Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Outdoor heating pipe installation process

Outdoor heating pipe installation
1 scope
The technology standard is applicable to civil buildings (neighborhood) saturated vapor pressure is not greater than 0.8 MPa, hot water temperature does not exceed 150 ℃ outdoor heating and domestic hot water supply pipe (including buried, cooking, or overhead pipeline) installation.
2 construction preparation
2.1 material requirements:
2.1.1 pipe material: carbon steel pipe, seamless steel pipe, galvanized carbon steel pipe shall have the product certificate, tubing shall not be bent, rust, no fly, double skin defects and concave and convex inequality.
2.1.2 pipe fittings in accordance with current standards, have the factory certificate, unbiased clasp, buckle, square buckle, no defects such as broken wires and point of view.
2.1.3 various valve factory certification, specification, type, strength and leak test in accordance with the design requirements. Thread is no damage, casting no burr, no crack, flexible switch, the handwheel without damage.
2.1.4 accessory device, pressure reducer, hydrophobic, filters, compensator, flange should have product certificate and specification should comply with the design requirements.
2.1.5 steel, round steel, pipe clamp, bolts, nuts, such as oil, hemp, cushion, electric welding rod comply with the design requirements.
2.2 the main equipment:
2.2.1 equipment: grinding wheel saws, set of silk machine, bench drill, electric welding machine, heat bending machine, etc.
2.2.2 tools: set of wire plate, the pressure case, tongs, active board, hand saw, hammer, vise, welding tools, steel tape, horizontal, string cable, etc.
2.3 operation conditions:
2.3.1 no gutter pipe installation, must be in the groove leveling ramming, along the pipeline position without sundry, groove width and bottom elevation size to review and correct.
2.3.2 trench inside the main installation, should be in the pipeline after the build by laying bricks or stones, cover before the trench cover, installed elevator holder frame.
2.3.3 aerial installation of main, should first take a good scaffolding, steady after installed pipe support.
3 operation process
3.1 process:
3.1.1 buried:
To prevent decay heat preservation

Alignment positioning - - dig pipe trench - pipe laying - compensator to water pressure test, installation

Sand well and build by laying bricks or stones, to lay

Anti-corrosion insulation repair to fill cover fine sand, backfill soil compaction

3.1.2 trench:
Pay-off positioning and earth excavation to build by laying bricks or stones trench, card holder to pipe installation, system installation

Compensator installed to water pressure test, antisepsis insulation to cover ditch cover plate, backfill soil

3.1.3 set up:
The pay-off positioning - card installation and pipe installation - compensator to water pressure test, anti-corrosion insulation installation

3.2 directly buried pipeline installation:
3.2.1 according to the location of the design drawing, measurement, piling, pay-off, digging, gutter bedding processing, etc.
3.2.2 for ease of piping installation, digging ditches should be the side of the mound dig out on the river bank, pile bottom and river bank to keep a distance of 0.6 to 1 m, groove for draw with cement, in order to prevent the pipe bending stress.
3.2.3 pipeline ditch before, should check whether the bottom elevation groove width size is comply with the design requirements, insulation pipe should check whether there is insulation damage, such as local injury occurs, damaged parts should be on top, and tags, facilitate unified repair.
3.2.4 subsection welding pipe should be on the river bank, every length within 25 ~ 35 m. The pipes, the application of fixed on the anchor rope will end, and set of volume section took the other end, section with a crowbar be moved to the river bank, put wooden sliding bar, slowly put a rope to make a single unified chain of command section along the slide under the wooden poles. To avoid pipe bending, pull on the rope shall not be less than two and a ditch shall not stand.
3.2.5 groove pipe welding, connections must be clean before lumen, look straight leveling, welding place to dig pit operation, its size to facilitate the welding operation.
3.2.6 valves, fittings, compensator, etc., should be in before construction according to construction requirements in advance along the river bank, and installed before testing.
3.2.7 pipe hydraulic test, should according to the provisions of the design requirements and specifications for implicit pressure testing procedures, drain the water clean.
3.2.8 pipeline anticorrosion, should focus on in advance, both ends of pipeline to set aside the distance of the joint, joint corrosion after test again after treatment.
3.2.9 backfill soil to fill 100 mm around the insulation tube fine sand, then fill soil, 300 mm with artificial stratified backfill soil compaction. Pipeline crossing the road in less than 800 mm in depth, should do the simple pipe trench, sealed by the concrete cover plate, a ditch filling sand processing.
3.3 gutter pipe installation:
3.3.1 when not pass gutter pipe installation, should be in civil cushion immediately after the completion of installation.
3.3.2 rainfall distribution on 10-12 civil after good bedding, elevation is reviewed according to the drawing and in the center of the cushion on the pop-up gutter span bearing and sliding bracket was laid by the regulation.
3.3.3 pipe should be on the river bank section connection, pipe placed on the bearing with level find is leveling. Installed on the sliding bracket, the compensator stretching and alignment position before welding.
3.3.4 passage gutter pipe should be installed in the gutter, either one or both of stents should use steel, stent spacing requirements are shown in table 1-28. Shall be defined by the slope of the pipeline should be in accordance with the design.
Support maximum spacing - 28 in table 1
Tube diameter (mm) 15 20 to 25 32 40 to 50, 70, 80, 100, 125, 150, 200
Do not heat preservation (mm) 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 2.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 3.0 5.0 5.5 6.0
Wen (mm) 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 2.0 3.5 4.0 4.0 2.5 5.0 5.5 5.5

