall coordination of beauty.
Test method: observation
8.9.2 soft package border should be smooth, straight, joint anastomosis. Its surface finish quality shall comply with the relevant provisions of this specification.
Inspection methods: observation; hand touch inspection.
8.9.3 Clear finish The color and grain of the wooden frame shall be consistent.
Test method: observation.
8.9.4 Permissible deviations and test methods for installation of flexible packages shall be in accordance with Table 7-1.
Table 7-1 Tolerances and test methods for installation of flexible packages
Line Items Tolerance (mm) Test Method
1 Verticality 3 (mm) Check with 1 m vertical scale
2 Border width, height 0; -2 Check with the ruler
3 Diagonal length difference 3 Check with the ruler
4 cut, the level of seam line difference 1 with a steel ruler and feeler check
9 Safety measures:
9.1 The use of high stool, staircase ladder does not allow the use of high, should be tied with linen cloth or cushion tape, and add rope to prevent slippery.
9.2 erection of scaffold board, shall not be placed on the highest stool staircase stalls. Board at both ends of the lap length of not less than 20cm, no probe board. In a scaffolding board may not stand two people at the same time operation. Scaffolding board is not allowed to ride in the doors and windows, radiators and water heating riser.
9.3 in the ultra-high wall paper, the layer of wood to be solid, and set the fence and so on.
9.4 operating on the shelf, thinking to concentrate, not laughing slapstick, to prevent accidents.
9.5 cut with a knife wallpaper, wall, pay attention to operation, to prevent the knife cut hand injury.
9.6 operators to seriously understand the security technology to the end, in the post time, always pay attention to safety.

Three - step method for distinguishing green paint

Environmental protection paint how to distinguish it? Experts said that the current building materials market, environmentally friendly paint and poor coexistence of paint, it is recommended that consumers buy the best brand stores. At the same time, the experts also introduced how to distinguish the environmental protection paint "three steps".

     First, environment-friendly paint as the choice of imported raw materials preparation, light paint color white water, crystal clear; translucent matt paint was slightly turbid, no redness, pan-black and precipitation.
     Second, under normal circumstances, environmentally friendly paint smell mild, elegant, pure aroma; inferior paint to open a paint cans, it exudes a strong pungent odor or other unidentified odor. Part of the current low-grade paint also has a flavor, but as poor as the perfume, the smell is useless.

     Third, the purchase should be carefully asked the price of paint, environmental safety, quality, commitment, service commitments, and access to the corresponding new national standard inspection report, benzene-free certificates and ISO9001 certificates, environmental protection paint with GB test report and the corresponding certificate.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Wall cabinet, hanging cabinet and fixed furniture installation

Operating instructions ------ closet, hanging cabinet and fixed furniture installation

First, the material requirements
1. Wall cabinet, hanging cabinet wood products processed by the factory or semi-finished products, wood was not more than 12% moisture content. Processing of the box and the fan should approach the model, the quality of verification, the need for product certification.
2. Other materials: preservatives, plugs, wood screws, handles, locks, touch beads, hinges according to design requirements of the species, specifications ready.
Second, the main equipment
Electric welding machine
2. Large planer, two shaver, small plane, cut planer, wood saw, ax, flat shovel, wood drills, tap, screwdriver, steel level ruler, chisel, steel file, steel ruler.

Third, operating conditions
1. Structural engineering and related closet, hanging cabinet structure Siamese has been installed with wall cabinets and hanging cabinet conditions, the level of indoor elevation has been.
2. Wall cabinet frame, the fan in the field after the timely processing of products against the wall, paste, the top surface should be painted anti-corrosion coating, the other side should be painted with a base oil, and then classified code should be flat, the underlying pad level, Ventilation, should not be stored in the open air.
3. Wall cabinet, wall cabinet and fan box, before installation should check whether the channeling angle, Alice, bending, wall crack, if the above defects should be qualified after repair, and then assembled. Hanging cabinet steel skeleton should check specifications, there should be modified deformation after installation.
4. Wall cabinet, hanging cabinet frame installation should be carried out before the plaster; fan installation should be carried out after plastering.

