Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Motor and its subsidiary equipment installation process

Motor and its subsidiary equipment installation
1 scope
The technology standard is applicable to general industrial and civil building electric installation engineering stationary, straight and synchronous motor and its ancillary equipment installation.
2 construction preparation
2.1 equipment and materials requirements:
2.1.1 motor nameplate, indicate the factory name, production date, motor model, capacity, frequency, voltage, current, wiring method, rotational speed, temperature, working methods, relevant technical data such as the insulation class.
2.1.2 the capacity of the motor, specifications, models must comply with the design requirements, complete accessories, spare parts, and have the factory certificate and relevant technical documents.
2.1.3 motor control, protection and starting the accessory equipment, should be matched with the motor, and a nameplate, indicate the factory name, date of production, specifications, models, and the factory certification and other relevant technical data.
2.1.4 steel shall comply with the design requirements of various specifications, steel has no obvious corrosion. And have a material certificate.
2.1.5 bolt: in addition to the motor stability with bolt, all should use galvanized bolt, and the corresponding galvanized nut flat washer, spring cushion.
2.1.6 other materials: insulating tape, welding electrode, antirust paint, mixed paint, transformer oil, grease, etc. Product certification.
2.2 the main equipment:
Chain hoist and gantry, rope buckle, bench drill, grinding wheel, hand electric drill, coupling extractor, vise, hydraulic pliers, wrenches, hammer, flat file, hammer, steel ruler, round steel wire plate, electric welding machine, welding tools, feeler, spirit level, tachometer, shaking table, multimeter, clamp ampere meter, test pencil, try the bell, electronic thermometer.
2.3 operation conditions:
2.3.1 construction drawing and technical data is complete.
2.3.2 basic civil engineering construction, door window glass is ok.
2.3.3 installed outdoors motor, should have rain.
2.3.4 motor, anchor bolt hole, the basis of the channel, the size of the cable pipe position should conform to the requirements of the design quality.
2.3.5 motor installation area should be clean, and the roads.
2.3.6 motor driven equipment has been installed, and test qualified.
3 operation process
3.1 process:
Equipment unpacking some pieces to check before installation, motor installed dry - - core-pulling check - motor

Control, protection and equipment installation and commissioning of inspection before starting to commissioning and acceptance

3.2 equipment unpacking points:
3.2.1 equipment unpacking some pieces of test should be installed unit, delivery unit, construction unit together, and make records;
3.2.2 listing in accordance with the equipment supply and technical documents, equipment and its accessories, spare parts of the specification, type, quantity, a detailed check;
3.2.3, control, and motor ontology starting equipment appearance inspection should be no damage and deformation, the paint should be in good condition;
3.2.4 motor and its accessories shall comply with the design requirements.
3.3 before installation check
3.3.1 motor before installation should make the following checks: motor should be in good condition, there should be no damage phenomenon. Disc rotor be brisk, there should be no jam and abnormal sound. box shipment of motor stator and rotor, rotor and its core shaft neck should be complete without corrosion phenomenon; motor accessories, spare parts should be complete without damage.
3.3.2 rainfall distribution on 10-12 motor performance should meet the requirements of the motor work environment around the motor selection shall conform to table 2-34
Motor type selection table 2-34
Serial number dress Ann model by motor
5 general
Damp places
Dust has more fiber and the site of a fire risk
There are flammable, explosive dangerous places
Corrosive gas and steam soak cloud areas protected motor
Drip proof and resistant to moisture insulation motor
Enclosed machine
The welding machine
Sealed and acid insulation motor

