Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Decorate completely manual--The second chapter

The second chapter before decorating and preparation
A, how to prepare for decoration
A lot of people in sign the purchase contract is not even begin to think about when I was to buy a house decorate. Indeed, buying a house is, after all, most people's biggest investment in life. So, how to set about preparing to decorate?

1. Determine the date of payment
In general, decorate to one month in advance is preferred. Preparation time is too long, not only it is not necessary, still can let oneself suffer longer, because it pains; Too short, time is too hasty.
2. Plan and raise money
How much does it cost to decorate a house? This is often the owners of. Because prices are different, the grade of the decoration, projects, and decorate time is different, so the problem is difficult to generalize. In general, intermediate decorate accounts for about one over ten to one 5 of the price of the house. A house is 100 m squared, for example, house prices is 50 yuan (old house should be in the market prices of the corresponding new house), so decoration in 50000 ~ 50000 yuan are possible.

3. Handle decorate the role of husband and wife
Decorate, sometimes become husband and wife quarrel a fuse, so have to catch up. For years, found that the family is decorated in has the following several types of husband and wife or family combination:
1) male primary female auxiliary. In decorating, usually the host with his mistress. Such couples in some transaction on the discretion of the host in charge. The hostess is the most typical without saying a word, there are also some supplementary role.
2) she male auxiliary. This kind of husband and wife shall have a variety of situations: the first is a "henpecked", the man basic't reply on housework, always is: "my wife says..." ; The second is the woman degree and knowledge level is relatively high, the man in this knowledge is relatively small, at that time, the man most is relatively silent.
3) the man arranged. In the decoration, the woman basically have not seen. For many reasons, there may be: the woman is pregnant, the situation is not convenient to walk; Man think the woman too sorry everyone, walking doesn't seem willing to let her out, The wife work too busy, or on a business trip, etc.
4) she arranged. The reason in decorate, the man is not likely to have: the husband work too busy, some even are traveling for a long time; His position is very high, is not convenient to publicity.
5). This kind of husband and wife is given priority to, more than the elderly in decorate often noisy turn because of some problems. I met the two couples, a pair of because the mistress insist that feng shui problems, male host is noisy, and becoming a doctor is a fight for a month, engineering can't carry out; The host was too short, the other pair is the size of home of some engineering tend to be our height, so strongly opposed by the mistress of the taller, of course, by this time I'm in favor of the hostess, design should be to average height (1.75 m) to design, so looks coordination.
6) fuchangfusui. This kind of most couples can consult each other, more is given priority to with high degree of family. The man and the woman have considerable knowledge, opinions are more rational.
7) for the wedding. Such is love more to talk about marriage theory to marry phase of the men and women. Most of the situation is similar to class 6, legislate for the problem that decorate, most friendly discussion, then make a decision.
8) parents do. The probability of this kind of case is low. May the owner has not married, house property purchased by parents as a son or daughter.
9) "lone noble" or single-parent families. Only a man or a woman, this kind of circumstance there is no contradiction between the owner.
A comparison, you belong to what type? The author thinks that, husband and wife should consult with each other, respect each other to be good, because the bedroom is the place that the two sides together, but when decorating to give priority to with a party, otherwise not only engineering is difficult to proceed, will cause the waste of time and money.
4. The timing of decorate
Choose decorate time, in addition to the above issue to consider, there are two major considerations:
1) free time. In domestic outfit is the best choices when they are free, if you work has been very busy in decorating a period, but still insisted to decorate, then you had better look for a person you absolutely trustworthy to decorate; Otherwise, you still wait for a moment.
2) the weather factors. A lot of people talk, in - some wet weather can't decorate. In fact, this is no scientific basis. Wet weather for decoration only effect is to paint. If not handled properly, there will be white, moldy phenomenon, properly handled, however, is not a problem.
There's the price of 3). Is because people widespread a when the most appropriate decoration, when not decorate the psychological, causing all the year round, there is always a quarter is the season that decorate. In fact, if you can find decorate company's technology, you decorate in the so-called off-season can save a lot of money instead, because the off-season not only decorate a company to reduce the price, even the material dealers will also reduce the price. The bill, is definitely not a small number.
Second, the introduction to decorate
Here refers to decorate decorate "secondary" (" a decorate "refers to the civil execution by the decoration). Decorate the interior design, engineering, construction, maintenance, maintenance of three most. Here is given priority to with engineering construction, combining with the design to be introduced.
Decorate, formal occasions in the industry generally called decoration engineering, it is a comprehensive discipline. Fitting is derived by the construction industry, building an extension of the science. It involves wide, is intimately involved with a number of disciplines, mainly include:
(1) building structure, space structure, design style, natural lighting, building index.
(2) hvac lighting: the indoor artificial lighting, air conditioning system.
