Saturday, November 26, 2016

Construction technology of terrazzo floor

1 scope
This technology is applicable to industrial and civil building ordinary senior terrazzo floor project.
2 construction preparation
2.1 materials and equipment:
2.1.1 cement: white or light colored terrazzo flooring, white cement should be used, and dark terrazzo flooring, use Portland cement and ordinary Portland cement and slag Portland cement, its label should not be smaller than No. 425. With the color of the surface layer should be used with a batch of cement.
2.1.2 mineral pigments: cement paint should be mixed in with light resistance, alkali mineral pigment, acid pigment shall be used. Its incorporation appropriate to the weight of cement 3%~6%, or fixed by the test. Same color plane layer should use the same plants, same batch of paint.
2.1.3 stone tablets: should be adopted hard grinding processing of dolomite and marble, rocks, and stones should be clean and free of debris, its size in addition to the special requirement, suitable for 4~14mm.
2.1.4 glass: flat glass make, 3mm, 10MM (according to the thickness of the surface layer), length depending on block size. copper: l~2mm thick copper plate into 10MM (also according to the thickness of the surface layer), length depends on size, must be straightened before leveling.
2.1.5 sand: sand, 8mm aperture sieve sediment cannot be greater than 3%.
2.1.6 oxalate: bulk, powder, diluted with water before use.
2.1.7 ash and 22nd wire.
2.1.8 main machinery: terrazzo machines, rollers (diameter 200~250mm, CA 600~700mm, concrete or steel), wood trowel, brush, iron-pan, on foot, wheelbarrows, Spades, 5mm aperture dice, oilstone (specifications according to the coarse, medium and fine), rubber pipes, buckets, brooms, brushes, irons, etc.
2.2 operating conditions:
2.2.1 plastering of the ceiling and the wall has been completed and approved, and roof have done waterproofing layer.
2.2.2 install door frame and add protection associated with ground water, pipeline installation, Guan Dong has been blocked through the ground, blocking it.
2.2.3 finished cushion on the ground, grinding stones by the elevation layer thickness (at least 3cm).
2.2.4 sift the stone tablets, clean and free of debris.
3 operational processes
3.1 process:
Primary elevation play line laying screed mortar maintenance

