Monday, January 30, 2017

Staircase handrail installation process

Staircase handrail installation

1 Scope
    This process standard applies to stairs, metal railings and wooden armrests and plastic armrest installation works.
2 construction preparation
    2.1 Materials and components:
    2.1.1 Wooden handrails are generally made of hardwood and processed into finished products. The tree species, specifications, size and shape are in accordance with the design requirements. The quality of wood should be straight texture, the same color, may not have decay, knots, cracks, distortion and other defects; moisture content of not more than 12%. Elbow material commonly used handrail material to 45 ° angle section, the special section of the wooden armrest according to the design requirements of elbow material.
    2.1.2 plastic armrest (PVC handrail material) chemical plastic products; section form, size and color according to design requirements.
    2.1.3 Binder: You can use animal glue (bladder), the general multi-purpose polyvinyl acetate (latex) and other chemical adhesives.
    2.1.4 Other materials: wood screws, wood sandpaper, processing accessories.
    2.2 The main equipment:
    2.2.1 electric equipment: portable electric drill, a small table saw.
    2.2.2 manual tools: wood saws, narrow saws; two planing, small plane, small iron shaver; ax, claw hammer, flat shovel, steel setback, wood setback, screwdriver; side ruler, cut angle ruler, clip and so on.
    2.3 Operating conditions:
    2.3.1 staircase wall, staircase pedal plastering, etc. all completed.
    2.3.2 metal railings or wall armrests fixed embedded parts installed.
3 operating process
    3.1 Process flow:
Find and crossed → elbow → pre-installed connection → fixed → renovation

    3.2 Wood handrails:
    3.2.1 Find and Mark: Fixing the armrests: Position, elevation, and slope After finding the position correction, the vertical center line of the armrest is ejected. according to the design handrail structure, according to the bending position, angle, cut out the cut or cut angle line. staircase railings and railings top, draw the straight line and the elbow elbow, the beginning and end of the bending segment position.
    3.2.2 Elbow preparation: According to the slope of the top of the fence or railing, with a good start elbow, the general wooden handrails, handrail material can be cut with the elbow, the use of cut-to-joint bonding in the broken block cut with at least Consider three screws attached to the support fixture. More than 70mm section of the armrest joints preparation, in addition to bonding, but also in the following for the dark tenon or iron riveting solid. overall elbow production: first do a full-size sample, and check with the scene after the line, in the elbow material according to the model crossed, made of rough wool (wool size is generally larger than the design size of about 10mm) . Pre-installed according to the crossed position, with the vertical line of the end of the handrail bonding, the production of the elbow under the groove, and railings flat or fixed pieces of close integration.
    3.2.3 Prefabricated prefabricated wooden handrails shall be pre-installed, pre-installed wooden handrails from the bottom up, the first pre-installed elbow and the first run to connect the elbow bending elbow, matched with the upper and lower bending Of the straight handrail material, the pre-installed bonding segment, the bonding temperature of the operating environment shall not be less than 5 ℃.
    3.2.4 fixed: sub-pre-installed inspection is correct, the handrails and railings (railings) on the fixed parts, with wood screws tighten fixed, fixed pitch control within 400mm, the operation should be fixed at the first handrail material drilling Hole, and then screw into the wood, not directly into the hammer, the nut to the level.
    3.2.5 Refurbishment: If the armrest is not smooth at the bend of the handrail, it should be polished with fine wood file to make the angle of the line clear, the slope angle is right, the bending is natural and the section is the same.
    3.3 Plastic armrests (PVC handrails):
    3.3.1 find and cross the line: according to design requirements and optional plastic handrail material, check the armrest support fixtures, slope, size, corner shape to find bits, crossed line to determine each section of the broken line, straight section of the arm length .
    3.3.2 elbow preparation: general plastic handrail, handrail cut angle preparation.
    3.3.3 Connection pre-installation: install plastic handrails, should be run from each staircase railings (fence) at the top, set flat steel, the handrail material fixed groove inserted into the support, from the top down, you can make the handrails Slots hold flat steel. Straight line segment and the upper and lower bending line position coincidence, split split split bending material phase.
    3.3.4 fixed: plastic armrest mainly rely on the armrest groove inserted into the support flat steel hold tightly fixed, bending and linear handrail heating end pressure bonding, can also be latex and handrail straight section of the adhesive.
    3.3.5 Refurbishment: Bonding hardening, bending the office file with a wooden file polished, renovated smooth.
4 quality standards
    4.1 Warranty items:
    4.1.1 wood handrails and elbow wood species, material and moisture content must meet the design requirements and "wood construction and acceptance of the construction specification" (GBJ206-83) requirements.
    4.1.2 plastic armrest selection should be consistent with the bearing, material shape, size should meet the design requirements.
    4.1.3 Installation of fixed armrest embedded parts (wood bricks or iron) must be strong, no loose phenomenon, wood handrails into the wall should be done anti-corrosion treatment.
    4.2 Basic Items:
    4.2.1 Production: the size of the right size, smooth surface, straight lines, curved surface arc Shun, Leng angle Founder, no closure Cha, planing marks, hammer India and other defects.
    4.2.2 Installation: the correct position, cutting corners accurate, neat, tight joints, the same slope, bonding firm, fluent, nuts straight, the same size of the wall.
    4.2.3 plastic armrest should be no split.
    4.3 Permissible deviation items, see Table 9-49.
                             Stair rail mounting tolerances Table 9-49
Line item Allowable deviation (mm) Inspection method
1 rail (board) vertical 2 hanging line size inspection
2 the amount of 3 bar spacing distance inspection
3 armrest longitudinal bending 4 pull line size check
4 elbow and handrail specifications 3 size check

5 protection of finished products
    5.1 When installing the handrail, protect the stair railings, stair steps, and items within the operating range.
    5.2 wooden handrails after installation, should be a primer brush, friends should be added parcels, so as not to damage and damp color impact.
    5.3 Plastic armrests should be protected in time after installation.
6 should pay attention to quality problems
    6.1 Adhesive lax or cracking: Wooden armrest is mainly due to the high moisture content of the installation of the escalator, after installation due to shrinkage. Handrail material approach, should be stored in the library to keep ventilated and dry, is strictly prohibited in the case of moisture installed.
    6.2 then Cha uneven: the main groove is not the same depth of the bottom of the railings, railings flat or fixed parts are not flat, the impact of the smooth handrails of the quality of cha.
    6.3 Color uneven: mainly due to improper choice of materials.
    6.4 nut uneven: drilling angle is mainly improper, the construction should be the direction of drilling with the flat iron or fixed pieces of vertical.
7 Quality records:
    This process standard shall have the following quality records:
    7.1 Wood handrail materials should be wood grade and drying test data.
    7.2 plastic handrails should be consistent with product specifications of the certificate.
    7.3 installation of quality inspection and evaluation information.

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