(3) water supply and drainage system: water and sewage to row.
(4) the fire control, security and television systems.
(5) decorative materials and supplies industry: for the decoration industry to provide a variety of materials, finished products and semi-finished products.
1. Decorate steps
Decoration engineering steps please turn over "concise flow table decoration engineering".
2. The workers, the composition of decorate
At present, there are five main kinds of personnel engaged in decoration engineering:
(1) interior design graduate professionals. This is the most professional, comprehensive decoration engineering knowledge.
(2) the building and structure of graduation of professionals. In some ways this is a more professional, interior design professionals may have more advantages.
(3) the fine arts or engineering or related industry. These people have a certain professional knowledge.
(4) engineering construction group apprentice was born. Has a wealth of construction experience, but generally less professional knowledge, lack of creativity, construction is given priority to with practice to follow
(5) other people.
Third, how to choose the qualified designer
In our country, cultivating talents of professional interior design major is environmental art design major.
No matter where you came from a kind of channels to choose decoration company, advertising, friends, the first thing you need to care about is to have a qualified designer to serve you. This is also the author want to choose the content of the interior designer in the choice before decorate a company to the content of the reason.
1 qualified interior designer should have the skills
It has already been introduced China now decorate practitioners, here to talk about what is a qualified interior designer, qualified interior designer should have what skills.
1) good art expression ability. Including using the sketch, color, sketch, draw the hand drawing and model making skills.
2) good computer operation ability. Proficient in AutoCAD, 3 on3dmax, Photoshop, Lightscape and Autodesk software such as VIZ.
3) good interior design basis. Including plane composition, three-dimensional composition, color composition design basis.
4) good interior design theory. Including Chinese and foreign history of architecture, the design style of various stages, the human body engineering, the color psychology, space planning, etc.
5) good related discipline foundation. Including physical, chemical, electrical, audio, and applied mechanics, psychology, philosophy, including logic, budget, fundamental knowledge of public relations such as edge discipline.
6) good foundation construction. Including carpenters, bricklayers, water supply and drainage, electrical, paint and metalworking
Basic knowledge of, also include simple engineering budget.
2. Know whether designer between such as qualified
The author thinks that, please a responsible and qualified indoor stylist, troubled owner decorate will greatly ease the problem. However, how to know whether a designer is qualified?
1) listen. Professional interior designer, valid, view of the problem, is absolutely not nonsense, it is a kind of mature. Moreover, professional designers rarely use one adjective.
2). Professional interior designers must have basic skills. The basic skill is not with the help of the computer, but real hand-painted kung fu. Stylist hand-drawn schematic drawings should be correct and honest, having substance in speech, comply with the principle of perspective.
3) test. Professional interior designer, will naturally have some qualifications certificates, such as one of the most important is the environment art design major or architectural design professional. Of course, the author does not exclude self-taught, after all, sometimes also need understanding and enthusiasm for the industry.
3. How to use a good designer
Please good designer, also have good designers, owners often cannot make full use of good designers.
(1) to tell your idea to the designer, tell him (her) what can I do for you, what you like, let your designer to understand your culture and professional background, living habits and family members.
(2) to overly designer set design limits. When you tell the content of the above mentioned designer, you need is patience, let stylist USES his professional knowledge to your immature ideas into specification. Do you need not worry, because for any designer, you have to modify and decision power.
(3) listen to the architect's plan to introduce, fully understand the designer's design thought. If you don't understand, you can asked him, and tell their own questions. Don't be afraid to admit that he is not professional, everyone has their scope of knowledge. More communication with the designer, are you satisfied with the work of the key.
(4) when you have the idea, if the designer, you should think twice about his opinions, this is not equal to your answers to the designers, but cautious attitude towards your own property.
4. The designer should be how to serve for you
As a designer, in accordance with the requirements of the owner, to make for the satisfactory design is the only pursuit.
(1) listen to introduce the basic situation of owner, understand their needs, including living habits, hobbies, etc.
(2) the design should be based on the owner's economic bear ability, from the design of the project cost control to, can only be a good and useless things.
(3) design style to control the owner within an acceptable range. A good design style, is a combination of factors to consider, in addition to the above situation, involving the content includes the owner of the factors such as age and aesthetic ability.
Five, how to discuss the design
You choose good decorate a company, the next step is to design the negotiation.
1. Communicate with designers
Before all design, communication is key, and all this comes from the information you have provided for designers. So what are these information?
1) your thoughts. Vague idea tell the designer himself, but that doesn't require very specific. And you have to stress is that you provide is not mature idea. Relatively speaking, you more hope stylist can provide a better idea, this is helpful to give full play to the role of the designer. Should be made clear is that where you want the house decorate a class.