Fourth, the operation process
1. Process flow
Finding → Locating the frame → Installation of the wall → Wall cabinet, partition, fulcrum → Wall (hanging)
Hardware installation
2. Line positioning: plaster before the use of indoor uniform elevation line, according to the design and construction plans requirements of the closet, hanging cabinet height and upper and lower mouth height, plaster thickness to consider the relationship to determine the appropriate location.
3. Frame, rack installation: wall cabinet, hanging cabinet frame and frame should be carried out before the indoor plastering, installed in the correct position, the two sides of each fixed frame nail 2 nails and wall wood nails nail, nails Cap shall not be exposed. If the partition wall is aerated concrete or light partition wall, the structure should be fixed according to the design requirements. If the design does not require pre-drilling Φ5mm hole, deep 70-100mm, and pre-embedded in the hole in the wooden wedge
Sticky 107 glue slurry, into the hole after the bond firmly fixed cabinet installation.
The use of steel cabinets, the need to install the location of the fixed hole fixed iron frame, the welding of solid pieces of the box.
In the frame, frame fixed, should be corrected, set square, hanging straight, check the elevation, size, location and then correct the accuracy.
4. Wall cabinet partition fulcrum installation: according to the construction map partition height position and the requirements of the fulcrum structure to install the partition support point (frame). The wooden fulcrum of the fulcrum, the general is the fulcrum of wood nails in the wall of wood, the concrete partition is generally iron-shaped iron or set angle bracket.
5. Wall (hanging) cabinet fan installation:
1) According to the installation position of the fan to determine the hardware model, the direction of the opening fan cut mouth, the general direction should be to open the right fan for the mouth fan.
2) check the size of the frame: the height of the frame should be on both ends of the mouth; frame width, should be on both sides of the frame, the next three points, and the corresponding part of the fan designated dash.
3) According to the crossed line for the first frame frame repair, so that box, fan left suture appropriate, test equipment and plan a second repair line, and draw the box, fan hinge slot position, pay attention to avoid the crossed Up and down the head.
4) shovel, tick hinge slot installation Hinge: According to the standard hinge position, with a flat shovel chisel out the hinge edge, you can tick the page slot.
5) Installation: The hinge should be pressed into the hinge of the fan first, then screw the fixing screw properly, and then fix the depth of the hinge slot, and adjust the gap of the frame fan. First screw a screw, and then close, check the box and the fan formation, no defects, meet the requirements of all the screws on the tighten.
Wood screws should be nailed into the full length of 1/3, screwed into 2/3, such as box, fan for the yellow Ying or other hardwood, the hinge mounting screws should be designated drill hole diameter of wood screws 0.9 times the diameter, eye depth 2/3 of the length of the screw.
6) Installation of the fan: first box, fan size and good, to determine the middle of the mouth of the seam, cut the depth of the mouth, after the planing slot, try to install the right time, first installed left fan.
6. Hardware installation: hardware varieties, specifications, the number required by the installation, installation, attention to the location of choice, no specific size operation according to the technical description of the end, the general model should be installed after confirmation of large area installation.

Second, quality standards
According to GB-50210-2001 Article 12.2.1 to 12.2.10 of the standard implementation.
1. Guarantee the project
1) box, fan varieties, models, installation benefits must meet the design requirements.
2) box, fan must be installed firmly, the fixed point to meet the design requirements and construction specifications.
2. Basic items
1) frame, fan cut straight mouth, planing surface smooth, flexible installation switch, no rebound and inverted Alice.
2) Hardware installation location appropriate, groove deep consistent, neat edge, the size is accurate. Hardware specifications to meet the requirements, the number of complete, wood screws tighten the level, the plug open flexible plug.
3) Cover the mouth of the box, pressure seam blanking the same size.
3. Allow the deviation items as follows:
Wall cabinet, hanging cabinet installation allowable deviation
Line item allowable deviation
Test method for width of stay seam (mm)
1 box is the side of the verticality 3 with 1m care board inspection
2 Diagonal line 2 Check the size of the box
3 box and fan, fan and fan contact height difference 2 with ruler and feeler check
4 box and fan, fan-to-mouth gap between the width of 1.5-2.5 with a feeler to check
Third, product protection
Wood products approach a timely brush oil, relying on the wall should be treated with brush preservatives; steel products should brush antirust paint, storage storage.
2. Installation of closet, hanging cabinet, is strictly prohibited collision plaster and other decorative surface of the mouth, to prevent damage to the finished surface layer.
3. Install a good wallboard partitions, not demolition move to protect the integrity of the product.

Fourth, should pay attention to quality problems
1. plaster surface and frame uneven, resulting in paste the face plate, pressure seam uneven: mainly due to the box is not vertical, surface layer flatness inconsistent or plaster surface is not vertical.
2. The cabinet is not firmly installed: embedded wood brick installation touch activities, fixed point less fixed with a nail, to the number of enough, wood bury buried solid.
3. Hinge uneven, loose screws, nuts are not straight, missing screws: The main reason, hinge groove depth varies, the installation screw into too long. Screw into the length of the operation 1/3, screw into the depth should be 2/3, shall not tilt.
4 cabinet frame and the hole size error is too large, resulting in the border and the side wall, the gap between the top and the frame is too large, pay attention to the size of the structure of construction holes, strict inspection to ensure the hole size.