Elastic grid line insert mixing slurry coat of terrazzo mix combine

Pu terrazzo try rolled, flattened mix grinding grinding grinding

Polish oxalic acid cleaning wax Polish
3.1.1 base treatment: clean debris on the concrete base, without oil, dirt. Steels for cold chisel and wire brush to touch slurry on chipping away at the grassroots level scoop NET.
3.1.2 elevations be found playing level: according to +50cm level line on the wall, measure down the terrazzo surface elevation, playing around on the wall, and other elevation of rooms and passages, to be consistent.
3.1.3 screed mortar: wall pops up on the horizon, stepped thickness (about 10~15mm thick), 1:3 cement mortar screed, in order to ensure the smoothness of the screed, plaster cakes (spacing between vertical and horizontal directions, 1.5M), about the size of 8~10cm. mortar after induration of ash cake, in a lime pie with a height of standard, vertical and horizontal bars of the width is 8~10cm. on spraying water on the grass-roots moist, brush with water/cement ratio for 0.4~0.5 slurry, area not too big, with the brush pulp with Pu 1:3 screed mortar and 2m scraper bar to bar for the standard shave, rub wooden trowel flat.
3.1.4 maintenance: easy leveling mortar curing after 24h, compressive strength of up to l.2MPa, can be carried out the next working procedure construction.
3.1.5 elastic frame line: according to the design requirements of the grid size, the General lmxlm. In playing the cross in the middle of the room, calculate around the chrome width, elastic frame line is subject to cross. If the design pattern requirements, according to design requirements should be ejected clear lines.
3.1.6 set points grid article: with small iron wipe child wipe heavy water mud will points grid article fixed live (points grid article Ann in points grid line Shang), wipe into 30 ° eight glyphs (Figure 7-1), height should below points grid strips top 4~6mm, points grid article should straight (Shang flat must consistent), and firm, and joint closely, shall not has gap, as laying surface layer of logo. When you paste cells, cells cross the joints, in order to make the mixture filled full, do not wipe the grout in the intersection from 40~50mm (Figure 7-2).
When using copper should be drilling at the ends of lower 1/3 in advance, through the 22nd, wire, anchored in it took eight corner grout. After the Panel started after 12h water conservation, at least 2D, the room should be closed during this period, prohibit the process.
3.1.7 mixing terrazzo mix (or gravel, slurry): volume ratio of the mixture should be used 1:1.5~1:2.5 (cement: stone tablets) requires accurate mix, mix evenly. colored terrazzo mix, apart from the color stone tablets, also adding alkali-resistant mineral pigments, its admixture for cement 3%~6% weight, normal concrete mix proportion, color and pigment stones and common stones mix prior to construction will have to be determined by laboratory tests. Same color of terrazzo surface should use the same plants, same batch of paint. In front of the mixing should be according to the amount required for the entire ground, cement and the pigments required a uniform blending well and get enough distribution. Not only with a shovel mixing ingredients, also after using sieves, packing bags up and stored in a dry room, avoid moisture. Stone and ordinary stone grains mix evenly, centralized storage for later use. mixture in water before use mix evenly, dispatching about 6cm.
3.1.8 painted cement bonding: screeds with water sprinkler wet painted same color as the surface layer of cement paste with layer, the water/cement ratio should be for 0.4~0.5, brush evenly, can also be added in the cement adhesive, to shop with the brush with mixture, not brush too large to prevent slurry layer dry lead layer hollowing.
3.1.9 laid terrazzo mix: terrazzo surface layer thickness of mixing, in addition to special requirements should be 12~18mm, and shall be determined according to the stone size. Lay will stir the mixture filled with Pu edge, back into the grid box, propelled by iron trowel from the Center to the edge, special attention at the grid on both sides and the angle between the compact smooth, wipe with the speed checks using a ruler. Such as local ground laid too high, part metal trowel should be removed, then around the stone cement slurry squeezed smooth (no bumper scrape scraper). water mixture of several colors cannot be covered, the first shop put on dark, back light, after the solidification of the former, then the latter (because dark colors mixed with mineral pigments, slow strength growth, impact mill).
3.1.10 rolled, flattened: with a roller hydraulic front, first with a touch of iron or wood trowel in the grid width of 10cm range and shoot it gently on both sides (avoid squeezing shift). Rolling hard and evenly (to keep clear off the stick to the drum gravel) from the horizontal rotation in both directions, reach the surface compacting and Grouting stone piece evenly. After stone tablets slightly water slurry, and then iron trowel mortar trowel, compacting, if uneven stone tablets, stone tablets syrup with iron supplementation should be anointed the Pat down, compacting. 24h water conservation.
3.1.11 trial grinding: General conservation days according to the temperature, temperature 2~3D at 20~30 to start the machine, open prematurely grinding stone particles easily loose; too late cause finishing difficulties. So you want to try grinding, is subject to surface not stone tablets.
3.1.12 rough mill: first again with 60~90, rough diamond mill, makes mill stone machine head in ground Shang go cross "8" glyphs, side mill side added water (as mill stone surface layer conservation time too long, can added sand, speed up machine mill speed), at any time cleaning cement pulp, and by feet check flat degrees, until surface mill flat, and mill uniform, points grid article and stone grain all show (corner at with artificial mill into also effect), water cleaning dry, then with more thick of cement pulp (as mixed has pigment of surface layer, Apply the same mixed with pigment mixture ratio of cement paste) rub it again, especially holes in small pores of the surface to fill smooth, shedding stone tablets should be completed. Water conservation 2~3D.
3.1.13 fine grinding: a second time by 90~120 diamond requiring grinding to smooth the surface. Then rinse with clean water, wipe the second cement, small pores to clean tight and meticulous, and conservation 2~3D.
3.1.14 polished: third time with No. 200, diamond grinding, grinding to stone on the surface to show even, perfect stone tablets, is flat and smooth, pore-free.
Ordinary terrazzo surface finishing times shall not be less than three times, senior terrazzo surface layer thickness and finishing times and the stone should be determined according to the design specifications.
3.1.15 oxalic acid scrub: to made waxing Hou significantly of effect, in playing wrong Qian mill stone surface layer to for once amount limits of pickling, General are with oxalic acid for scrub, using Shi, first water added oxalic acid of into about 10% concentration of solution, with broom dipped Hou sprinkled in ground Shang, again with oil stone gently mill a again; mill out cement and the stone grain color, again water flush soft cloth wipe dry. This operation must be carried out until after the completion of the various types, surface shall not be contaminated after pickling.
3.1.16 the wrong finish: wax wrapped in a thin cloth, a thin coating layer on the surface, dry nails with canvas or linen pieces of wood instead of stone, installed on the polishing machine grinding, call again in the same way the second time wax, until smooth and clean, bright, so far.
3.1.17 when winter construction of terrazzo flooring, ambient temperature + 5 ° c above should be maintained.
3.1.18 the terrazzo baseboards: ash: plastering with wall thickness consistent set of square at the corner of yin and Yang, measuring tape, cable, determine the skirting thickness, according to the thickness of the bottom ash Chong tendons, spacing between l~1.5M. Then use dashes to scrape wood trowel into the pockmarked face and hair. stone skirting mix: first the scratch coat wet with water, at the corner of yin and Yang and catchy, looking for a rule on foot on a horizontal line, stuck on foot plate, brush a thin layer of cement paste, followed by mixture, trowel, compacting. Gently brush to brush water twice to cement, to stone surface laitance free. Conservation at room temperature 24h, start artificial grinding.
First time used coarse stone, first vertical ground cross grinding, requires smooth gravel, Yin and Yang, corners rounded, clean the first pass effect of ash and pore filling density and conservation l~2D, and then with a fine oil stone again, using the same method of grinding out a third time, oils light oxalate stones, scrub clean with water. artificial wax: clean light survived two more times.
4 quality criteria
4.1 project:
4.1.1 selected materials: variety, intensity (proportion) and colors, should comply with the design requirements and the provisions of the code.
4.1.2 combination of surface layer and the grass-roots level must be firmly, without hollowing, cracks and other defects.
4.2 Basic project:
4.2.1: General terrazzo: smooth surface, no crack, trachoma and ground lines, dense stone tablets, revealing uniform designs meet the design requirements, the same color, mixed color, firm, clear and straight. Advanced terrazzo: smooth surface, no crack, trachoma and texturing, dense stone tablets, revealing uniform, adjacent color to process color, firm, straight, clear, angular edges founder of yin and Yang.
4.2.2 baseboards: normal terrazzo: consistent, uniform wall thickness, combined with the wall firmly, free local drum, but its length is less than 200mm, and check fan no more than 2. Advanced terrazzo: smooth surface, combined with the wall firmly, wall thickness, it tastes good and straight.
4.2.3 staircase two steps and stairs adjacent to the width and height is less than 10MM, cord corners neat, slip straight.
4.2.4 the ground edge: standard terrazzo: chrome material and dimension shall conform to the design and construction of the norms, neat smooth corners, adjacent to different surface colors do not mix. Advanced terrazzo: correct size, stitching close, adjacent not blending, color line straight, neat and smooth, clear and beautiful corners.
4.2.5 quality of wax: wax spread uniform threadbare, consistent color, thickness, smooth and bright, clear, and clean the surface.
4.3 allowable deviation, as shown in table 7-6.
Terrazzo floor tolerance table 7-6