2) designer know your career. You don't need to tell someone you in which unit, you only need to tell a wide range of professional, such as company employees, artists, athletes, entrepreneurs or the teacher. Why to care about this? Because of different industries, all has its industry characteristics, as the saying goes "three words shop" is this truth. Civil servants hope house decorated as far as possible, for example, is relatively simple and easy; And when the doctor came home, often do not like to see the metope of your home remains white.
3) the family members. How many people are there in family will commonly, as a small collective, decoration of the house had to take them into consideration. If have a child in the home, decorate in some projects have to think about security issues. For example, now some balcony railing buildings is short or pole distance is very large, it may have potential safety hazard.
4) special members. This is mainly refers to the pet, there are many pet customers, will often take them as a member of the family, in decorate, also want to put them into consideration, such as they build a nest, and so on.
5) personal interests. This refers to some common hobbies, such as sensitive to colorific, especially like or hate what kind of color, and so on; Some people have a special feeling for a particular design. The blue for many people, for example, is to make a a good color of, while others don't like.
6) special hobby. This refers to some unusual hobby, such as like the owner of the collection, maybe like to put some objects. I have a customer collection tool more than thousand, the sitting room with a very sharp swords.
7) living habits. It is to point to some of daily life habit, for example like to place a running machine at home; Or is a super net insect, hope home is full of cables. I have a client's home, the computer has three, and the server, almost every room has a cable.
8) special furniture. If you have a big piano, so, at the beginning of the design will need to take it into consideration. In addition, the existing furniture to move in after use, also want to take it into consideration.
9) taboo. Every place people are likely to have a custom taboo. Guangdong, for example, many taboos have mirrors at the door decoration, such as there are some local people have taboos on such as butterfly pattern.
10) religious beliefs. Some owners may have a specific religion or nationality, or Christian, or is the hui nationality, etc.; In some places have the habit of offering, this is out of respect for their ancestors; In some places there are some traditional custom, the duke guan like, for example, and so on.
2. Understand the design steps
For more information, skilled designers will generally have a general idea, a good designer can outline sketch right away. After preliminary consent from the owner, the design of the designer can take the next step, then can reduce rework.
In general, household decorates design is divided into the following stages:
1) design. Mainly for scheme comparison and the opinions of both sides communication stage.
2) preliminary design. Thorough design phase, basically forming design projects.
3) the construction design. After the landlord agree to start drawing construction drawings.
4) design completion. For household decoration, main is to provide a hidden pipe as-built drawings.
Many household decorates companies tend to provide
(7) natural lighting is optimized.
(8) materials used whether conform to the requirements of the reality, collocation is reasonable. One of the dozens of drawings to the owner, in fact, this is totally unnecessary. But many designers in order to reflect "serious work," often put the design into a kind of form, by the amount of the drawings to reflect the depth of the design. General household decorates the owner side have no this aspect of professional knowledge or to the special audit design drawings, so, to be targeted, for your family and needs, to having substance in speech to complete the design. As for the number of drawings, I think we should give priority to with telling, the expression must express, the instructions must show; And also there is a specific implementation problems, don't make a design into an armchair strategist.
6, how to see the drawings
This design, including rendering, design scheme and construction drawing. When a design good works in front, how should we go to see?
1. The first want to see from the aspects of design
(1) layout is reasonable.
(2) whether accord with human body engineering, traffic line set is reasonable.
(3) the color is in line with the principle of color science.
(4) the color is in line with the principle of color psychology.
(5) design style is unified, modelling is suitable.
(6) artificial lighting setting is reasonable.
(9) whether individual design has practical technology.
(10) design in any real budget range.
(11) design is in line with the current technical specifications and safety specification.
(12) to design the relationship between the individual and the grasp of the scale is reasonable
(13) build center of interest.
The application of design elements (14).
(15) of creative design. If it is manual figure, also need to see the performance technique is mature; If it is computer figure, also need to see whether vivid image performance.
Look at the picture 2. The popular methods
Ordinary owner itself does not have the ability to according to the above theory to analyze, because most do not have this knowledge. Only from the point of view painted beautiful not beautiful? The author has the following Suggestions:
1) whether drawing big color is pleasing to the eye. The technology industry there's a saying: harmony is beauty. First of all, from the first impression. This is generally speaking. No matter is adept, can have their own view and aesthetic view.
2) see the truth. Many designers in rendering will deliberately adjust some size as far as possible to meet the needs of their drawings. Such as 20 m squared house painted 40 m squared, the height of 2.6 m as 3.5 m. In the plan, tend to get the house area and the furniture with different proportion, the framework of especially in the development of this drawing on the most likely to happen. Many owners are seen countless times his own house, and here at a glance can know whether is there such a big home, so spectacular, can put down so much furniture.
3) to see if the design meet your needs. Do you usually have some original own needs. Did you need cabinet, for example, the size of the dining room table meets the application requirements, etc.