Back bolt connection granite curtain wall

Back bolt connection granite curtain wall

one. Overview
    With the back bolt point to connect the granite curtain wall for building exterior granite construction is the construction of the exterior surface of a major breakthrough in construction technology, it opened a stone curtain wall construction technology to avoid a new era. So that the stone curtain wall has a broad field of use, that any building, any height, any part of any form of structure can be used to connect the granite back bolt point curtain wall. Back bolt The back bolt connecting the granite curtain wall is only used as the fastener of the stone plate and the connecting piece, so that the connecting piece can be designed flexibly according to the need, and the steel pin, short groove type, ) And the beam (column) connection, and stone and the connection, its use of parts and methods with very limited, back bolt connection method for the stone curtain wall and glass (metal) curtain wall combination to create a combination of curtain wall conditions, In the same column on the left to install the glass curtain wall, the right to install stone walls, in the same beam, can be installed above the glass curtain wall, below the installation of stone walls.
   Back bolt point granite curtain wall has been connected for more than 20 years of history, China in the nineteen twentieth century began to use. Built in 1998, the Bank of China Tower (Pudong International Finance Tower) is a high-rise building with 235m height and 139m below. The granite curtain wall is covered with a back-bolt connection. The surface of the main structure is covered with 15000m2 granite curtain wall. (H × B) 2.05m × 0.3m, the highest point of the granite curtain wall is 139m. The size of granite is (H × B) 2.05m × 0.3m, and the highest point of granite curtain wall is 139m. In 1999, the cross-point connection of granite curtain wall was up to 196m. There are still many projects in China which use the back bolt to connect the granite curtain wall. The total amount is more than 1 million m2.
 "Practice is the sole criterion for testing the truth." In the construction of these walls, in addition to the usual wind pressure deformation, air infiltration, rain water leakage of the three physical properties of testing, but also on the back bolt and back bolt anchor stone connection parts (8500h) static load shear, tensile test, back bolt anchoring fatigue test, as well as the back bolt connection granite curtain wall of the back bolt test, the back bolt bolt anchor test, Seismic performance of shaking table test, accumulated a large number of test parameters, proved that the back bolt point granite curtain wall has a high reliability, and to find out the direction of local structural improvement. This is discussed in detail below:
    1. Back bolt bolt tensile test. According to the survey data, the material of back bolt is similar to that of A2-70 stainless steel bolt, its ultimate tensile strength is close to 700N / mm2, non-proportional elongation stress is greater than 480N / mm2, a φ12mm (φ8mm, φ6mm) The area of ​​84.3mm2 (36.6mm2, 20.1mm2), the ultimate tensile strength of 59KN (25.6KN, 14KN) is back bolt anchor stone pulling force of 2.5 times to 10 times, that back bolt bolt will only be Stone punching damage, so as long as the selection of the steel bolt on the back bolt on the line.
Tensile pull test on the back bolt of the test results of mathematical statistics, should be GB50068 Article 5.0.3 provisions to take fk = μf-1.645σf, bolt bolt tensile strength design value according to GB50017 desirable ftb = fub / 2.174, shear strength The design value fvb = fub / 2.857.
Now some manufacturers to provide the parameters, take fk = uf-2.57σf. And tensile material sub-coefficient of 1.8, and the shear coefficient of 3.2 and GB50068 and GB50017 inconsistent, GB50068 Article 1.0.3 provides: "to develop the structure Load specifications and steel structure design specifications, such as ----- should comply with the provisions of this specification. My personal opinion or by GB50068 implementation.
2. Anchor bearing resistance to pull-carrying capacity test,
From the test situation to see the back bolt and stone anchor all the stone punching damage, damage to the state of stone taper damage, the impact of damage factors are back bolt diameter, back bolt bolt depth, the strength of the stone itself, in which the most direct impact of anchor depth, And when the anchor depth is equal to less than 12mm, the carrying capacity of the disruption of the larger, the regression statistics, anti-tensile load-bearing capacity of the anchor by the depth of 1.5 index growth, the substrate strength against the load carrying capacity of 0.5 growth index, 6mm back Bearing capacity of 4.5KN ~ 8KN, φ8mm back bolt anti-drawing bearing capacity of 5KN ~ 10KN, φ12mm back bolt anti-pull carrying capacity of 6KN ~ 12KN.
Above the standard value of the carrying capacity, the test results will pull out the mathematical statistics, the average minus 1.645 times the standard deviation, the anchor depth ≤ 12mm larger discrepancies, the standard deviation is also large, according to fK = μf-1.645σf The discretization has been taken into account and no further reduction of the coefficient is necessary. Its design value fTV = fK / 2.143 / 2. The bending strength of the stone can be calculated by the engineering stress method only when the stone is subjected to compression (bending) test:
Τ = P / [π * h / cosα * (D + h * tanα)] ≦ fT
3, anchor long-term static load test
(8500H). The tests are divided into long-term static load test and pull-out test. The results show that the tensile strength of the back anchor is different from that of the anchor. , Shear test refers to the bolt in the load under the shear load by 8500H, the tensile test specimen to do the ultimate pullout test and the long-term load test specimens for comparison, the test results show good shear resistance, No damage or displacement was observed in the long-term pull-out test, except that the assembly gap displacement (≤0.3mm) was not observed during the initial loading period.
Indicating that the connection between the back bolt and the stone is very reliable even under long-term external load.
4, the anchor load of the anchor fatigue test, that is repeated fatigue test load.
In the positive pressure 3 million + negative pressure 3 million times the reciprocating dynamic load fatigue resistance test, with nylon plastic sleeve back bolt in the bolt and the hole between the three-way isolation effect of shock isolation, under impact The single-section back bolt can not be damaged or moved obviously due to the back bolt's own activities and the pressure and pull action of the reciprocating motive force in the multi-million times strong reciprocating dynamic load fatigue test. , The worst in the 126 negative pressure damage, it can be seen with the best back bolt nylon sleeve, and the use of double-cross-section of the back bolt and stone to be the first fastening.
5, seismic testing
China Academy of Building Research, China Academy of Water Sciences for a number of stone curtain wall seismic performance shaking table test. Test results show that the earthquake acceleration 0.6g or less (equivalent to the intensity of 9.7 degrees) when everything is normal, South China Institute of Urban Earthquake Center test found in 0.6g when the back bolt has loosening signs, 0.8g (equivalent to 10 degrees) curtain wall Hook is out of the beam may be analyzed by the main bolt hole is not required by the processing requirements, the use of single-sided non-nylon mattress back bolt, curtain wall components hook and beam lap less than 6mm. Other tests used a double-face nylon bolt with a back bolt, curtain wall unit component hook and beam lap height greater than 10mm, even at 0.9g (equivalent to 10.2 degrees of intensity), the inter-layer displacement of 1/54, the back The connection between granite curtain walls remains intact, and the anti-pull ability of stone bolts and stone anchors in the specimens subjected to seismic tests is almost the same as that of the specimens without earthquake resistance test.
It can be seen from the above test, back bolt type granite curtain wall connection in the specification of the use of the range (6-8 degrees area), can be used without nylon plastic sleeve single-sided back bolt, when used for 9 degrees And 9 degrees above the intensity of the area, should be used with nylon plastic sleeve sets of double-section back bolt. The height of the lap joint between the curtain wall component and the beam should not be less than 10mm.

