Saturday, February 25, 2017

Concrete and plaster brush latex paint

Work instructions ------ concrete and plaster brush latex paint

First, the material requirements
1. Paint: Design of the latex paint, there should be product certification and the use of instructions.
2. Tie putty materials: talc or flour, gypsum powder, carboxymethyl cellulose, polyvinyl acetate emulsion.
3. Pigments: colored organic or inorganic pigments.
Second, the main machine
Generally should have a high stool, scaffolding, small shovel, cloth, knife, rubber scraper, steel scraper, putty pallets, brooms, kegs, vats, pens, brushes and so on.
Third, the operating conditions
1. Wall should be basically dry, grass-roots moisture content of not more than 10%.
2. Plastering operations all completed, over the wall pipes, holes, yin and yang angle, etc. should be plowing leveling in advance, and fully dry.
3. Door and window glass installation is completed, wet operation of the ground construction is completed, pipeline equipment test pressure is completed.
4. Winter requirements in the heating conditions, the ambient temperature of not less than 5 ℃.
Fourth, the operation process

1. Process:
Clean the wall → repair the wall → scraping putty → brush the first time latex paint → brush the second time latex paint → brush the third time latex paint
2. Clean the wall: the wall from the skin and loose place to clean, and use cement mortar to fill, the residue will be clean, and then sweep the wall.
3. Repair the wall: water gypsum will be the walls of the bumps and potholes, etc. leveling, dry with sandpaper protruding at the place, the dust will be swept clean.
4. Putty putty: scraping putty times can be determined by the degree of flatness of the wall, the general situation for three times, putty weight ratio of latex: talc (or white powder): 2% carboxymethyl cellulose = 1: 5: 3.5 The Kitchen, toilet, bathroom with polyvinyl acetate emulsion: cement: water = 1: 5: 1 water resistant putty. The first pass with a plastic scraper horizontal full scraping, a scraper followed by a scraper, joints may not stay Cha, scraping a scraper finally finished the head to be neat. After drying the matte paper, the floating putty and stains polished, and then clean the wall. The second time with plastic scraper vertical full scraping, the materials used and the method with the first pass putty, dry sandpaper polished and clean. The third time with a rubber scraper to find the putty or scraping with steel scraping putty, the wall scratched scrape, dry with fine sandpaper polished, not missing or putty wear wear.
5. brush the first time latex paint: brushing order is the first brush after the wall brush wall, the wall is the first after the next. First clean the wall, with the cloth to wipe the wall dust. Latex paint with a pen to brush, the use of new row pen, the pen will be on the floating hair and not a rough hair out. Latex paint should be used before mixing evenly, appropriate water dilution, to prevent the first paint on the paint is not open. Dry after the complex putty, and then dry with sandpaper polished, clean and clean.
6. brush the second time latex paint: the operation requirements with the first pass, before the full mixing, if not very thick, not water, to prevent the bottom. After the film is dry, use a small sandpaper to the wall of small lumps and row pen hair polished, polished clean and clean.
7. brush the third time latex paint: practice with the second time latex paint. As the latex paint film drying faster, should be continuous and rapid operation, brushing from a start, gradually brush to the other end, to the upper and lower brush with each other convergence, after a row of pen immediately before the row of pen, to avoid dry after the joints.
Fifth, the quality standards
1. To ensure that the project: material varieties, color should meet the design and selected sample requirements, is strictly prohibited peeling, leakage brush, through the end.
2. Basic items: is the intermediate standard of intermediate paint.
1) through the end, the flow of falling, wrinkled skin: large no side, no small surface no obvious
2) bright and smooth: bright and smooth uniform.
3) decorative line: color line straight, the deviation is not greater than 1mm (pull 5m line inspection, less than 5m pass line inspection).
4) Color brush pattern: the same color, no obvious brush pattern.
Six, finished product protection
1. paint the wall is not dry before the room must not clear the ground, so as not to dust stained walls, paint dry after not close to the wall splashing water, so as not to muddy water stains.
2. Paint wall after the completion of proper protection, not bump damage.
3. When brushing the wall, do not pollute the ground, doors and windows, glass, etc. have been completed.
Seven, should pay attention to the quality of the problem
1. Through the end: the reason is the thin film, so brush paint should not pay attention to the brush, but also should maintain the consistency of paint latex paint, not too much water.
2. Cha Cha obvious: brushing up and down when brushing, after a row of pen immediately before the row of pen, if the interval is slightly longer, it is easy to see the obvious joints, so a large area brushing, should be equipped with foot staff, Interlinked.
3. Brush obvious: paint (latex paint) consistency should be moderate, row pen dipped in the amount of paint should be appropriate, more rational multi-Shun, to prevent brush too large.
4. Dichroic line missing: the construction should be carefully before the fine line, brush the color line to rely on the release ruler, force evenly, ups and downs to light, row pen dipping amount to be appropriate, from left to right brush.