4) if there is a creative design. There will always be a good designer, make the finishing point. In domestic outfit, the design project is not a lot, so one or two of pure decoration project can embody the design thought.
5) whether the existing environmental improvements. Your house will have such and such inherent defects, some of them are hopeless, but some can be improved, here is the most can see stylist design skills.
6) is in line with the reality. A bit unrealistic some drawings and unconstrained style, it is also noteworthy that this is according to the actual situation, environment and family situation.
To sum up, if you have some basic knowledge, look at the picture above two kinds of methods can be a reference, or choose a more practical method that accords with oneself.
Seven, how to discuss the project budget
Engineering budget is a key part in decoration engineering, so how to do a suitable for their own project budgets.
Now on the market often have such as: "three room two hall 32000 yuan luxurious decoration" such as advertising. Actually this kind of slogan is obviously take advantage of the loopholes in the law, because the relevant state departments to "luxury" of the standard and there is no clear stipulation. But for senior decoration, there is a clear indicator of national construction department, that is the average cost of every square metre 1500 yuan of above. General practical three room two hall area of about 80 m squared, then advanced decorate the cost to 120000 yuan. It is obvious that 32000 yuan is from reality and empty.
A project budget need how many money, in a relative areas, there is a another delving into statement is: "our products adopt AAA splint. In fact, the level of countries generally USES the term is, such as special, primary, secondary, tertiary, and in the domestic most used in bank credit rating AAA level. There is no doubt that the distribution of products in China need to comply with the requirements of the product standards in our country. If there really is the AAA level board, according to the inference should have grade AA, A, then to the third plate is still A level!
Visible, the behavior is a fraud and the unfair competition behavior, the spread of it will only harm the interest of the whole industry constantly. A market price, commonly known as the price, it is an average price.
8 how to decorate a contract
Decorate a contract, make the regulation and the content of the project must be stated in detail. Some people may look for a friend to decorate, because of the show, no prior to decorate contract is decorating a project the main legal documents. When all of the design and engineering budget are settled after decorate contract is decorated must be performed prior to commencement of a procedure. At present, the decoration management more mature city is built appoint or construction bureau set the standard contract. Here we give a brief introduction about it.
1 to decorate a contract
1) engineering subject.
Name (1) the construction site. Here is the executive body.
(2) the name of both parties. Here is the execution of the object.
2) projects. Including the serial number, project name, specification, measurement unit, quantity, unit price, terms, aggregate, preparation) used to indicate the special process, etc., this part of the most written into the engineering budget (offer) the form of the attachment table.
3) the construction period. Including the time limit for how many days, delay penalty due to breach of contract, etc.
4) payment. Regulations on the payment methods.
5) engineering responsibility. For all kinds of quality and safety responsibility in the process of engineering construction.
6) both sides signature. Includes both sides representative sign and date; As a company party, shall also have the company chapter.
The last even friends can't do. Here are some of the methods of use of the word in the contract.
1) about the project. For example: 600 mm X 600 mm local foshan sitting room ground shop XX card wear-resisting brick
2. The use of the commonly used words and matters needing attention in the contract details of the contract, so appear a lot of endless friction in the future, (sample should be specified). •
(2) the wood floor, emulsioni paint, wallpaper, burglar mesh unit with "square meters (m).
2) (3) furniture, doors, counter on the unit.
(1) smallpox horn line, line that play a base, waist line, FengMen set of units with "m (m).
Has grown two millimeters etc with "a", "" etc. It is necessary to offer unit and indicate these projects, such as: "the facade square counting, 600 yuan per square meter."
Unit should use the domestic general legal unit of measurement, avoid by all means using imperial units, etc. You can calculate the size of the child should avoid to use "a" to express.
3) about the quantity. There are two ways:
(1) according to the actual measurement, after joining wastage, calibration in the contract. No longer calculated separately in the future.
(2) according to the unit price, and then multiplied by the actual quantity. This is a kind of do how much calculate how much.
Proposed method (1), in the confirmation before signing the contract engineering quantity, and then indicated in the contract, in case some profiteers with "low budget high settlement" tactic to gain.
4) about the note. - some process, it should be marked. For example: "wardrobe: surface with red ju panels,
Lined with white fire prevention board, the main body of 15 mm big core board. ",
5) about the default. Whether the owner defaults, or decorate a company to default, can use economic means to punish and compensation. In general the liquidated damages clause is about one over one thousand of the total amount of engineering to three. But what need reminds is, to pay attention to the writing of this a few parts per thousand. There are some people deliberately behind a few parts per thousand yuan keyword. This is the actual fine for one (or several) a few parts per thousand yuan, which is showing a few money, everything is not enough.