3.3.5 bracket installation to straight and firm, when there were several layers in the same gutter pipe, the installation sequence should be started, the bottom layer and the above pipeline installation, in order to facilitate welding, welding joint facilitate to choose in the location of the operation.
3.3.6 in case of expansion, is to be according to the requirements stated in the specification with precast pretensioning and support, according to the fixed position, and the pipe connection.
3.3.7 pipeline installation position coordinates, elevation, slope, left mouth, variable diameter etc, after review and correct the elevator frame bolts tight again good, the last stop plate welding on the card.
3.3.8 strong water pressure testing, flushing pipe hidden inspection formalities, drain the water clean.
3.3.9 pipeline anticorrosion heat preservation, should comply with the design requirements and the rules and regulations of construction, finally will clean up the pipeline.
3.4 overhead pipeline installation:
3.4.1 track as stipulated in the design of the installation position, coordinates, and support the support of the measure position, installation support.
3.4.2 bracket after the installation is firm, to erect pipe installation, pipe and pipe fittings should be assembled on the ground, length so that the hoisting is advisable.
Rule 3.4.3 pipeline hoisting, can use mechanical or manual lifting and lashing of pipeline steel wire rope, the hoisting position should make bending pipe does not produce is advisable. Have lifting section not connect to using the clamp is fixed on the bracket.
3.4.4 using threaded connection pipe, the connection immediately after the hoisting; When welding, pipe lifting completely before welding. Weld is not allowed to in bracket and pedestal, pipe connection between the weld and stent should be greater than the distance between 150 ~ 200 mm.
3.4.5 as stipulated in the design and construction of each position, install valve, tank, compensator, and other ancillary equipment and connected to the pipe.
3.4.6 pipes installed, want to use level for a review on each section of the tube, is looking for straightening, the pipeline on a straight line.
3.4.7 pendulum is installed pipe wear casing structure, filling blocking pipe hole, obligate mouth should add good temporary pipe plug.
3.4.8 according to the requirements of the design or the pressure water pressure test, after passing the acceptance formalities, drain the water clean.
3.4.9 pipeline anticorrosion heat preservation, should comply with the design requirements and the rules and regulations of construction, pay attention to do the rain outside the insulation, protection measures such as moisture.
3.5 outdoor hot water and steam main entrance practice as shown in figure 1 to 44.
4 quality standards
4.1 ensure projects:
4.4.1 embedment, laying in the groove and overhead pipeline hydraulic pressure test result, must comply with the design requirements and the rules and regulations of construction.
Inspection method: inspect pipe network or segmented test record.
4.1.2 the location of the pipe fixed bracket and construction must comply with the design requirements and rules.
Inspection method: to observe the inspection and control design drawings.
4.1.3 position of expansion pipe must comply with the design requirements, and shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions, the pre-tension.
Inspection method: compare design drawing check and inspect the pre-tension record.
4.1.4 pressure reducer pressure after regulating must comply with the design requirements.
Inspection method: inspect regulating records.
4.1.5 dirt separator filter material, specification and bandaging method must comply with the design requirements and the rules and regulations of construction.
Test method: the collapse of the check.
4.1.6 heating pipelines or after the completion of delivery must be carried out before using purge.
Inspection method: inspect purge records.
4.1.7 the linking piece of material, size and hole must comply with the design requirements.
Test method: check installation records or the collapse of the check.
4.2 the basic items:
2 that the slope of the pipe should be consistent with the design requirements.
Testing method: use level (level), stay, and feet quantity check or check measurement record.
4.2.2 carbon steel pipe of threaded connection shall meet the following requirements: thread machining precision comply with national standard, thread clean, neat, no broken wire or wire, firm connection, pipe thread root has exposed threads. No welding galvanized carbon steel pipe, galvanized layer without damage, thread showing a good anti-corrosion, interface with no visible defects such as hemp oil.
Test method: observation or the collapse of the check.
Holdings of carbon steel pipe flange connection shall meet the following requirements: docking, closely parallel and perpendicular to the center line of the pipe, the screw nut same length, and no more than 1/2 screw diameter. Liner materials comply with the design requirements, and the one like layer.
Inspection method: to observe the examination.
4.2.4 carbon steel pipe welding shall meet the following requirements: joint straightness, weld strengthening surface in accordance with the rules and regulations of construction, joint surface without burning through, crack, nodules, slag inclusion and porosity, welding defects such as wave of uniform.
Inspection method: to observe with welding test ruler or inspection.
4.2.5 valve installation shall meet the following requirements: type, specification, compression strength and leak test results comply with the design requirements and the rules and regulations of construction, installation position and direction of import and export right, connect closely, opening and closing flexible, toward the ease of use, the surface is clean.
Inspection method: arbor inspection and check the factory certificate, test list.
4.2.6 pipe (,) rack installation shall meet the following requirements: correct structure, buried a right and firm, neat rows, close contact with the pipe.
Inspection method: to observe the feet and check.
4.2.7 pipes and metal stents coating shall meet the following requirements: times comply with the design requirements, types and besmear brushs the paint adhesion is good, without peeling, blister and the paint, paint film thickness uniformity, colour and lustre is consistent, no flow and pollution phenomenon.
Inspection method: to observe the examination.
4.2.8 buried pipeline coating shall meet the following requirements: material and structure in accordance with the rules and regulations of the design requirements and construction, coil and pipe and stickup and firm, between each layer coil surface level off, without buckling, empty drum, defects such as sliding and sealing is lax.
Test method: to observe the cut or coating inspection.
4.3 allowable deviation projects:
Outdoor heating pipe installation of allowable deviation and testing methods are shown in table 1 to 29.
Outdoor heating pipe installation and verify the allowable deviation method table 1-29
Project allows deviation (mm) test method
Sit the lay in the groove and aerial 20
Sit the buried 50
Laying and overhead plus or minus 10 level within the groove
The high buried plus or minus 15 (level),
Horizontal tube diameter less than or equal to 100 mm 0.5 ruler, guy
Longitudinal, each 1 m diameter greater than 100 mm 1 feet and check
Transverse direction long diameter less than or equal to 100 mm is not more than 13
Bending curve (more than 25 m) diameter greater than 100 mm is not greater than 25
Ellipticity on3dmax 10/100 - Dmin diameter less than or equal to 100 mm
Pipe diameter from 125 ~ 400 mm on3dmax 8/100 with a wild card
Bend pipe diameter less than or equal to 100 mm 4 pliers and feet
Crease roughness pipe diameter from 125 ~ 200 mm 5 quantity check
Diameter of 250 ~ 400 mm 7
Pressure reducer, hydrophobic, decontamination machine, steam injector geometry size 5 foot quantity check

