Monday, January 30, 2017

Wooden retaining wall, wooden bobbin installation process

Wooden retaining wall, wooden roller board installation

1 Scope
    The process standards for high-level civil and special requirements of the construction of wooden retaining wall and wooden child board project installation.
2 construction preparation
    2.1 Material requirements:
    2.1.1 Timber tree species, material grade, specifications should be consistent with the requirements of the design drawings and the relevant norms of construction and acceptance requirements.
    2.1.2 Dragon Aggregate generally red, white pine drying material, moisture content of not more than 12%, the material shall not be rotten, super-section 1/3 of the knots, wall crack, distortion and other defects and pre-treatment.
    2.1.3 panel generally use plywood (slice board or rotary plate), the thickness of not less than 3mm (also can use other veneer sheet), color, pattern should try to be similar. When the original wood for the panel, the moisture content of not more than 12%, plate thickness of not less than 15mm; requirements of the mosaic of the board, sheet thickness of not less than 20mm, and requires texture straight, uniform color, pattern approximation, Cracks, distortion, discoloration and other flaws.
    2.1.4 Excipients: moisture-proof membrane: oil paper, linoleum, can also be used moisture-proof coating. adhesives, preservatives: latex, sodium fluoride (purity should be 75% or more, free of free hydrogen fluoride and petroleum asphalt). nails: length specifications should be 2 to 2.5 times the thickness of the panel; also available nail.
    2.2 The main equipment:
    2.2.1 electric tools: small table saw, small plane shaver, hand drill, gun.
    2.2.2 Hand tools: wood planing (large, medium and small), slot shaver, wood saw, fine tooth, knife saw, ax, hammer, flat shovel, punch, screwdriver; square foot, cut ruler, small steel ruler, Plate, line fall, ink fountain, and so on.
    2.3 Operating conditions:
    2.3.1 wooden wall, wooden child board at the structural plane or the base level, should be embedded with wood bricks or iron pieces.
    2.3.2 The wooden frame and wooden board shall be installed after the installation of the door window and window sill, and the panel shall be finished after plastering and finishing on the floor.
    2.3.3 wooden retaining wall, wooden sub-board keel should be installed before the planer plane plane, and the remaining three brush preservatives.
    2.3.4 Construction equipment Before the installation of equipment, power, and commissioning.
    2.3.5 When the construction quantity of the construction project is large and complex, a large sample construction drawing shall be drawn and a model shall be made before it can be carried out in a large area after passing the inspection.
3 operating process
    3.1 Process flow:
Line positioning → check embedded parts and holes → spread coating moisture-proof layer → keel preparation and installation → binding panel