6) about the management fee. The so-called management fee includes various types of administrative district administration fee. There are some management office for some items not necessarily; Management is not to drill some chaos to collect fees, fees of many kinds, such as managing deposit, trash, freight, construction BaoJieFei, channel paint, public facilities maintenance, elevator use, worker management fee (per day), card deposit, card fees, temporary residence accreditation fees, etc. Collect fees in disorder of management is the most headache for decorate a company, so more and more decorate a company to request these fees paid by the owner, no longer calculation into the engineering budget.
7) about taxes. In most cities, tax is charged in decorating a company's operating income. Shenzhen decorate nearly two years to collect special taxes, it is charged by building or community service, rather than through the enterprise in the form of tax collection. All of these, it is necessary to clear.
8) for signature. Because decorate the confusion of market operation at present, some so-called decorate a company is, in fact, the affiliated or a decoration company in the name of the counterfeit, so the author suggested that the owner party on any legal document, unless the other party is a formal decoration company's legal representative, or request the other signatory indicated id number. Nine, ten kinds of common household design chicken fall from architectural style derived from a variety of interior design style, according to different aesthetic and hobby stylist and owner, the have a variety of different form body. Here, to introduce you to the more common 10 kinds of interior design style.
1. The classical style luxury (rich)
Decorate in decorate just rise s, most after is comparatively rich luxury style. Especially in the 1980 s and early 90, indoor decoration is often a special form of show off their identity. The owners will ask the various symbol decorate luxurious design embedded, such as coloured drawing or pattern glass condole top, fireplace, decorative panels, decorative wooden horn line, etc., and basically exist in similar to the baroque style combined with the domestic materials as the main decorative way.
2. Simple style (free)
In the 1990 s, in some areas appear a residential heat. Due to the limitation of the technology and materials, there was no real sense of the designer to domestic outfit guidance, so whatever is the biggest. The owners began to fake a neat and bright indoor effect. Today, this kind of style is still in the decoration of choice for most first time homebuyers.
3. Delicate style (noble grave)
After nearly 10 years of exploration, with the improvement of domestic residents' living standard, the increasing of the opening to the outside world, people began to yearn for and pursue the high quality of life. About from the mid - 1990 - s, people began to use in decorating delicate decoration material and furniture, especially at this time, the domestic designers into domestic outfit design, which has brought a new idea of decoration.
4. Natural style leisure (art)
The adornment of the boom in 1990 s, bring people many decoration ideas. On the market for a large number of Taiwan, Hong Kong decoration magazine let people big open horizon, we dare not imagine before, such as the small garden, culture stone decorative wall and of rain flower stones such as adornment gimmick to appear in the real design. Especially we used red ju caused by the extensive use of "the country
Decorate the adornment of a piece of yellow "phenomenon, close to nature, nature has become one of the people's pursuit of goals.

5. Light style (generous generous)
The mid - 1990 - s, the design idea of household got great liberation, people began to pursue a variety of design methods, the modernism and postmodernism, series integrated set of training system 'accommodation ㈧ shape when people are talking about is decorated, in the design of the "doctrine" frequently appear in the mouth. This kind of style is basically with cherry wood as the main woodworking cutting surface.
6. Soft style smooth (independent)
At the end of last century, at the turn of the century - with a luxury in the steady pursuit of imitated the clubhouse design began to appear in all kinds of real estate plate example room and office, and then a lot of in common household adornment. This kind of style is more emphasized, the adornment of the kind of relatively simple but do not break the content R form, gradually formed primarily in the black walnut wood decoration panel style. The minimalism and the minimalism surfaced '
7. Elegant style (quiet gentle)
This is in the end of last century at the beginning of this century a design style, it is basically based on the wallpaper as L
To decorate material, combined with mix oil carpentry do zero method. This style is strong I proportion and color I harmony. People began to]
Will be put on the part of a wall color with smallpox, metope USES a with light texture wallpaper. The whole style is very elegant and quiet, not with a glimmer of fickleness.
8. Urban style (independent personality)
In the 21st century, room changes, the emergence of many young first-time home buyers, for this style of injection, the dynamic force. Young people had just bought a house, many are cash-strapped, and at this time of the real estate is basically is semifinished product (a without basic decoration style) is given priority to, these young people are forced to the decoration of the revolution. Is limited by the resources, people begin to through various forms to stress has the look and feel of the "decoration", the extensive use of bright color is a typical example. People will be in household extensive use of a variety of colors, sometimes even in the same space, using three or more than three colors.
9. Pure and fresh style (light freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese)
This is a kind of derived under the influence of minimalism with a "small endowment" taste of indoor set style. Especially with the emergence of many lone noble, this kind of petty bourgeois has been extensive style among all kinds of apartment decoration. Because most of the time, their occupants not members such as the elderly and children, in be being decorated so don't need to consider many other functions. They tend to emphasize a more casual and insipid. Light white gauze, with a soft cloth art sofa, hold pillow in the arms to pile up a pile of all sorts of color, form factory an indolent atmosphere of interior space.