Second, design and calculation
1, structural design
First of all, to establish a concept: the back bolt is a fastener, which stone and stone curtain wall components in the link together, it is
In the freely removable fastener, the connecting member may be designed as desired in accordance with the construction requirements of the glass (metal) curtain wall in each curtain wall which is combined with the stone curtain wall. For example, and extrapolation hidden curtain wall (small unit curtain wall) can be used in combination with the plug-in matching connector, with the back bolt to the stone fixed on the extrapolation of the box.
    Stone and connecting pieces of connection, depending on stone size and construction requirements can be used a back bolt, two back bolt, four back bolt and so on.
   When using a back bolt, the hole should generally be located in the center of the board, the hole to the edge of the board is not greater than 300mm, plates and connectors should also use 4 nylon bolts to withstand the inside of the board to keep the board stable.
   When using two back bolts, the hole in the top edge of the board to the distance of not more than 400mm, to the side is not greater than 300mm, both sides of the back bolt with nylon bolts to withstand the inside of the plate to keep the plate stable.
   When using four bolts, the hole in the board edge distance of not more than 250mm.
   Back bolt and hole construction requirements are as follows:
                                                                Table 1
      Type Drilling diameter Anchor depth Connection bolt Maximum anchorage thickness Bottom hole diameter Minimum plate thickness
FZP 11 × 12M6 / 3A4 11 12 M6 3 13.5 20
FZP11 x 12M6 / 9A4 11 12 M6 9 13.5 20
FZP 11 × 15M6 / 6A4 11 15 M6 6 13.5 28
FZP 13 × 15M8 / 4A4 13 15 M8 4 15.5 28
FZP 13 × 15M8 / 25A4 13 15 M8 25 15.5 35
FZP13 × 20M8 / 10A4 13 20 M8 10 15.5 35
FZP13 × 21M8w / 5A4 13 21 M8 5 15.5 35
FZP13 × 21M8w / 20A4 13 21 M8 20 15.5 35
FZP 11 × 19M6 / 6kt / 3AL 11 10 ~ 14 M6 3 13.5 20
FZP 11 × 21M6 / 6kt / 4AL 11 12 ~ 16 M6 4 13.5 20
FZP13 × 24M6 / 6kt / 3AL 13 15~19 M8 3 15.5 30
FZP 13 × 26M8 / 6kt / 5AL 13 17~21 M8 5 15.5 34
FZP 11 × 21M6 / ES / 4AL 11 12 to 16 M6 4 13.5 20
FZP 13 × 24M8 / ES / 4AL 13 15~19 M8 4 15.5 30
   Back bolt and stone anchor parts of the construction quality is an important part of the limit (tolerance) with the determination and testing requirements hole deviation
± 0.5mm, hole deviation ± 0.5mm, hole distance and hole deviation of not more than ± 1.0mm, aperture (φ6 ~ 8mm) +0.4 mm, -0.2mm,
Hole depth + 0.4mm, -0.1mm, the bottom hole diameter of ± 0.3mm.
2. Design calculations
A. One plate with a back bolt
      P = qA
     (0.64 L / t) +1.062] ≤ fT or σ = (P / t2) * [0.5563Ln (0.64L / t)
     U = C x (P x L2 / E x t3)
                                   Table 2
LX / LY (LY / LX) C
1.0 0.1265
1.1 0.1381
1.2 0.1478
1.4 0.1621
1.6 0.1714
1.8 0.1769
2.0 0.1803
3.0 0.184
∞ 0.1849
           Τ = P / [π * h / cosα * (D + h * tanα)]
       Where: L - LX, Ly the smaller (mm); t - thickness (mm);
              D - anchor hole diameter (mm); h - anchor hole depth (mm).
B. One plate is anchored with two back bolts, which can be simplified as simply supported plates with cantilever at both ends
           MA = MB = -qa2 / 2
            R = qL / 2
           Mφ = qL2 / 8 × 1 - 4 × a / L 2 -
           (A / L) 2 + 3 (a / L) 3] uC = uD = qaL2 / 24EI [
           Uφ = qL4 / 384EI [5-24 (a / L) 2]
           Τ = R / [π * h / cosα * (D + h * tanα)]
C. One plate is anchored with four back bolts and is calculated as a quadrangular support plate
          Σ = 6mqL2 / t2
          Where: L - LX, Ly in the larger;
                  M - bending moment coefficient.
          Τ = (qa / 4 * 1.25) / [π * h / cosα * (D + h * tanα)]
                         Table 3 Bending moment coefficient table
LX / LY m
           0.50 0.1304
0.55 0.1320
0.60 0.1339
0.65 0.1361
0.70 0.1384
0.80 0.1435
0.85 0.1464
0.90 0.1494
0.95 0.1526
1.00 0.1559
              Table 4 Natural granite slab strength classification table N / mm2 t
Grade strength Standard value Design value of flexural strength fr Shear strength design value ftv Elastic modulus