Brush with the color of the paint, the ingredients should be appropriate to ensure that the independent surface with each batch of the same batch of paint, and should be used once to ensure that the same color.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Application to display art in modern interior design

Since modern times, mankind has experienced the process of industrial revolution and the development of industrial production, people with their own wisdom and hands to create a highly developed industrial civilization, people in the material and spiritual great satisfaction at the same time highly developed industrial civilization Is the foundation of the survival of people, people's lives drowned in a huge indifference of the industrialization of large-scale production of artificial environment, reinforced concrete built skyscrapers, monotonous residential group ... ... people began to pay attention to the surrounding environment, The first step is to improve the indoor environment that is closely related to people. To clarify the status and role of furnishings in interior design, and to help the people through the improvement of the indoor environment to dilute and soften the coldness of industrial civilization.
Since the earth has human beings, mankind has begun to constantly add their own will on all things around it, so that it is better, more beautiful for their own services, which is other animals can not match the human furnishings. With the development of the times, furnishings evolve into art and art.

    Indoor furnishings are generally divided into functional furnishings and decorative furnishings.
    Functional furnishings means a certain practical value and both ornamental furnishings, such as furniture, lamps, fabrics, utensils and so on.
    Furniture is the main part of the art of interior furnishings, which first exists in a practical way. With the progress of the times, furniture with a practical function under the premise of its art more and more attention. From the classification and construction of furniture, can be divided into two categories, one is practical furniture, which includes sitting furniture, storage furniture such as bed, sofa, wardrobe and so on. The other is ornamental furniture, including furnishings, screens and so on.
    Lamps and lanterns in the indoor furnishings play the role of lighting, from the type and type of lighting as indoor lighting lamps are mainly ceiling lamps, chandeliers, lights, ceiling lamps, table lamps, etc., it is difficult to imagine the room without light, how people live The
    At present, the fabric has penetrated into all aspects of the indoor environment design, in the modern interior design environment, the use of fabric how much has become an important indicator of the indoor environment, one of the important decorative level. It includes curtains, bedspreads, carpets and other soft materials.
Decorative furnishings are decorated with ornamental ornaments. Such as sculpture, calligraphy and painting, souvenir crafts, plants and so on.
    Decorative plants into the indoor environment not only play the decorative effect, but also to the usual indoor environment to bring a natural atmosphere. Depending on the climate of the north and south and the characteristics of the plant, different plants are placed indoors. Through their possession of space, division, hint, contact, separated to resolve the unfavorable factors.
    Interior furnishings are different from the usual decorative arts, one-sided pursuit of magnificent style and unrestrained pomp; also different from the environmental art, it emphasizes the scientific, technical and academic. Is a study of the internal and external functions of the building and the effectiveness of the arts are the subject of mass science.
Indoor furnishings As one of the four major contents of modern interior design (interior space planning, interior decoration design, indoor physical environment design, interior design), it is of great significance to the success of interior design. Furnishings of the things in the indoor environment, like the park flowers and trees, mountains, stone, creek, curvature, water pavilion is to give the indoor space vitality and spiritual value of the important elements. Indoor space if there is no furnishings will be how boring and lack of vitality. As if only the skeleton is not flesh and blood like the body is not perfect space. Visible indoor furnishings in modern interior space design occupies an important position. At the same time it is the modern interior space design also plays a big role.
The role of interior furnishings in modern interior design is mainly reflected in the following aspects:
    1, contrast the indoor atmosphere, create environmental mood.
    The atmosphere is the overall impression of the internal space environment. Such as cheerful warm festive atmosphere, cordial and relaxed atmosphere, deep and solemn atmosphere, elegant and fresh culture and art atmosphere ... ... and so on.
    And the mood is the internal environment to be embodied in a certain thought and theme. Compared with the atmosphere, the mood is not only being felt, but also to introduce inspiration, is a spiritual world to enjoy. Mood like a person read a good poem, with the author into his pen some kind of mood.
For example, some large buildings entrance hall, hall is hung in front of a large relief, so that the space has a certain cultural and artistic atmosphere, so as to better reflect the building of the difference. Where the embossed belong to the decoration class furnishings, play a modified effect but also contrast the atmosphere.
The top of the Great Hall of the furnishings of the form of furnishings - to five-pointed star lights as the center, surrounded by five-star lighting layout 'stars' makes it easy to think of the leadership of the Party Central Committee 'National People's Solidarity' theme. To express a solemn atmosphere. Bonsai, calligraphy and painting, ancient pottery and traditional style of furniture combined to create a simple and elegant artistic atmosphere. Carpets, curtains and other fabric use of smallpox to bring the open, loneliness to ease, to create a warm atmosphere.