Tolerance (mm)
Normal high
Surface roughness of 3 2 2m m on foot and wedged feeler Gage check
Baseboard and catchy straight, 3 3 la 5M, less than 5M Latrun engineers check
Sew Geping straight 3 1 5M, less than 5M Latrun engineers check

5 finished product protection
5.1 when laying cement mortar screeds, taken not to touch the bad water, electrical lines and other equipment.
5.2 transport materials to protect well the door frame.
5.3 when grinding terrazzo surface, grinding of cement waste slurry should be cleared in a timely manner may not flow into the drain and drain to prevent jams.
5.4 mill stone set bezel and prevent spatters the walls and ground facilities, important parts and equipment should be covered.
6 quality problems to be noticed
6.1 points broke, revealing clear: mainly because of mosaic is not secure (or below the surface), hydraulic-do not use iron trowel before beating sides, drum roll in the process of being bent or crushed. To prevent this behavior from occurring, prior to rolling stones gently on both sides of it.
6.2 at the junction of four non-grain: the main bond article, heavy slurry should be glued into a 30 ° angle, leading cement 4~6mm, and Grand Junction, bonding paste may not be put to the Swiss head to remain a mixture of pores.
6.3 terrazzo surface layer has hole eye, and pore: terrazzo surface layer machine mill Hou total some hole hole occurred, General are with fill pulp method, that polished Hou with water rushed clean, with more thick of cement pulp (as color mill stone surface Shi, application with color pigment added cement wipe wipe) will hole eye wipe wipe dense, stay hardening Hou polished; General terrazzo surface layer with "II pulp three mill" method, that whole process polished three times wipe pulp two times. If hooking less wipe once, or sweeping with brooms rather wipe or slurry, are easy to cause the surface there is a small hole (due to cleaning the paste hardened polished, easy to wear holes in the mortar).
6.4 stone tablets are not uniform, not to reveal: the main stone specifications well, stone tablets are not cleaned, mixture with screed laying scrape usually buried the stone tablets in the mortar, causing uneven stone tablets and so on.
7 quality records
This standard shall meet the following quality records:
7.1 cement, stone factory certificate.

7.2 stone-surface engineering quality assessment data.

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