Package light package and package that cost-effective

Bao Gong Bao material is the purchase of decorative materials will be commissioned by the decoration company, unified by the other materials and labor costs reported.

Baoqing workers is to buy their own materials, from the workers to construction, decoration fees paid to the construction company or team, the owner of the burden of their own expenses.
House hand, whether it is a package of clean work or contracting package materials, can save money can also be home layout, is the homeowners really care about. A decoration company's professionals Mr. Qi, in the process of consulting the press, lists the advantages and disadvantages of the two methods for the owners reference.

Baoqing workers advantage is spending a transparent, because it is personally purchased, the amount of each material how much money the owner is very clear. Drawback is that users need to spend a lot of energy and time, if the purchase of materials is not timely, easy to delay the duration. The most important is the owner of the quality of decorative materials is difficult to grasp the texture of the material, the use of very little understanding, but because a small number of purchases, often can not buy wholesale prices. Once the quality of the project problems, it is difficult to distinguish the quality of the process, or material quality.
Bao Gong Bao material is the advantage of saving time and effort, can save customers a lot of trouble. Decoration companies often deal with material suppliers, have their own fixed supply channels, the corresponding test means, so very few buy fake and shoddy materials. Decorative materials for the company will be a large number of commonly used to buy, so can get a very low price. On the material supplier is concerned, it will not easily be unqualified decorative materials sold to decorative companies. Because the supplier is very clear, in the current situation of the buyer's market, to keep a fixed large customers is not easy, a little carelessness will lose a customer, it is very business-oriented integrity.
Of course, there are some inexperienced, non-standard decoration company took the opportunity to just a few, with low-quality materials to deceive customers, decorated room "Jinyu, the foul of them", so remind consumers must choose formal, reputable decoration company. In addition, in order to ensure the quality of decoration, it is best to find professional supervision supervisors, laying pipelines and other hidden works, but also their own acceptance and then allowed to seal.
After this comparison, the owner can according to their own situation to choose their own decoration.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The Basic Knowledge of