10. Chinese style
With the emergence of many modern socialist, domestic has appeared - strands of wind restoring ancient ways, that is the revival of the Chinese style decorates a style. The traditional Chinese painting, calligraphy and painting, and the Ming and qing dynasties furniture factory is the main elements of the design of Chinese style. But these complex of furniture is not cheap, becomes a big barrier of lovers.
Ten, choose hardcover or contracted
Home in decorating, there is now a fashionable name: contracted type. In the eyes of some people, even the gesso line this is ornamental, have become obsolete product. Here there are actually a very serious problem of basic common sense.
(1) out of date, can only be functional. Such as dado, hang a picture to line the functional problems is out of date. These things are old, because have the function of demand. With the progress of science and technology now, dado originally stain resistant function has been replaced by the washing resistance of latex paint, so dado abandoned is inevitable.
(2) decorative line, it is a kind of style can be done '. - as is not outdated, because it is part of the style. Such as gypsum as rococo, baroque style, no gesso line or wood shade horn line is we were; Can be
(3) there are some functional project temporarily can not be abandoned, because there is no better substitute it functions, such as the line that play a base. Wooden floor installation wall must have the LCM, then this empty LCM with what to cover? The only way is to use the line that play a base. Obviously, said the line that play a base outdated people don't understand the construction.
Well, actually is to choose the delicate decoration type decorate or contracted type is decorated?
1. Type fine decoration
Fine decoration in general for some people over the age of 30. In general, character, 30, has been basically determined that his be fond of of what has been formed basically. So when decorate, generally USES the hardcover is more appropriate.
This kind of person even if can't meet the needs of all, they will decorate done first. Why is that? After decorating to do a basic, furniture and other things can be increased. Such as smallpox, metope, ground these basic projects make it beautiful furniture can buy slowly. This month to buy sofa, to buy a beautiful cabinet next month. But you can't add a decorative wall next month, next month again to add a door. If it is, of course, to 40 people, general economic strength is stronger, so a lot of things can do basically one pace reachs the designated position.
2. Jane type ribbon decoration
Simple type is decorated mainly comes from the United States. Simple wall, simple, deserve to go up beautiful furniture, constitutes the whole decoration. The characteristics of the contracted type is decorated is transferred to the money spent on original basis to decorate to buy furniture. It has the advantage of infrastructure investment is relatively small, but the furniture part of the investment is doubled.
Contracted type is popular in the United States, mainly because the United States is an immigrant country. Little investment in real estate in the family, don't like it here today about the move, can move furniture, can't move the wall also. But this model is not suitable for the Chinese, like the open kitchen is not applicable in China.
Say so, you choose contracted decorate the only feasible premise is: you really don't have money. But it is by no means a simple type is decorated, but the "simple" decorate. Contracted type is not save money, the extra cost for overall.
Now many people pursuit of fashion. What is fashion? Fashion is mainly a word "when" word, is often only in a period of time. Now many people like to buy fashion furniture, fashion furniture in the purchase of that year, after a year or two basically is out of date. And you can't just change or one of the sofa, because fashion is often necessary.
The author thinks that, if you have a lot of money, and you is rare or inherited his father's footsteps, big can choose plain scenery. If you are very rich, but you already have a certain age, or in the style of steady key, even if you had the fashion. Of course, if you do not a few money, should use simple decoration.
12, how to use in the design of optical illusion
1, what is the visual illusion
Depending on the fault is when people observe an object, based on the empirical or inappropriate reference form the wrong judgment and perception. We encountered in daily life, there are many examples of optical illusion. The French flag, for example, red, white, blue for the proportion of the shed: 37, while we feel equal 3 kinds of color area. This is because the white feeling, give a person with expansion and contraction of blue feeling, this is the visual illusion.
2, how to make use of optical illusion
There are some visual illusion can be corrected, but there are some visual illusion inevitable. In be being designed indoors, we want to use, is the part of the inevitable.
1) short in see tall. Part is in the bedroom, droplight, while the other part not to be, so no part of droplight is "high".
2) in a virtual reality. By the bar or the whole picture of mirror glass, can be in a true or whether to create a virtual space, and virtual space is a real space on the vision.
3) cool cold tone. When the kitchen is large area USES brunet, for example, we stay inside, will feel the temperature by 2 to 3 degrees.
4) see fine coarse. In the real wood floor or bo changes a brick, such as finish higher material can appear higher material side,
Put some rough material, such as brick restoring ancient ways and pebbles, then can appear more bright and clean, bright and clean the material of which is to compare the visual illusion.