5 finished product protection
5.1 installed pipe shall not be used as crane load and support, and stamped on, or when a fixed point in the construction.
5.2 cover ditch cover plate, should pay attention to protect, not collision damage.
5.3 all kinds of valves and accessory device should be installed protection cover plate, not pollution, smashing touch damage.
6 should pay attention to quality problems
6.1 pipe slope uneven or down the slope. Reason is the hanger spacing is too large, cause local pipeline prolapse, the slope is uneven. Installed on the pipe after open, interface later not straightening.
6.2 hot water heating system after warming, local is not hot. Reason is the main slope is not enough or laying down slope, the system of exhaust location is not correct, the system of air cannot successful eduction, or there are foreign bodies caused by sediment jam.
6.3 steam system is not hot. Main reason is that steam down slope, cannot be ruled out in the main condensate, along the hydrophobic device malfunction, or main and condensate pipe in return bend not installed exhaust valve and low drain valve.
6.4 do not match the diameter pipeline welding elbow. Reason is to suppress elbow and pipe diameter, used to suppress elbow, must make its outside diameter is the same as the pipe.
6.5 in the gutter clearance is too small, maintenance inconvenience. Reason is that when installing piping arrangement is not reasonable or not seriously examine the drawings before construction.
6.6 test or debug, pipe blockage. Mainly reserved mouth didn't install temporary plugging, when installation into debris.
7 should possess the quality of the record
7.1 should have the materials and equipment factory certificate.
7.2 material and equipment in the inspection records.
7.3 piping system engineering.
7.4 expansion pre-stretching records.
7.5 piping system hidden inspection records.
7.6 pressure testing of piping system for record.
7.7 system flushing records.
7.8 system commissioning records on steam, hot water.

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