The Basic Knowledge of

Eight house Feng Shui is the study of the relationship between hexagrams and bearing position, which Kyrgyzstan retain, fierce changes, to protect the family level auspicious
    1 - eight house feng shui: respectively, the southeast and northwest corner angle.
    Some of these directions are very auspicious, and some unlucky. Need to study the individual life diagram dependent.
    2 - eight house there are eight kinds of images from the north clockwise as follows: Keng Shan Zhen Xun from Kun against dry
    3 - home to determine the image of the house: facing the door, then the direction is the "direction", and to the opposite direction is the seat
    (1) Block East of the house is a shock house, the door to the west.
    (2) Block South of the house is from the house, the door north.
    (3) other similar reason ......
    4 - Ming Gua and home Gua whether the match
    (1) know the house diagram, but also need to know their own life Gua and home Gua whether
    (2) the calculation of a person's life diagram, must be "acquired Luo book" (see the home page map) talking about
    (Six in the middle); the other six; the first seven;
    5 - life hexagram formula
    Male Life: 100 - Year of Birth / 9
    Female life: birth - 4/9
    The remainder as a hexagram, if there is no residue, then the number as 9
    For example: 1940 born female 40-4 / 9 quotient of four, the remainder as 9,9 for the departure, so Gua for divorced
    6 - headed by the main hexagram
    7 - East four house and West four house
    East four lives in East four house, West four lives in West four house
    Choose a residential approach to the environmental landscape
1 - wind should not be large: especially the wind, such as very strong, not election; but if the wind too slow, poor air circulation, but also by no means the benefit should be breeze slowly, breeze warm!
    2 - sunny enough: If the lack of sunshine in the room, often chi is too heavy, will lead to restless home (the sun can adjust the mood, and improve the oxygen content, plasma and more, we think about the plasma generator to understand)
    3 - Center should not be contaminated: the central part of the toilet should not be done, even in the rear half of the center and the door into a straight line, will lead to loss of wealth!
    4 - street should not be straight: straight into the inevitable inevitable, if the home bear the brunt, very big disaster, such as the door on the emergency rushing over the road, a car accident will be more from the psychological point of view is also afraid of committing!
    5 - terrain should be flat: flat must be stable, more dangerous slope, especially on the first floor!
    6 - Street should not be anti-bow: Yang Zhai ten book records "often occur in casualties, fire, ills embolism
    7 - avoid natural moat evil: According to the principle of airflow, will cause the magnetic field, the distribution of ultra-fine ion changes! Long-term will affect the human body information
    8 - on the chimney should not: single from the health point of view is enough annoying
    9 - Yamen Temple should not be: murderous heavy, every day to see people who do not want to see! I think your emotional state will not be good!
    (Such as chimneys: chimney-intensive areas are unsuitable for hygienic reasons)
    Floor selection: This method does not use hexagram, and the Lunar New Year with the birth year property
    Pigs for the water tiger rabbit for the wood snake horse for the fire monkey chicken for the golden dog cattle dragon sheep for the soil
    Looking for their own five-sentence with each other's buildings, such as: water life to find the floor is a golden water floor
    The sixth floor is water. The mantissa is one. Such as: 11,21,31 ....
    The seventh floor is a fire. The mantissa is two. Such as: 12,22,32 ....
    The eighth floor is a wood. .
    Fourth floor is a gold. .
    5. The tenth floor belongs to the earth. .
Feng shui foyer
    Residential door feng shui
    Modern buildings, according to the minds of architects, and interpersonal rampage, and some people even only primary school culture, forming a large number of bad buildings
    "Eight Mansion Mirror" There goes: "Two door to scold the door, the main two do not and" ____ door washed evil, this is one of the reasons for the neighbor more and more light.
    A total of four categories:
    Door to others door: for a little trivial, will be noisy!
    The door to the toilet door: mainly for urinary system diseases
    The door to the kitchen door: the main car accident, Xueguangzhizhan and so on
    The door to the door: the main work is easy to provoke wrong, get along is not harmonious!
    Between the two buildings have a very wide road, do not belong to the door Chongsha!
    Feng shui door
    "The door, the mouth is also. The mouth of the gas is, easy to Shun Na gas, Lee figures out"
    Housing open the door into four categories:
    Open the Suzaku Gate (South) Green Dragon Gate (left) White Tiger Gate (right) Xuanwumen (North)
    1 - Suzaku door: the front should be a pool or flat
    2 - Green Dragon Gate: in front of a street or corridor, the right road length (water), the left road short (to the water).
    This is the Dragon Gate to receive gas
    3 - White Tiger Gate: in front of a street or corridor, the right road short (to the water), the left road length (water).
    This is the infiltration, the pressure is bound to the strong penetration of the weak, which is this is the principle of physics .......
    Place the screen, can change the orientation of the door.
    Living Room Feng Shui
    Into a house, the first contact is the living room. Modern feng shui that the living room buffer. Bound. Concentration
    Lead role.
    In addition to pay attention to practical and aesthetic design, the need to pay attention to color and light and shade
    Against the bright and appropriate living room, white tone can not exceed 75% of the total area, otherwise the family by the women in power, men have crisis
    Gen house living room should not be too spacious, with white. Kumar. Coffee as well.
    Away from the house of the living room should not stay too much useless space, or should recruit fire and lawsuit.
    Hom house of the living room application quiet quiet color, not too bright, otherwise the money negative.