5) in see straight. Some buildings ceiling often is not flat, when bending is not very big, can be dealt with by four sides near the flat rectangular, caused the overall smooth feeling on the vision.
In be being designed indoors, we may have to produce the effect of special or better, also may be to improve some defect and the use of optical illusion, but it is important to note cannot abuse, excessive use of optical illusion causes visual hallucinations. We have a lot of use of the mirror in the bedroom, for example, the wall with the mirror, the wall also has a mirror, mirror, greatly small block of various shapes, such excessive visual illusion, correct judgment will distort people's eyes can appear for unhealthy visual illusion, long stay in the excessive visual hallucinations environment causes health problems. It is noteworthy. We are manufacturing virtual space in front of the mirror, make a vertical or horizontal wooden division of space, can greatly reduce the visual distortion.
1. The content of the law of ten
Article 1: the space must not exceed 3 kinds of color (white, not black colour)
Article 2: gold, silver can match with any color line (not including yellow, enclosed gray).
Article 3: in the absence of designers to guide, household best color deep gray is furniture.
Article 4: do not use warm color to move except (yellow color) in the kitchen.
Article 5: killed also don't the floor tile of dark green.
Article 6: resolute don't put the different material but quality is of the same material together, and half of the opportunity to make mistakes.
Article 7: to create lively contemporary household taste, then you don't choose those with big flower things except (plant), try to use plain coloured design.
Article 8: the color of the ceiling must shallow at metope or the same color with metope. When the colour of metope is a deep, the ceiling must use light color. The color of the ceiling is white or the same as color with metope.
Article 9: the space not closed throughout, must use the same color scheme. Different enclosed Spaces in order to use a different color scheme.
Article 10: warning - this law when used for household, 90% May be wrong.
2. Say Ming
In the interior design of general, color will be limited within three. Of course, this is not absolute. Due to the professional interior designer familiar with deeper color relations, coloring may exceed three, but generally just beyond one or two.
Limit the definition of three colors:
(1) 3 kinds of color is to point to in the same relatively closed space, including smallpox, metope, ground and home
The color of the private. Living room and master bedroom can have into the system of different color, but if the sitting room and dining room are together, is regarded as the same space.
(2) white, black, gray, golden, silver is not calculated within the limit of 3 kinds of color. But gold and silver generally cannot exist at the same time, in the same space can only use one of them.
(3) the design classes will be subject to the present color. A piece of cloth has a variety of color, for example, because the color has a variety of relations, so professional on the main rendering color shall prevail. Is to narrow her eyes to see can see the main tone. But if a large pattern of individual color piece very big, is also regarded as a kind of color.
3. The lexical interpretation
1) gray. Is very simple, you want to use the color with black and white copy printed more than once. Whether it's warm color department or cool color department, must have its gray scale.
2) plain. Is the pure monochrome.
3) color. Close to the same color.
14, decoration trend prediction
Many owners before decorate, are concerned about their home decorate a style to be out of date, like a lot of people buy a car afraid models out of style. Indeed, for many people, in the case of budget allows to make the most suitable decorating is a very important thing.
The habit of domestic known as decorate a style to follow suit. In the 1980 s, the family is decorated in popular use of northeast China ash; In the 90 s, the most popular when calculate the family is decorated in red ju wood, red ju slants in fact is yellow), then formed the "decorate a yellow" of the country's situation.
The start of this century, people started to rush to use black walnut. Predictably, and there will be a black "" national home outfit.
The cause of decoration wood follow suit has four: (1) to be extensive use of wood, dealers will have had a relatively cheap; (2) the owner of the contact materials, less choice few; (3) some decorate a company itself lack of professionals, with the mentality of tide; (4) popular wood cut out, factory need to replace varieties in exchange for more supply of goods.
In fact, in terms of decorate a style, we can't make some simply blindly "boring", "vulgar" or "outdated and backward", and its application in the design to analyze. For example, the first ten places before plaster smallpox horn line.
Integrated the various factors, the author made a decoration trend from 2002 to 2003 in speculation, for you reference:
1. Is about to be eliminated or not popular decoration material
1) polishing brick. Polishing brick with disturbing problem anti-fouling, a trial to become the industry. Such as bo changes a brick is lower price in the near future, will be fully replaced polishing brick
2) aluminium tube. Aluminum composite pipe is a new product, replace the galvanized iron pipe but when used as hot water pipe to make month design structure deficiencies, believe will soon be PP pipe (pp-r, PP - B tube, etc.).
3) aluminium alloy window. Aluminium alloy window is gradually replaced by a model steel window or both at the same time, mainly thermal insulation and price factors. Especially in the north, and aluminium are good conductors, compared with plastic, indoor air conditioning - : can to worse effect.
