Friday, November 18, 2016

Construction technology of cement plaster pavement

1 scope
This technology is applicable to industrial and civil architecture in cement mortar ground.
2 construction preparation
2.1 materials and equipment:
2.1.1 cement: Portland cement and ordinary Portland cement its marking shall not be smaller than No. 425 and mix cement of different varieties, different marks is strictly prohibited.
2.1.2 sand: sand or coarse sand should be used, 8mm aperture sieve sediment should not be greater than 3%.
2.1.3 equipment: mixer, wheelbarrows, Mu-iron, wood float, trowel, slot valve, watering can, shovels and small buckets and long brushes, brooms, brushes, pink bag, cold chisel, hammer.
2.2 operating conditions:
2.2.1 the ground (or floor) pad embedded pipeline in the ground and has been done. Through the vertical tube has an out of the floor, it tube hole plug the Compact. Drain the room should find a good pan of water.
2.2.2 wall +50cm horizontal elevation line has bounced around on the wall.
2.2.3 the door frame had been made, and inside the box to get protection, prevent carts damaged.
2.2.4, and plastering the walls have been finished. Waterproof finish.
3 operational processes
3.1 process:
Elevation, elastic line base treatment sprinkler wet plaster cakes and standard mortar reinforced mix

Brush cement based mortar surface layer rub wood trowel flat iron trowel pressure first

The second press third press Polish conservation
3.1.1 base treatment: first swept away the dust on the base, with a wire brush and chisel brush, scrape mortar and ash layers, 10% aqueous solution of caustic soda to brush out the base oil, rinse with clear water depletion in a timely manner.
3.1.2 elevation line: according to the +50cm horizontal line on the wall, measure down surface elevation, and playing on the wall.
3.1.3 sprinkler wet: grass-roots even the Earth with a watering can watering again.
3.1.4 plaster bread and gluten (or red muscle): according to the room around the playing surface level line on the wall, determine the surface layer thickness of plaster (not less than 20mm), and then began plastering the horizontal line a pie (5cmx5cm), horizontal spacing is 1.5~2.00m, gray plane is the ground surface elevation on the cake.
If the room is large, in order to ensure the overall surface smoothness muscle (or red muscle), spread the mortar between the ash cake, same width and gray pie wide with a wooden float is consistent with a grey upper surface of the cake.
Pu plastering mortar mix for pie and bar with surface mortar the same.
3.1.5 mixing mortar: the volume ratio of cement mortar should be 1:2 (cement: sand), which schedules should not be greater than 35mm, the intensity level should not be less than the M15. In order to control the amount of water, you should use the mixer to mix and match.
3.1.6 brush combines layers of cement slurry; before the cement mortar; painted cement floor, lighter than the water it as 0.4~0.5 (before brushing clean the ashes to the plaster cake; watering moist again), not excessive brushing area, paved with the brush with mortar.
3.1.7 cement mortar surface: brushing water mud followed by cement mortar, between the ash cake (or rib), spread the mortar evenly, and then press ash cake with a wooden scraper bar (or bars) height level. Laying mortar if the gray pie (or muscle) has hardened, Mu gang after scraping, and will use the ash cake (or rib) out, filled with mortar.
3.1.8 rub wood trowel: wooden scraper bar after scraping, immediately rub wood trowel flat, back to operating from inside to outside, and feel free to use 2m on foot to check the flatness.
3.1.9 iron wipe child pressure first again: wood wipe child wipe flat Hou, immediately with iron wipe child pressure first again, until out pulp weizhi, if mortar had dilute surface has bleeding phenomenon Shi, can uniform sub a again dry cement and sand (1:1) of mix collection material (sand to had 3mm screen), again with wood wipe child forced wipe pressure, makes dry mix material and mortar close combined for one, sucking water Hou with iron wipe child pressure flat. If there are requirements of the ground and on the surface layer elastic frame bar, slot valve slit, parting with a chute into flat, straight, smooth. These operations are completed before the initial setting of cement mortar.
3.1.10 press Polish II: surface mortar after initial set, people step up, when there are footprints but not sinking, with an iron trowel pressure a second time, side pressure side crater at the top requirements do not leak the pressure, pressing, calendering. Ground pressure after the valve slide, clear seam edges, cracks, seams smooth and straight.
3.1.11 third press: in the third before the final setting of cement mortar pressure light (people step on it a little footprints), iron trowel to wipe up when no pattern, with an iron trowel pressure again leave all lines when pressed, compacted, calendering (must be completed before the final set).
3.1.12 conservation: calender after the completion of the ground 24h, laying sawdust or other material covers water conservation, moist curing period of not less than 7d when the compressive strength up to 5MPa can master.
3.1.13 in winter when indoor temperature should not be below + 5 c.
3.1.14 skirting: according to the design map when plastering the wall body, skirting the bottom surface of mortar mortar wiped twice. When not plastering the wall body, skirting just plastering mortar. skirting underlying cement mortar: cleaning the grass-roots level, water moist, 50cm line measuring baseboard upper elevation above sea level, and vertical lines determine the skirting thickness of plaster, then pull line, set, gray paste cake, 1:3 cement mortar, screed scraping, rubbing the flat, and water conservation. plastering mortar: mortar well at the bottom, after hardening, catchy cable stuck stuck on foot, 1:2 cement mortar, with Gray Ash bracket, wooden trowel on plaster, then Derby plate tight one foot perpendicular to the ground level, with an iron trowel calendering, Yin and Yang angular trowel for corners, baseboards and catchy skating calendar.
May refer to the operation technology of wall cement mortar.
4 quality criteria
4.1 project:
4.1.1 cement, sand material must comply with the design requirements and specification for construction and acceptance of rules.
4.1.2 mortar mix to be exact.
4.1.3 combination of ground surface layer and the grass-roots level to be fixed without empty drums.
4.2 Basic project:
4.2.1 surface clean and free of cracks, peeling, Matt surface and sand, and so on.
4.2.2 a floor drain and slope requirements of the ground, slopes should comply with the design requirements, not pan of water, no water, no leakage, combined with floor drain close smoothly.
4.2.3 baseboards should be highly consistent, uniform wall thickness, combined with the wall firmly, local empty drum length is not greater than 200mm and not more than 2 in the context of an inspection.
4.3 allowable deviation, table 7-5.
Cement floor tolerance table 7-5
Project tolerance (mm) test method
4 2m m on foot and 1 surface flatness wedge feeler Gage check
2 toe head straight 4 la 5M, standard checking
3 seams straight 3 pulling 5M check