U - type light steel keel board gypsum board ceiling practices

U - type light steel keel board gypsum board ceiling practices

First, the construction practices and materials
1, the construction practices
There are two structures of the ceiling keel, medium and small keel close to the large keel, bottom hanging (that is not in the same horizontal plane) said double structure; large and medium keel at the same level, or no large keel directly linked to the keel Single layer structure. The latter only for light ceiling.
2, materials
(1) plaster board. Gypsum plaster board is the construction of gypsum (CaSO4.1 / 2H2O) as the main raw material, mixed with appropriate special features of the fiber and admixture of core material, and with a special combination of solid tissue sheet.
Gypsum board characteristics, varieties, specifications, see "light steel keel gypsum plaque wall." It must be emphasized that the thickness of the ceiling plaster board is 9 mm.
(2) caulking putty and seam band. Light steel keel gypsum board ceiling used caulking putty and seam with the "light steel keel gypsum board partition."
(3) light steel keel. Ceiling light steel keel by the carrying capacity of sub-human keel and not on the human keel. By the use of points have a large keel, the keel, keel. According to the series of UC38, UC50, UC60 three series, the three series followed by light, medium and heavy keel.
Light series can not afford the Master load.
Medium-sized series can withstand occasional Master load, can be laid on its simple inspection road.
Heavy series can withstand the Master 80KG concentrated load on the laying of permanent inspection on the road, there are special requirements of the road, such as the frequency of frequent or heavy load, you need to hang on the roof of the horse itself, with the ceiling system separate.
Second, the installation process
1, operating conditions
Light steel keel gypsum board ceiling installation of the same operating conditions "wooden ceiling."
2, material preparation
According to the design requirements, select the appropriate U-shaped keel series, and according to the actual plane size of the main pieces and their accessories ready keel.
Cover panel of the species, specifications should meet the design requirements.
3, machine preparation
Light steel keel gypsum board installation and construction of equipment used with the "light steel keel gypsum board partition."
4, operating procedures
Plumb line → fixed boom → installation of the big keel → according to the elevation line to adjust the big keel → big keel at the bottom of the elastic line (cable) → fixed in the small keel → install gypsum plaster board → → plaster board finishes → clean.
5, construction points
(1) According to the design of the ceiling height on the wall line, the level of tolerance ± 5 mm.
(2) boom installation
1) Selection of boom. Generally speaking, light steel keel ceiling suspension can be selected according to the standard map, light steel ceiling diameter 6, medium and heavy selection diameter 8. If the design has special requirements, the load is large, you need to determine the structural design and checking.
2) According to the design or standard drawing to determine the hanging point spacing. Generally not on the ceiling space 1200 ~ 1500 mm, Master ceiling spacing of 900 ~ 1200 mm.
3) fixed ceiling. For the cast-in-situ concrete roof can be embedded in the construction of embedded boom or embedded iron, so that boom and iron welding. In the old buildings or concrete round hole under the plate can be used nail gun hanging point iron (small angle iron) fixed, need to add shim nail. The nail must be secure (if the tail of the nail with a hole, as the case may be iron and the use of iron nails to fix the hole). Or according to the hanging point expansion bolt position.
4) When the boom is installed, the upper end should be welded with the embedded parts, the lower end should be set thread, with a good nut, the end thread exposed not less than 3MM.
(3) keel installation
1) large keel welding method can be welded with the boom. But it is best to use boom and boom connection, tighten the screw firmly. Large keel connection can be connected with a long. Installed after leveling, consider the height of the crown from the ceiling, not less than the room short-span 1/200.
2) in the keel with hanging pieces and large keel fixed. In the keel spacing according to sheet size. When the spacing is greater than 800 mm, the keel should be increased between the small keel, which should be parallel with the keel, and hanging with large keel fixed, the lower surface and the keel at the same level.
3) In the seam joints should be installed in the transverse support, the keel, cross-keel with a flat connection with the small keel fixed.
4) The final installation of profiled roof or curtain box shaped keel or teach aluminum keel.
(4) plaster board and other sheet fixed
1) fixed plaster board can be used directly with self-tapping screw tapping screw gun and keel fixed. Nail head should be embedded in the board surface 0.5 ~ 1 mm. Nail head painted anti-rust paint with putty after leveling, self-tapping screws with 5 * 25 or 5 * 35 Phillips head countersunk head tapping screws.
Gypsum board joints, if it is close, the gypsum board should be left 3 mm slit, putty putty, paste the glass fiber seams. And then putty smooth scraping. If you need to stay slit, usually 10 mm, the slit within the design requirements can brush a paste, can also be concave aluminum pressure seam.