    2. Create secondary space, rich spatial level.
    The space enclosed by the wall, the ground, and the top is called a space, and because of their characteristics, it is difficult to change its shape in general, unless it is converted, but it is a time-consuming, laborious and costly project. And the use of indoor furnishings separated space is the preferred method. We call this variable space in a space defined as a secondary space. In the interior design using furniture, carpets, greening, water and other furnishings to create the second space not only makes the use of space more reasonable, more people can be used to make the interior space more layered. For example, when we design a large space office, not only from the actual situation, reasonable arrangements for seats, but also a reasonable separation of organizational space, so as to achieve different purposes.
The large space office is treated as a whole and at the same time by many individuals. We can use the office tables and chairs and the screen from the organization of some small work unit, in the appropriate place with plant decoration, both rational use of space and rich space.
As the fabric of the carpet can create a symbolic space, also known as 'spontaneous space', in the same room, with or without carpet or carpet texture, color different ground above the space, from the visual and psychological division of the space, formed Areas such as large hotel, a hotel entrance hall, to provide passengers for accommodation, procedures, temporary rest of the place is often divided with the carpet area, separated by a small space for people to rest, the guests, and laying the carpet floor, Often as a space for circulation and greening. The luxurious presidential rooms are often covered with carpeted floors, in the guest environment area covered with exquisite hand-woven carpets, in addition to play a role in the division of space, but also the formation of indoor focus, or become an important indoor space.
    3. Strengthen and give spatial meaning.
    The general interior space should be comfortable and beautiful effect, and have special requirements of the space should have a certain connotation, such as commemorative building interior space,
Traditional architectural space, etc., such as Chongqing Sino-US cooperation exhibition hall martyrs cemetery underground hall, the hall was round, the surrounding wall is depicting martyrs tortured and heroic not
Qu in the large mural, the central hall at the top of a circular skylight, light vent down, according to a long hanging in the handcuffs on the shackles, so that the heart of the visitors
The shock. Here, handcuffs and shackles to strengthen the profound meaning of space, played a role in the education of future generations.
    4, to strengthen the indoor environment style.
    The history of art is the epitome of the development of human culture, furnishings art reflects the people from ignorance to civilization, from the hair to the modern life of life. In the long historical process, the culture of different periods has given the different contents of the art of furnishings, but also created the artistic art of furnishings.
The interior space has a different style. Such as classical style, modern style, Chinese traditional style, country style, simple and generous style, luxurious and rich style ... ... furnishings of the rational selection of the indoor environment style plays a strengthening role. Because the furnishings themselves modeling, color, pattern, texture have a certain style characteristics, so it will further strengthen the style of the indoor environment.
Classical style is usually decorated gorgeous, thick and heavy color, furniture, complex style, high-grade materials, exquisite workmanship. Some are named after the times, such as the Louis era or the Victorian era. In China, the general use of some of Europe's obvious interior design style, as we develop the rational principle. For example, the ancient Greek, Roman column, the image of space decoration and processing techniques and other architectural and indoor language symbols are newly used together. In the interior decoration in the European style. Such as the European-style pillars, the fireplace has become part of the interior,
And in the furnishings placed in a large number of imitation of European furniture, Italian furniture has become a high-paying consumer layer of choice. In the wall mosaic of different oil paintings and so on.
Modern style is closer to the people. In the new era, as to meet the needs of people's artistic furnishings, people must meet the psychological and physiological changes and development needs. To furniture, for example, China's furniture history and furnishings of the history of writing a glorious chapter, a good cultural heritage of the Ming-style furniture, has gradually replaced for the modern combination of furniture, the traditional mahogany furniture was changed to laminated Bend the new craft made of large industrial furniture, in pursuit of style as the main purpose of the armchair was also able to meet people's comfort requirements of the spring sofa replaced. The style of modern furniture is with the development of industrial society and the development of science and technology came into being. Furniture materials meteoric rise, stainless steel, plastic, aluminum and large pieces of glass is widely used. Lines, colors, light and space to start a new dialogue to create a modern atmosphere of the interior space.
People in different social strata, due to material conditions and their own conditions in the choice of furnishings are often very different, thus forming a variety of interior design style.
    5, soften the space, adjust the environmental color.
    The development of modern science and technology, the city of reinforced concrete buildings stands, large glass curtain wall, smooth metal materials ... ... all these constitute a cold, boring space, people can not breathe increasingly, people look forward to the leisurely realm , Strongly seeking personality stretch. So plants, fabrics, furniture and other furnishings of the intervention, no doubt make the space full of soft and vitality, kind and vitality.
People pay more and more attention to 'people-oriented' design. Focus on combining with nature. Plants are part of nature and are used in large quantities in interior space. Indoor greening can not only improve the indoor environment, climate, but also designers used to soften the space, add a means of space fun. For example: a hotel in Guangzhou atrium, furnish a group of 'hometown water' as the theme of the indoor landscape, furnishings in the landscape and Baigezhengliu surging sand surface water and sand surface garden echo echo coordination, indoor and outdoor space environment and In the environment, people's feelings have been pleasant to meet the psychological needs of viewers and users, people linger, leaving a good impression.