3.4 motor installation:
3.4.1 track motor installation shall be made by electrician, fitter operation, the installation of large motor for moving and lifting rigger match.
3.4.2 should review the position of the motor installation whether meet the maintenance operation convenient transportation.
Motor, on the basis of rule 3.4.3 fixed in general should not be less than 1.2 m channel maintenance.
3.4.4 using cement base, if no design requirements, basis weight is generally not less than three times the weight of the motor. Each side of the base should be beyond the edge of 100 ~ 150 mm motor base.
3.4.5 solid motor of the anchor bolt should be combined with concrete foundation firmly as a body, wash before watering hole, bolt itself should not be skewed, mechanical strength should meet the requirements.
3.4.6 steady loading motor gasket is generally not more than 3 pieces, gasket and foundation surface contact should be tight, motor base after the installation of secondary grouting.
3.4.7 using belt drive motor shaft and the drive shaft centerline should be parallel to the motor pulley and transmission device, its vertical degree of overall height is not more than 0.5 mm, two rounds of the corresponding slot should be on the same straight line.
3.4.8 adopts gear drive, circular gear axis should be parallel to the contact part should not be less than two-thirds of tooth width. Bevel gear axis Angle should be in accordance with the provisions, cross, bite degree should be consistent.
3.4.9 using backrest wheel drive, the axial and radial margin of error, elastic coupling should not be less than 0.05 mm, rigid connection is not greater than 0.02 mm. Connected to each other in the back of a chair wheel bolt hole should be consistent, nut locking device.
3.4.10 brush brush, brush and brush the installation; the same set of brush should be evenly arranged in a straight line; brush the arrangement of general should make different polarity of a pair of adjacent brush holder stagger, each other to make the commutator wear uniform; each brush should be adjusted on the commutator electrical neutral line; brush with slope Angle, its acute tip should with rotating in opposite directions; brush with the connection of copper braid and copper braid and brush holder connection should be good.
3.4.11 box shipment of motor stator and rotor, installing a rotor, the rope tied to the slip ring, commutator or shaft neck part.
3.4.12 high-voltage synchronous motor bearing insulation, used 1000 v shake table measuring insulation resistance should not be less than 1 m Ω.
3.4.13 motor wiring should be solid and reliable, and connection mode should be consistent with the power supply voltage.
3.4.14 motor installed, should be tested for several human rotation.
3.4.15 motor shell protection grounding (or zero) must be good.
3.5 motor core-pulling check:
3.5.1 track of motor is one of the following circumstances, should do core-pulling check: production date more than manufacturers guarantee period; the appearance inspection, or electrical test, the quality of suspicious; open motor, after the end when checking suspicious; test run there is abnormal situation; in 40 kw ac motor capacity and older, appropriate for a core pulling test before installation.
3.5.2 core-pulling inspection shall meet the following requirements: motor interior clean without sundry; motor iron core, journal, slip ring and commutator, etc should be clean, no scars, corrosion phenomenon, vent without blocking; coil insulation in good condition, tie line no loose phenomenon; stator slot wedge shall be no cracking, bulging and loose, the length and width of the ring of each slot wedge should not be more than a third, end slot wedge must be strong; rotor balance block should be tightened, balance the screw should be secured, the fan in the right direction, leaves no crack. pole and iron yoke fixed good, close to the excitation coil magnetic pole, should not loose; squirrel-cage motor rotor welding conductive bar and end ring will be good, casting conductive bar and side ring should be no crack; motor winding connection correct, firm welding; should match the pole centerline and geometric center line of the dc motor; motor ball bearing working surface should be smooth, no cracks, no rust, rolling body contact with the inside and outside the circle is good, no loose; Join bearing grease should be filled in the internal space of 2/3.
3.6 motor drying:
3.6.1 motor due to transportation, save or be affected with damp be affected with damp, after installation or absorption, insulation resistance can not meet the specification requirements, should be dry processing;
3.6.2 motor dry work, shall be carried out by an experienced electrician, before drying should be formulated according to the motor be affected with damp be affected with damp situation drying method and relevant technical measures.
3.6.3 slowly drying temperature rising, the highest temperature of coil and iron core should be controlled in 70 ~ 80 ℃.
3.6.4 radar echoes captured when the motor insulation resistance meet the specification requirements, at the same temperature by 5 h stable, can think after drying.
3.6.5 drying work according to the site, extent of motor be affected with damp be affected with damp choose the following methods: circulating hot air drying room for drying; lamp drying method. Light bulb can use infrared light bulbs or direct light bulb commonly made on the winding, the regulation of temperature can be used to change the light bulb wattage.
Drying current. With low voltage, using rheostat to adjust current, its current size should be controlled within 60% of the motor rated current. And thermometer should be installed to monitor the drying temperature at any time.
3.7 control, protection and starting equipment installation:
3.7.1 motor control and protection equipment before installation should check whether match the motor capacity.
3.7.2 control and protection equipment installation shall be carried out according to the design requirements. General should be installed near the motor.
3.7.3 motor, control equipment and drag the equipment should be numbered.
3.7.4 led to a motor connection box Ming fu wire length should be less than 0.3 m, and should strengthen the insulation, prone to mechanical damage place should be set of protecting tube.
3.7.5 high voltage motor cable terminal head should be directly imported motor terminal box. When can not meet the above requirement, should in the junction box add protective measures.
3.7.6 dc motor, synchronous motor and adjust the connection of resistance circuit and exciting circuit, copper wires should be adopted. Wires should not have joint. Adjust the resistor should be good contact, regulate the uniform.
3.7.7 motor should be installed over current and short circuit protection devices, and should be installed according to the requirement of equipment phase sequence and low voltage protection.
The choice of 3.7.8 motor protection device: using thermal components, components generally according to the motor rated current of 1.1 ~ 1.25 times to choose. using fuse (film), fuse (sheet) general according to the motor rated current of 1.5 ~ 25 times to choose.
3.8 before the commissioning of inspection:
3.8.1 civil engineering all over, the scene is cleaned.
Inspection installation 3.8.2 motor noumenon end.
3.8.3 and cooling speed, lubrication and ancillary system installation, acceptance, division of the trial run in good condition.
3.8.4 motor protection, control, measurement, signal and excitation circuit debugging completed action is normal.
3.8.5 motor should be tested for the following measuring insulation resistance: a. 1 kv following motor use 1 kv shake table test, insulation resistance value not less than 1 m Ω; B. 1 kV and above motor, use 2.5 kV table wave measuring insulation resistance at 75 ℃, the stator winding of no less than 1 M per kV Ω, rotor winding is not lower than 0.5 M per kV Ω, absorptance and do. above 1 kv motor ac withstand voltage test should be done. above 1000 v or more than 1000 kw, neutral connection has lead to line terminal board of the stator winding dc pressure and leak test should be done separately.
3.8.6 brush contact with the commutator or slip rings should be good.
3.8.7 disc rotor motor should be flexible rotation, no touch card phenomenon.
3.8.8 motor lead wire should be correct phase, fixed firmly, compact connection.
3.8.9 motor shell paint a complete, good grounding protection.
3.8.10 lighting, communications, fire protection system should be complete.
3.9 commissioning and acceptance:
3.9.1 motor generally should be performed in the case of no-load commissioning, no-load running time is 2 h, and make motor no-load current voltage.
3.9.2 machine commissioning after turning on the power supply, such as found not starting and starting the motor rotation speed is low or abnormal phenomenon such as sound, check reason shall be immediately cut off power supply.
3.9.3 starting more than one motor, should press capacity starting from big to small one by one, don't start at the same time.
3.9.4 motor test should be done in the following inspection: motor direction of rotation in conformity with the requirements of normal voice; commutator, slip ring and brush work normally; the temperature of the motor should not be overheating phenomenon; sliding bearing temperature rise shall not exceed 80 ℃, the rolling bearing temperature rise shall not exceed 95 ℃. motor vibration should comply with the specification requirements.
3.9.5 ac motor starting with load times should reduce as far as possible, such as product according to the provisions of the no during cold start for 2 times; When hot, can start the l.
Acceptance of the 3.9.6 motor, should submit the following documents and files. design change business. product manuals, test records, certificates and other technical documents; installation records (include dry motor core pulling inspection records, records, etc.); adjustment test record.
4 quality standards
4.1 ensure projects:
4.4.1 motor test adjustment as a result, must comply with the rules and regulations of construction.
Test method: the measured or adjustment check test records.
4.1.2 TV terminals and wire terminals must connect closely, not affected by external force, connection with fastener locking device complete is complete. In the motor terminal box, bare different between the phase conductors and conductors of minimum distance between must comply with the rules and regulations of construction.
Inspection method: to observe the inspection and check the installation records.
4.2 the basic items:
2 motor core pulling test results should comply with the following provisions coil insulation in good condition, no scars, cable tie, slot wedge no fault, no looseness, lead bonding is strong; Internal cleaning, vent way up; bearing working surface is smooth and clean without cracks or corrosion, oil (grease) model, specification and quantity correctly; Screw locking piece of fastening rotor balance, balance, fan blades, no crack. motor paint in good condition, uniform and core-pulling complete inspection records.
Inspection method: to observe the inspection and check the motor core pulling.
4.2.2 motor brush installation shall meet the following requirements: brush and commutator or collector ring contact is good, the upper and lower activity, reaction in the brush brush pressure is normal, reliable lead connected closely with the brush frame. winding motor brush lift device is reliable, short-circuit blade contact is good, the movement direction is consistent with the logo.
No spark motor running, brush.
Inspection method: to observe and commissioning tests.
Holdings motor enclosure grounding (zero) line installation shall meet the following requirements: closely, firm connection, choose correct grounding (zero) line section, anticorrosive parts of the paint evenly without omission. lines to reasonable, color standard, after besmear is not contaminated equipment and buildings.
Inspection method: to observe the examination.
5 finished product protection
5.1 motor and its subsidiary equipment installed in the computer room, computer room door should be locked. Without the permission of installation and related personnel, the installation personnel shall not enter.
5.2 motor and ancillary equipment such as installing outside, take the necessary protective measures according to the field situation, control equipment box, cabinet lock.
5.3 construction should cooperate with each other between different work, protect the equipment from the collision damage.
5.4 motor installed, should keep dry room, in case of equipment corrosion.
5.5 motor and motor equipment after the installation, should be kept clean.
5.6 high voltage motor in the process of installation and debugging shall be designated persons on duty.
6 should pay attention to quality problems
6.1 should pay attention to the quality problem of the electrical installation and debugging are shown in table 2-35.
7 should possess the quality of the record
7.1 equipment material product certificate.
7.2 equipment material receiving inspection records.
7.3 since the inspection records.
7.4 testing record.
Often the quality problems and control measures in table 2-35
The quality problem of the serial number often produce for prevention measures
Motor terminal box bare wires, neat lines enough to ground distance between lines, the special cases of distance as a result of insufficient insulation protection should be strengthened
Complete technical clarificaiton, shake the necessity of measuring the insulation awareness, strengthen the installation personnel sense of responsibility
3 wiring is not correct in accordance with the power supply voltage and the motor marked connection way
Motor earthing line (zero) not firm, wiring location is not correct earthing line up in grounding dedicated terminal (terminal), ground wire section must conform to the requirements of the specification, and pressed firmly
5 the motor end cover of temperature is too high to be in accordance with the provisions, and lubricating oil
6 back wheel clearance inconsistent motor and drag equipment should find is leveling
Before commissioning should check whether the current thermal relay and motor, power switch selection is reasonable

7.5 test report.
7.6 design changes regarding the record.
7.7 kinds of construction quality assessment record.

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