2) Fixed decorative plaster board and other materials, should first board in place, with electric drill (drill diameter slightly smaller than the self-tapping screw diameter) will be drilled through the board and keel, with self-tapping screws. Tapping screw spacing of not more than 200 mm.
(5) light steel keel rounded ceiling construction
1) When the arc surface is small, the arc surface of the smaller ceiling, can be used 26 # galvanized iron bent into the required arc, fixed on the roof of the already covered gypsum board, the brush on the white paint finishes. 0.8 mm aluminum can also be used to do surface finishes.
2) When the arc surface is large, large circular surface of the ceiling, the application of light steel keel to do skeleton, with a plaster board or plywood surface. There are two ways to make a skeleton with a lightweight steel keel.
First, the main keel and additional large keel welded into the skeleton (skeleton production should be determined by calculation or amplification), and then cut the small keel iron mouth, bent into the required curvature. Installation, the first installation of the keel frame, followed by the installation of vertical keel, vertical keel installation should be pulled through the line, so that the straight side and with the arc model side edge inspection to ensure that the arc round. Longitudinal keel with aluminum wire screwed on the additional large keel, curved keel with core pulling aluminum rivets and longitudinal keel connection, arc keel installation also need to model at any time check to round. Gypsum plaster board with the installation of the arc wall.
Second, first enlarge the sample, do arc-shaped table mode, and then "U" -shaped keel cut out the gap, and according to the table mold bending required curvature. The two curved keel on the deduction together on the table die on the Taiwan die with an application of self-tapping screws or core pulling rivets will be two "U" -shaped keel connected into a whole, so made the curved ceiling The main keel. And then along this arc keel span direction equidistant fixed two vertical keel clamped arc keel, and the vertical vertical keel for hanging bars, the entire piece of curved keel fixed along the top keel. Adjacent arc keel spacing is generally 60 mm. Arc keel fixed after the adjacent arc keel between the level of the keel, every other file set "scissors." All frames are connected by self-tapping screws or core pulling rivets.
Third, the quality of assessment
(1) to ensure that the project. The quality inspection and assurance items of wood frame or U-shaped light steel framework cover panel are shown in Table 7-20
Table 7-20 U-type light steel or wood frame cover panel quality assurance project
Content inspection methods
1. Light steel or wood frame and cover panels of the material variety, specifications, and drop-top shape of the basic structure of the fixed method in line with the design requirements of observation, the amount of inspection. Check the keel, cover panel product certificate
2. Light steel frame or wooden skeleton of the keel installation location Shape correct size, solid connection, no loosening, deformation, hanging rods and connectors should be consistent with the requirements of the product portfolio Observation and measurement
3. Cover panel and keel connection firmly. For the production of all kinds of modeling ceiling, plaster board joints should be designed according to the slit treatment, in order to prevent deformation of the sheet moisture, the plate surface should be pre-coated with a layer of waterproof coating observation and measurement
(2) the basic project. The basic items of quality inspection of wood frame U-shaped light steel skeleton cover panel are shown in Table 7-21
Table 7-21 Basic project quality of U-shaped light-weight steel or wood frame cover panel
Content inspection methods
1. Cover panel should be fixed in accordance with the requirements of design and assembly atlas, and keel connection closely, the surface smooth, no pollution, fracture, missing edge off angle, hammer India and other defects, cover panels should be designed before, Uniform, seamless, seams uniform, beautiful, eyes fixed with the same color of putty eyes fill up 2. Gypsum board fixed in the free state should be fixed, not easy to bend, convex drum and other defects. Self-tapping screw head slightly buried in the board, not to make paper damage, nail-eye for rust treatment and smoothing with putty 3. Cover panel should be flat, tight interface with no warping Adhesive, the adhesive type should be used Cover the choice of varieties of panels. Bonded cover panels shall not have delamination; plywood shall not have a plane through the Department, the vertical and horizontal seams straight, the width of the same. Straight flat, tight interface without warping. Observation and pull-line scale inspection
Fourth, the material consumption
(1) U-shaped light steel ceiling slightly solidification installation works.
1) hanging pieces of processing, installation.
2) positioning, bomb line, shoot nails
3) selection of materials, cutting, positioning rod control height, formation, installation keel and cross brace fittings, holes and other reserved.
4) temporary reinforcement, adjustment, correction.
5) light boxes, tuyere edge, keel settings.
6) placeholder, overall adjustment.
7) Install the ceiling cover.