Thursday, December 15, 2016

Decorate completely manua--The fifth chapter

A, decoration maintenance
After renovation, maintenance is very important thing, below about related maintenance problems.
(a) the maintenance of the wooden floor
For the maintenance of real wood floor, we often make it difficult to estimate is too high. In fact, the usual cleaning, the use of suction machine. But remember the wheels of the vacuum cleaner is best fitted with a soft cover, in order to avoid moving, cause harm to the floor. In addition, every month can use liquid wax, using dedicated mop it again. To be sure, here instead of solid with liquid wax wax. If researchers used frequently, but changing the waxing cycle to half a month, the best time is the last time you played wax wax has not yet been completely worn before. For the first time after laid, can play a liquid wax before use.

Unless your floor has to wear very serious, do not use solid wax. Generally solid wax is suitable for more than five years of real wood floor, but once is enough, and normal or use liquid wax. Specific operation method, can see the relevant product specification.
Wooden floor should avoid knock against, it is better to have several pairs of soft bottom slippers in the doorway, to family and guests when entering in use.
Wood floor in use process, should pay attention to the safety of the water, avoid cups water, such as dumping. If accidentally pour a small amount of water on the wood floor, also need not too much panic, immediately with a dry cloth or paper towel is wet. General has six sides of real wood floor paint processing, a small amount of water will not cause too much trouble, but should be timely the whole dry, avoid mildew, black.
(2) maintenance of wrought iron products
The present main, wrought iron products is made of forged steel and cast iron. Wrought iron products are easy to rust, especially under the humid weather in the south. So, the maintenance of the first principle is pay attention to the destruction of the rust layer. When he found the lacquer layer falls off of the wrought iron products, should be timely repair, prevent the metal body contact with the air for a long time. In general, as long as keep good paint, wrought iron products are very durable.
(3) the maintenance of the fabric
In the decoration, is mainly refers to the curtain cloth, cloth art sofa trim and bedding. These fabrics main need to pay attention to maintenance:
(1) pay attention to the ingredients on the label instructions to select the suitable way of washing.
(2) to avoid the color difference is mixed fabric washing, black and white mixed washing is a no-no.
(4) the maintenance of the carpet
Present family is decorated in, more and more use of carpet, some of them are the whole picture, there are some just piece of block. The maintenance of carpet how to do?
(1) avoid cigarette butts. Now the carpet of general flame retardant characteristics, but not every a carpet with flame retardant function. Whether or not flame retardant, resistance once the cigarette fall into it, at least will be burnt out a small coke. Therefore, when laying carpet, home should be equipped with a small piece of leftover material. When the above condition, first use scissors to cut off the burned part carpet wool, and then use the scissors to cut out a small part of the leftover material blanket wool, with glue after finishing of burning in the pit. Wait for after its are fully dry comb.
(2) the whole carpet can be in after a period of time, please use the professional cleaning company to clean machine. The degree of time interval can be dirty.
(3) spots carpet? If passed, appropriate USES milk soak moment, and then brush dip in milk brushs mop can. Animal and plant oil stains, can dip in with cotton the gas with more expensive purity is wiped. Fruit juice and beer juice, should dip in with soft cloth first washing powder solution is wiped, reoccupy warm water with a little vinegar added scrubbing solution; Such as killing ironmould, can be in corrupt place sprinkle fine salt dust, and then mixed fluid of soap is brushed except with warm water.