The fabric is generally soft, comfortable, easy to produce a warm feeling, make people close. Natural fiber cotton, wool, linen, silk and other fabrics from the natural, easy to create rich in the 'human' natural space. So as to ease the indoor space of the hard feeling, play the role of softening space. But also added the color of the interior space.
The color of the indoor environment is the soul of the indoor environment design, the indoor environment color on the indoor space sensitivity, comfort, environmental atmosphere, the use of efficiency, the human psychological and physiological have a great impact. In a fixed environment first broke into our visual senses is the color, and the most infectious is the color. Different colors can cause different psychological feelings, a good color environment is the ideal combination of these feelings. People from the harmony of the color of the beautiful beauty of the reverie, the environment for the situation, greatly beyond the limitations of the room.
    People in the observation of space when the color will naturally look on the large area of ​​color on the furnishings, which is determined by the indoor environment color. Indoor environment color can be divided into background color, the main color, embellishment color three main parts.
(1), background color. Often refers to the indoor interior of the ceiling, walls, doors and windows, flooring and other large areas of architectural facilities. According to the principle of color area, this part of the color should adopt the low color of the quiet color, such as the use of a certain tendency to gray tone subtle color so that it can play its role as the background color.
(2) the main color. Refers to the color of furniture, fabrics and other medium areas that can be moved. In fact, constitute the most important part of the indoor environment, but also constitute the most basic factors of various colors.
  (3) dotted color. Refers to the indoor environment is the most easy to change the small area of ​​color, such as wall, cushions, furnishings. Often using the most prominent strong colors.
    The color of the furnishings exists both as the main color and as a dotted color. Visible indoor environment, a large part of the color determined by the furnishings. Indoor color processing, the general should be the overall control and grasp, that is, indoor space six interface color should be unified coordination, but too much unity will make the space look dull, boring, furnishings use, dotted the space rich color. Furnishings mix and match the shape and rich colors to give indoor vitality, make the environment lively and lively. It should be noted that, in order to enrich the color and choose too much embellishment color, which will make the room look messy. Should be fully considered in the overall environment color coordination under the premise of the appropriate decoration, in order to play the role of finishing touch.
     6, reflecting the national characteristics, cultivate personal sentiments
    The concept of the nation, generally refers to the common geographical environment, lifestyle, language, customs and psychological quality of the community. Therefore, the people of all ethnic groups have the spirit of the nation, character, temperament, quality and aesthetic thinking.
We Chinese people have their own cultural traditions and artistic style, at the same time, the internal characteristics of various ethnic groups and habits, hobbies, etc. are also different. This point in the furnishings should be given enough attention. For example: the Islamic nation, hanged pigs as a decoration pattern; and since the dragon and phoenix descendants of the Han nationality, due to generations of inheritance traditions and customs, a large number of decorative text has dragon and phoenix theme, dragon and phoenix meaning 'lucky'. The traditional Hanzhong, the ancestral wall before the ancestors of the cards, incense burners, candlesticks and so on. Yi will be gourd as their totem worship and display in the room of God on the stage. Famous Tart Temple, located in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the use of hanging a variety of mantle and color silk ceiling, possession of blanket wrapped column to decorate the interior space. On the one hand the building played a protective effect of wind and sand, on the other hand also formed a unique style of the teaching architecture.
Elegant style, beautiful shape, with a certain cultural connotation of the furnishings make people pleasing to the eye, cultivate sentiment, when the furnishings have gone beyond its own aesthetic boundaries and give the interior space to spiritual value. Such as in the study furnish the root carving, Chinese painting, craft modeling, classical books, antique desk bookcases and so on. The furnishings of these furnishings create a cultural atmosphere that allows people to learn for pleasure and further inspire people for their curiosity. In such an environment people will love life more. We can see a lot of art workers in their own indoor space placed both decorative and highly artistic furnishings. Many of these furnishings are designed and made by themselves. In the process of making, they not only played their own specialty, beautified the environment, but also made people learn something that was not in the book to improve people's artistic appreciation, The taste of life.
   The choice and arrangement of furnishings can not only reflect one's professional characteristics, personality hobbies and cultivation, taste, or one of the means of expressing oneself. For example: hunter's hut furnishing skins, bows and arrows, Jinji specimens, etc., shows the owner's career and his brave character.
In short, the range of art is very extensive, extremely rich in content, the form is not rich and colorful. Chen products as an important part of the indoor environment, occupies an important position in the indoor environment, also plays a pivotal role. Recognize the role of furnishings and play a role in space design, will create a rich and colorful human space.