    3.2 to find and crossed: wooden retaining wall, wooden child board installation, should be based on the design requirements, first find a good elevation, plane position, vertical size, the shell line.
    3.3 Check the embedded parts and holes: After the bomb line check embedded parts, wood bricks are in line with the design and installation requirements, the main check arrangement spacing, size, location, meet the requirements of the staple keel; measurement of doors and windows and other hole location, Whether the size is Founder vertical, and design requirements are consistent.
    3.4 Shop, coated with moisture-proof layer: the design of moisture-proof wooden retaining wall, wooden sub-board, the keel in the staple should be pressing the moisture-proof membrane, or in the staple before bunched damp layer construction.
    3.5 keel preparation and installation:
    3.5.1 Wood-framed keel: Partial wood-framed keel: According to the size and height of the room, can be made into a dragon skeleton, the whole or sub-block installation. full-height wood keel: first measure the size of the room, according to the four corners of the room and the location of the upper and lower keel, the four-frame keel to find bits, flat stapled, straight, and then keel spacing required by the design staple keel.
    When the design element requirements, the general cross-keel spacing of 400mm, vertical keel spacing of 500mm. If the panel thickness of 15mm or more, the horizontal keel spacing can be expanded to 450mm.
    Wood keel installation must find the side, looking straight, the gap between the skeleton and wooden bricks should be padded with wooden mats, each wooden pad with at least two nails nailed in the installation of the keel reserve when the published surface thickness.
    3.5.2 Wood Cylinder Keel: According to the actual size of the hole, according to the design specifications of the cross-section of the skeleton material, one side of the bobbin skeleton can be divided into three prefabricated, one roof, one on each side. Each piece is generally two pole, when the cheese board width is greater than 500mm, the middle should be appropriate to increase pole. Transverse keel spacing of not more than 400mm; panel width of 500mm, the horizontal keel spacing of not more than 300mm. The keel must be securely fastened to the fixture and the surface should be flattened and flat, straight, and straight after installation. Preservative preparation and brushing methods should be consistent with the provisions of the relevant norms.
    3.6 Stapling Panel:
    3.6.1 panel color selection with grain: all approach the panel material, press the same room before use. Near the site of the amount of selection, so that after installation from the perception of grainy, color similar to the same.
    3.6.2 Preparation of the cutting board: According to the rule of the keel, cut the board on the board, the original wood surface should be planed; the plywood and plywood should be planed and the facets should be shaved. When the panel is long-butted, it must be considered that the joint is located at the horizontal keel.
    The back of the original timber panel should be done unloading slot, the general unloading force groove spacing of 100mm, slot width 10mm, groove depth of 4 ~ 6mm, to prevent distortion of the board surface.
    3.6.3 Panel Mounting: Before installing the panel, check the keel position, flatness, nail set, moisture proof construction requirements, etc., after installation. After the panel is equipped with the test equipment, the size of the panel, the joint and the joint are completely suitable for construction, and the wood grain direction and color perception can still be installed. Panel joints should be coated with glue and keel nail, solid nail panel specifications should be appropriate, nail length of about 2 to 2.5 times the thickness of the panel, nail from the general 100mm, nail cap should be smashed flat, and with the sharp red Sub-needle will be directed into the direction of the wood grain plate surface l ~ 2mm. nail paste face: paste face material should be selected, pattern, color and frame material, panel approximation. Face size specifications, width, thickness should be consistent, then Gui-ping should be no error Cha.
4 quality standards
    4.1 Warranty items:
    4.1.1 Variety, material grade, moisture content and anti-corrosion measures of materials such as plywood and plywood shall meet the requirements of design and construction and acceptance specifications.
    4.1.2 fine wood products and grass-roots or wood bricks inlay nails must be solid, no loose.
    4.2 Basic Items:
    4.2.1 production; size is correct, the surface smooth, corrugated Founder, straight lines, not exposed nail cap, no closure Cha, planing marks, burrs and hammering.
    4.2.2 Installation: the correct position, cutting angle neatly, circle, tight joints, smooth straight, close to the wall, the wall size consistent.
    4.3 Allowable deviation items, see Table 9-50.
                         Tolerances for the installation of wood-paneled, bobbin boards Table 9-50
Line item Allowable deviation (mm) Inspection method
Wood parapet on the mouth straight 3 pull 5m line size inspection
Check the vertical 2 wire drop size
Surface roughness 1.5 with 1m by foot inspection
Check the distance between the two lines
Check the vertical 2 wire drop size
2 bobbin plate surface smooth 1.5 with 1m by foot inspection
Upper and lower wide and narrow 2-foot check
3 up and down the difference between the width of the faceplate 2 foot size check

5 protection of finished products
    5.1 The fine wood products shall be stored in the indoor warehouse or shed, kept dry and ventilated, and laid on the level of the dunnage according to the type and specification of the products.
    5.2 Ingredients should be carried out on the console, not directly on the ground in the absence of protective measures.
    5.3 when operating the window sill should be bedding protection layer, not directly on the sill board operation.
    5.4 wooden wainscot board, cheese board, paste the face plate after installation, should be a timely brush a primer to prevent cracking or pollution.
    5.5 In order to protect the finished wood products, to prevent damage or pollution, especially at the entrance should be added protective measures, such as the installation of protection, angle plate, plastic film, and set up care and so on.
6 should pay attention to quality problems
    6.1 surface wood grain disorder, color difference is too large: the main choice is material, affecting the perception; attention to the acceptance of processed products. Should be selected to match the use of classification.
    6.2 edges and corners are not straight, joints joints uneven: mainly due to pressure, paste face material specifications vary, the panel installation of imported missing. Keel surface uneven. From the processing of wood to the installation, each process to achieve the standard to ensure the overall quality.
    6.3 up and down the cheese board is not Founder: Plastering tendons are not rules, the installation of keel frame is not adjusted Founder; should pay attention to the installation is adjusted, hanging straight, looking for Shun, to ensure that Founder.
    6.4 up and down or left and right asymmetry: mainly due to the installation of doors and windows frame deviation, resulting in inconsistent upper and lower or left and right width; installation to find the line in time to correct.
    6.5 cutting angle is not strict, cut the crossed line is not serious, the operation is not careful: should be carefully cut with angular cut lines to ensure that the angle, the length of accurate.
7 Quality records
    This process standard shall have the following quality records:
    7.1 Timber and products for wood-wall, bobbin board shall have grade and drying test data.
    7.2 Plywood, plywood should be product certification.
    7.3 installation of quality inspection and evaluation information.

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