(5) cabinet maintenance
(1) the maintenance of the door. Keep the door plank is dry; When cleaning, use as far as possible more exquisite and clean cloth.
(2) solid wood cabinet put oneself in another's position and door plank can use liquid wax to keep clean.
(3) crystal door and door plank of the lacquer that bake in friction scratch should avoid hard objects.
(4) the door plank of the pipe joint should be regularly the loose screws with the screwdriver, can also add lubricating oil regularly to ensure that the switch is quick.
(5) keep the table clean, such as not to cause artificial served scratches, constitution of man-made stone mesa gently with fine sand paper burnish can be removed.
(6) the maintenance of the glass
One (1) to keep the glass clean, depend on special glass cleaner, which in many supermarkets can buy; Another save money is to use the vinegar.
(2) in the area of easily into touch with relatively obvious sign, of course, is rarely used in household warning signs such as "glass with care, but Christmas wreath or small card can be used to decorate, can both decorative effect, and can play a warning role.
(7) the maintenance of the leather sofa
Dermal sofa maintenance, should pay attention to keep the leather smooth and plumpness.
(1) after long time sitting with appropriate amount pat sofa surface, to reduce the occurrence of sink phenomenon.
(2) to avoid long sunlight, in order to avoid the leather face aging and lose luster.
(3) clean the leather should be careful, can use special leather detergent or soap and water. Clean finished, to clean up in time. Do not use the acid and alkaline detergent, in order to avoid harm the cortex.
Three, decorating dispute handling
Decoration is a headache for the owner, demanding, decorating a process often happen some problems, and even can with decorate a company to produce dispute. So, how to correctly handle the problem?
(a) to identify the nature of the problem
Figure out things happen, it is belong to the subjective factors and objective factors or a third party.
1. The subjective factors
Subjective factors include cutting corners, using fake products, etc.
2. The objective factors
Objective factors include an event of force majeure caused by inadequate against accidents, natural disasters, the house itself defects caused by the accidents, to try the new technology, etc.
3. The factors of a third party
Third party caused by factors including the third party suppliers and shoddy products, third party engineering of the damage, etc.
(2) the problem solution
Smooth solution 1.
In responsibility clear, each other without subjective intent, on both sides to agree on the solution of a problem, should try to forget the past, continue to cooperate, with smooth to solve problem, don't because of the unpleasant things happened in the past affect the future cooperation.
2. A compromise solution
On both sides of responsibility dispute cases, negotiable mutual concessions, try to simplify the problem to big [home can accept it. This kind of situation is often occur in engineering, especially in the case of responsibility that unclear. For example, often happen is that spread out brick, owner to complain construction quality is unqualified, while construction of blame the owners to buy the poor quality of the brick.
3. The secondary load to solve
In both sides thought they had done nothing wrong, deadlocked, under the condition of problem cannot be solved, the best way is through the quality inspection department technical appraisal. But the role of technical department is often only up, can not effectively solve the disputes, and arbitration.
4. The law
The two sides eventually all similar cases, that only through the court to solve the problem. This is one of the most helpless to solve 8 method, because both sides have to spend time, waste of money. So, it is necessary to approach.
(3) decorating dispute prevention
Prevent decorating dispute, first of all problems involving "employees" in front. Before the start of the cooperation, should be related to the question to make clear rules in the contract, to avoid the dispute in the future.
1. The provisions of the material quality
Now decorate material, some of them are owner bought, some of them are decorated a company to package. So, both sides should offer a responsibility with material as a result of the rules. This is a very headache, because the quality of the materials are often decisive role in the quality of construction. Paint, for example, tend to lead to the failure of the construction. Many owners have to advocate material is concerned about, but not so concerned with the auxiliary, this is wrong. Accessories in some engineering project plays a critical role.
The author believed that this way of half a pack of sooner or later replaced by the whole package, or the owner is responsible for all advocate material and accessories, or decorate a company to the whole package as this the easiest way to avoid problems.
But the owner to buy material has a problem, that is professional knowledge is not enough, unavoidably bought fake or inferior goods. And involved in texture and color of what, is also a difficult operation.
2. The provisions of the construction process
The two sides to avoid disputes in the future, we need to construction technology about rules. Now adornment material, of course, the moon and sun technology changes, so it is difficult to limit the process. But the owner can make provisions on certain steps. For example, how many times have to brush paint, etc. What need reminds is, the more similar index is not high, the better, such as paint brush is too not good again.
3. The provisions of the construction results
Now there are a lot of cities to decorating legislation, including the acceptance criteria. This is some of the mandatory standards, some of them are voluntary standards. For voluntary standards, if not included in the contract, it is not effective. Compulsory standards can be included in the acceptance standard of construction problems, have a plenty of out of date.
4. The construction of the provisions of the warranty
This is the most crucial, no matter how detailed to speak in front of, if not to the warranty provisions, are all hot air. Now the country's mandatory warranty is two years, including waterproof project is five years. During the warranty period, the decoration company is responsible for the quality problem. Of course, if not the whole package, for quality would be controversial. The waterproof engineering, for example, involve the poor quality of the material and lead to ageing problem.
5. The provisions of the construction period
Both response time limit for a project to make clear rules, including the violation of the period of punishment. This one is the best way to solve the project delay.
6. The provisions of the paragraph way
The two sides deal with payment to make clear rules, including the penalties for delay payment. Many owners will deduct ways to deal with decorate a company. Business who doesn't actually make money? This let people earn, a cannot little, also can't drag.
(2) avoid extremes
In decorating a dispute, can appear sometimes extreme approach, including threats, violence. When both sides is decorated in the association, the relevant problems, should keep calm attitude, to strive for, to matter, shoulds not be too much to stimulate each other. Once appear extreme situation, should appeal to the public security organ.

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