Thursday, February 2, 2017

Package light package and package that cost-effective

Bao Gong Bao material is the purchase of decorative materials will be commissioned by the decoration company, unified by the other materials and labor costs reported.

Baoqing workers is to buy their own materials, from the workers to construction, decoration fees paid to the construction company or team, the owner of the burden of their own expenses.
House hand, whether it is a package of clean work or contracting package materials, can save money can also be home layout, is the homeowners really care about. A decoration company's professionals Mr. Qi, in the process of consulting the press, lists the advantages and disadvantages of the two methods for the owners reference.

Baoqing workers advantage is spending a transparent, because it is personally purchased, the amount of each material how much money the owner is very clear. Drawback is that users need to spend a lot of energy and time, if the purchase of materials is not timely, easy to delay the duration. The most important is the owner of the quality of decorative materials is difficult to grasp the texture of the material, the use of very little understanding, but because a small number of purchases, often can not buy wholesale prices. Once the quality of the project problems, it is difficult to distinguish the quality of the process, or material quality.
Bao Gong Bao material is the advantage of saving time and effort, can save customers a lot of trouble. Decoration companies often deal with material suppliers, have their own fixed supply channels, the corresponding test means, so very few buy fake and shoddy materials. Decorative materials for the company will be a large number of commonly used to buy, so can get a very low price. On the material supplier is concerned, it will not easily be unqualified decorative materials sold to decorative companies. Because the supplier is very clear, in the current situation of the buyer's market, to keep a fixed large customers is not easy, a little carelessness will lose a customer, it is very business-oriented integrity.
Of course, there are some inexperienced, non-standard decoration company took the opportunity to just a few, with low-quality materials to deceive customers, decorated room "Jinyu, the foul of them", so remind consumers must choose formal, reputable decoration company. In addition, in order to ensure the quality of decoration, it is best to find professional supervision supervisors, laying pipelines and other hidden works, but also their own acceptance and then allowed to seal.
After this comparison, the owner can according to their own situation to choose their own decoration.

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