5 finished product protection
5.1 ground operations to pay attention to the protection of other professional equipment, such as buried pipelines are not free to shift in the ground, floor drains shall not block mortar.
5.2 surface finish after no entry during the maintenance period.
5.3 in the finished floor painting, electrical, heating and plumbing Professional operation, take care not to break the surface layer, paint, paste don't pollute surface.
5.4 winter construction of cement mortar floor operating environment such as below + 5 c, shall take the necessary measures of cold warm and strictly prevent freezing injury, especially early in the cold will reduce the surface strength, causing sand, cracks and other quality accidents.
First, cement mortar ground 5.5 If, when after plastering the walls, paying special attention to covering the surface layer, and non-stored in the surface layer mixing mortar and mortar.
6 quality problems to be noticed
6.1 hollowing and cracks
6.1.1 grass-roots cleanup not completely, and not seriously: in wipe cement mortar zhiqian must will grass-roots Shang of bond real, and dust, and oil completely processing clean, and seriously for cleaning wet, this is guarantee surface layer and grass-roots combined firm, and prevent empty drum crack of a key process, if not carefully seriously clear, makes surface layer and grass-roots Zhijian formed a layer isolation layer, led upper and lower combined not prison, on will caused surface layer empty drum crack.
6.1.2 brushing water mud combined layer not meet requirements: in has processing clean of grass-roots Shang brush a again water mud, purpose is to enhanced surface layer and grass-roots of bond force, so this is a items important of process, brushing water mud scheduling to suitable (General 0.4~0.5 of w/c), brushing Shi to uniform shall not leak brush, area don't had big, mortar Pu how many brush how many. In general tend to paint a large, spread mortar is slow, brush up cement quick dry, not only can't afford the bond role, and instead play a role in isolation.
Be sure to paint with a brush, mix well cement slurry, dry shake concrete surface can not be used after, then watered with a broom to sweep back and forth approach, due to uneven watering, dry cement thin uneven, also affect the bonding quality of surface layer and the grass-roots level.
6.1.3 in precast concrete slab floor and first floor heating surface trench on the performance of cement mortar is easy to produce hollow, crack, prefabricated structure design of horizontal and vertical seams must be requested with C20. Packing of fine stone concrete vibrating, compacting, as a precast slab installation, after the agreement is not completely flat upper surface elevation, height difference is large, uneven when laying cement mortar, prone to cracking, so is the use of fine stone concrete surface.
First floor heating trench cover between the concrete pad with the ground due to subsidence is not uniform, also caused cracks and crack control measures to be taken.
6.2 ground sand
6.2.1 maintenance of sufficient time, the early master: beginning of the hardened cement, in the water or in a humid environment conservation to make cement particles fully hydrated, improve surface layer strength of mortar cement. If in the case of short curing time is very low, people use early, they will just harden the surface causing damage and destruction, resulting in surface layer of sand, there pits. Therefore, upon completion of the cement floor, quality of the conservation work on the ground is a powerful quality, you must pay attention to, to compressive strength up to 5MPa to master operation.
6.2.2 using expired, the label is not enough cement, mortar mix is not uniform, pressure a few times, such as during the operation, have contributed to the phenomenon of sand.
6.3 leak room pan of water
When laying on the surface layer of mortar first checks whether the slope of the cushion meets the requirements. Ground with cushion, in front of the laying mortar plastering pie and bar when, according to design requirements good slope.
6.4 layer only, lines
Must be carefully according to the process described in the previous request, with an iron trowel pressure a few times to operate, and finally in cement before the final set pressure shall not leak until the front lines again until the pressing, calendering.
7 quality records
This standard shall meet the following quality records:
7.1 cement factory certificate.

7.2 acceptance of concrete project quality assessment form.

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