4) PVC ceiling. The colorful things not necessarily practical, PVC ceiling is the cautionary tale. After installation of PVC condole top for a long time will form the hog face down. The ideal alternative is aluminous gusset plate.
2. Is about to be eliminated or not popular interior decoration and design
1) the curtain box of window. In addition to hung ceilings (commonly known as false smallpox) can be hidden track, set a curtain box of window at the top of the window alone is less and less, more people will choose bare bar instead.
2) the bookcase door. Now we see the old film or some office put behind the large chair will have installed: the bookcase. For household, bookcase door is old.
3) 3) molded door. For many people the pursuit of fashion, moulded door often cannot meet the aesthetic need of people, although it has price advantage in industrial production.

4) do not reach the screen. Before we go to a restaurant or in some families to meet at the gate: set a 1.5 m high of the screen, there are some will also have a frosted glass printing. Today, the design of the uncompleted have bit of "soil". Tip for screen type screen (including to grate screen) is still one of the designer's choice, after all the function first.
5) dado. The project actually got a little out of place here, because the dado is out for many years
6) wall lamp. For household, wall lamp is a rarely used thing. Its reason basically
Have two: one is the problem that design style, the style of wall lamp with many popular now is out of step; One is the
Lighting problem, compared with the other lamps and lanterns, the benefit of wall lamp is not cost-effective.
7) at the top of the wall the whole wood decoration. In some luxury club, metope all packaging wooden decorative panel
In decorate design or many, even some people even use adornment ceiling panel. But in set in domestic outfit
Meter, is a bit much. This show the mentality of the rich will not rich, but also makes people feel
3. Popular products or design
In the above "is about to be eliminated or not popular decoration material" in the existing interface in some emerging fashion products
Salt, not repeat here. Introduce some new things:
1) brick restoring ancient ways. Application of brick restoring ancient ways in recent years is the trend of increase, this is mainly because of its localization
The composition is much, the price is relatively lower. But for now, domestic brick restoring ancient ways both in product quality and texture
Richard, still no match for import of brick restoring ancient ways.
2) the natural culture stone. Now every square metre 100 yuan can buy natural culture stone, just a little processing, can also be man-made stone decoration effect, and has more natural texture.
3) stainless steel security doors double glass. Both popular and practical, packed - double-sided glass stainless steel security door is more easy to clean, more bright and clean degree and more than the smoke and sound insulation function.
4) cloth art sofa. One could be changed with the seasons or the joys and sorrows of the mood change appearance
The sofa of colour and lustre and design, make the fashionable life much a choice.
More than 5) outlet of the toilet or commode shifter. Don't know is the habit of architect or meet problem, you will find that now many houses from the outlet of the toilet wall spacing is too small, it is often difficult to buy the right market in the toilet. Now there is a import brand toilet, there are three tube hole at the bottom of the toilet, to dismantle one for installation, so that you can adapt to different spacing from the wall. For remedy, and the toilet shifter, can make the wall about 5 cm of 27 cm spacing increase (of course, too big shift may cause blockage).
6) put the marble bathroom. With some people advocate natural stone radiation that is the problem of the naysayers, some interior designers start to use marble to stick in the hand washing asked at metope, these are often green SLATE or stone such as "white" in hunan, etc. Some of the domestic low stone, general specifications are greater than 400 mm or more, and we usually see some of the tiles on the vision metope is different.
7) carpet. Now you rarely see someone might carpet used in home outfit, but the carpet has become one of the people choose the ground material. The main varieties have high-grade silk carpets, mid-range of wool carpet and cheap nylon carpet.
The myth of 16 purchased materials
Some owners how his purchased materials, and how to deal. In fact, it is mainly a matter of credibility. In fact, according to incomplete statistics, the owner to purchase materials, to spend about 1/3 to 1/2 of the money. So where is the necessary cost?
1. The goods bought a high price
For businesses, the owner of the purchases and the number is limited, impossible to have a better price. So the owner how to solve the problem? It is a little help: wear not too gentle. Around a few shops, problems and don't ask; If in the process of shop you have not solve the problem, continue to go shopping. :
2. Buy inferior goods:
Unless purchase belongs to the scope of your professional, such as computer, do you do to buy switch socket, or you have a great opportunity to meet such a fake or inferior goods. Now of inferior goods can be divided into a lot of kinds: one kind is itself is inferior material, such as the aluminum content in low alloy as normal aluminium alloy aluminum content to sell; One is instead of materials, such as when buying a stainless steel handle, salesman for your ABS (engineering plastics), the handle surface mix contains metal, dilettante really sound like a steel '
3. The wrong goods
High-priced goods refers to the same item, you use a higher price to buy the wrong goods is originally can buy cheap, you buy the high price of another goods. For example when doing some has no bearing requirements of the cabinet, available in some places of big core board. Can, of course, need not buy fine core board price is high.

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