Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Ali reference? Amazon sued its e-commerce platform and selling fake goods sellers

NetEase tech news on November 15, according to Fortune (Fortune) reported that Amazon is accused of selling counterfeit goods on its e-commerce platform two sellers, which it was founded more than 20 years in the first such action.
The headquarters is located in Seattle on Monday launched two lawsuits in Washington State. One of which is ToysNet, allegedly counterfeit Forearm Forklift straps products developed by the company. This type of belt is used to allow the wearer to more easily move heavy furniture and other items. Amazon said that its fraud detection system to detect ToysNet selling fake products, but the sellers to produce documents to prove their products are not fake. Amazon back said those documents are forged.
In another lawsuit against Joana Ferreira, joined Amazon Web site selling exercise Fitness Belt developers Anywhere. Amazon said, as sellers of Joana Ferreira had started selling fake TRX products on Amazon, and pretends they are genuine.
In recent months, Amazon's e-commerce platform for selling counterfeit goods while under fire. CNBC earlier reported that third-party sellers to sell counterfeit goods-many of which were from China – is becoming an issue of the e-commerce giant is getting worse. The report said, Amazon has recently been "attracting" more manufacturers stationed in China, made its platform more counterfeit goods. Because of this, some sellers are affected, in Amazon's platform is losing trust, even declining sales. For instance, Apple recently said that Amazon sells many of the so-called Apple brand charger is fake. Amazon is an authorized distributor of Apple products.
In order to deal with the problem, Amazon began in August imposed on sellers higher fees, and asked to provide additional documentation. Charge fees ranging from $1000 to $1500, based on the assessment of vendors selling counterfeit goods out. Amazon said it has invested tens of millions of dollars a year to fight against fake and shoddy products, and arrange for research scientists, software engineers, program managers and a team of investigators to run anti-fake programs.

Amazon e-commerce Web sites not only in match-fixing. Alibaba is trying to address the issue of counterfeit goods, which spent $160 million in this regard.
Amazon launched the timing of such action, comes as the holiday shopping season is coming. The holiday shopping season is usually a period of highest annual revenue Amazon. The company is likely to want to turn to the Court to ensure that address consumer concerns, make sure they know their merchandise purchased from Amazon are genuine. It also wants to allow sellers to be assured, allowing them to make sure they didn't face competition from the sale of counterfeit goods and the risk of loss of revenue. According to a CNBC report, because of Amazon's sales losses caused by counterfeit goods, Forearm Forklift since 2008 's annual revenue fell sharply to 30%.

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