Monday, December 26, 2016

Complete sets of power distribution cabinet and power switch cabinet installation

Complete sets of power distribution cabinet and power switch cabinet
1 scope
The technology standard is applicable to 10 kv and below the general industrial and civil building electric installation engineering of complete sets of power distribution cabinets, power switch cabinet (disc) installation and secondary loop connection.
2 construction preparation
2.1 equipment and materials requirements:
2.1.1 equipment and materials are conform to the state or department issued by the current technical standards, comply with the design requirements, and have the factory certificate. Equipment nameplate, and indicating the name of the manufacturer, the accessories, spare parts is complete.
2.1.2 installation materials used: steel should be no obvious corrosion and material has been proved that the secondary connection wires shall have the certificate of approval with the "Great Wall" mark. galvanized screws, nuts, washers, spring cushion, anchor bolt. other material: galvanized iron wire, phenolic board, paint, antirust paint, mixed paint, plastic hose, plastic pipe, nylon tape, small white wire, insulation pads, signs, welding electrode, saw blade, such as oxygen, acetylene shall conform to the quality requirements.
2.2 the main equipment:
2.2.1 lifting handling equipment: cars, cars hanging, carts, hoist, chain hoist, wire rope, hemp rope, etc.
2.2.2 installation tools, bench drill, drill, electric hammer, grinding wheel, electric welding machine, welding tools, vise, file, move hands, hacksaw, process, pliers, screwdriver, electric knife, etc.
2.2.3 test tools: level, megohm meter, multimeter, spirit level, test pencil, high voltage test equipment, steel ruler, steel tape, vacuum cleaners, feeler, line drop, etc.
2.2.4 sending run safe appliance: high-pressure electroscope, high-voltage insulating boots, insulating gloves, knitting grounding line powder fire extinguisher.
2.3 operation conditions:
2.3.1 civil construction conditions: elevation, size, structure and civil engineering construction shall comply with the design requirements.
Finished walls, roof, shotcrete, no leaking, door and window glass is installed, the door locked. indoor ground engineering, site clean and clear.
2.3.2 construction drawings, technical data is complete. Technology, security, fire control measures implemented.
2.3.3 complete equipment, material, and shipped to the library at the scene.
3 operation process
3.1 process:
Equipment - equipment handling - the postal inspection cabinet (disc) and steady loading ark mother with the preparation and above (plate)

Ark (disc) secondary loop connection to ark (disc) test adjustment, sending acceptance run

3.2 equipment unpacking check:
3.2.1 installation unit, delivery unit or the construction unit together, and make inspection records.
3.2.2 according to equipment list, construction drawings and technical data, check equipment ontology and accessories, spare parts specifications should conform to the requirements of the design drawings; Complete accessories, spare parts; Product qualification certificate, technical data, specification is complete.
3.2.3 ark (dish) body appearance inspection should be no damage and deformation, the paint intact.
3.2.4 ark (plate) internal inspection: electrical devices and components, insulation porcelain is complete, no damage, crack defects, etc.
3.3 equipment handling
3.3.1 equipment transportation: by lifting work, electrician to cooperate. According to the equipment weight, the length of the distance by car, car and transportation, human cart or hoist rollarounds transportation.
3.3.2 rainfall distribution on 10-12 equipment during transportation and hoisting precautions: path prior to cleaning, ensure smooth level off. equipment lifting point. (disc) at the top of the ark were the suspension loop, the sling should wear in the eye, without rings hanging element shall be hung in the corners of the main bearing structure, must not be sling hanging on the equipment parts. Should match the cord length of the sling, in case of cabinet put oneself in another's position of deformation or damage to the parts. motor transport, it must be with hemp rope equipment fixed in mind, and body to drive smoothly.
3.4 tank (disc) installation:
3.4.1 track foundation steel installation: straightening steel. Will have a bending section steel straightening, and then, according to the requirements of drawings prefabricated processing base steel frame, and brush antirust paint. according to construction drawings are marked position, will be preformed based steel frame on the reserved iron, with level or a level leveling and alignment. Leveling process, need a gasket place can't more than three pieces. Then, will base steel frame, embedded iron parts, gasket with electric welding weld. Eventually based steel at the top of the appropriate 10 mm screeding above ground, handcart cupboard execution according to the requirements of product technology. Steel installation allows deviation are shown in table 2 to 30.
To allow the base steel installation deviation table 2-30
Project allowed deviation
Mm mm/m / 2
Not straight degree 1 < < 5
Water level degree of < 1 < 5
The position error and not parallel < 5
Note: the circular layout according to the design requirements. sections connected to the ground: basis steel after the installation, the outdoor ground flat respectively introduces indoor (with transformer installation ground) and the ends of the base steel welded, welding surface for two times of the width of the flat. Then steel brush twice grey paint.
3.4.2 ark (disc) unsteady loading: ark (disc) installation. Should according to the construction drawings of decorate, put the ark on the basis of steel in sequence. Separate cabinet (disc) only find counter and lateral vertical degree. Into column ark (disc) after each set in place, look for are at the ends of the ark, two-thirds in high position from the bottom ark string cable tension, by looking for is, refused to standards will be subject to counter. Looking for timing the 0.5 mm plate adjustment, every place gasket can't more than three pieces. Then according to the size of tank fixed screw holes, with the hand electric drill hole in base steel shelves. When there is no requirement, low ark phi 12.2 holes, high phi 16.2 holes, respectively with M12, galvanized M16 screws. The allowable deviation are shown in table 2-31. ark (disc) is in place, after alignment, leveling, in addition to the cabinet put oneself in another's position with the base fixed shape. Cabinet put oneself in another's position and cabinet put oneself in another's position, cabinet put oneself in another's position and baffle are made of galvanized screw connection. ark (dish) grounding: each cabinet (disc) connected to the base steel separately. Each tank from lower left behind steel profile on the welding on the basis of the nose, with 6 was copper wire connected to the earthing terminal on ark is firm.
3.5 tank (disc) bus configuration to see on the top of the "master" installation requirements.
Disc is mounted, ark of allowable deviation table 2-31
Project allows deviation (mm)
Vertical degree (per meter) < 1.5
Horizontal deviation between two plate at the top of the < 2
Into the column plate at the top of the < 5
Two adjacent plate edge < 1
Disk deviation into column < 5
Plate juncture between < 2

3.6 tank (disc) second string cable link:
3.6.1 according to the principle diagram by check ark (plate) on whether all electrical components, its rated voltage and the control, operating supply voltage must be consistent.
3.6.2 control cable connections between laying facies ark according to drawing. Cable laying demanded to see the cable laying.
3.6.3 school line after line, will each conductor simmer in a circle, with galvanized screws, rim of the eye, trampoline connection on each terminal board. Terminal board on each side, usually a terminal pressure a thread can't more than two, and between the two lines and circles. The multi-strand wire should be rinse tin, no broken stocks.
3.7 tank (disc) test adjustment:
3.7.1 high-voltage test should test unit for licensed by the local power supply department. Test standards in line with national standard, the provisions of the local power supply department and product technical data requirements.
3.7.2 test content: high frame, busbar, lightning arrester, hv porcelain, voltage transformer, current transformer, high voltage switch, etc.
3.7.3 adjustment content: overcurrent relay adjustment, time relays, signal relay adjustment and machinery chain.
3.7.4 secondary control string cable adjustment and simulation test all terminal screw tight again. insulation shake test: use 500 v shaking table in the terminal board testing each loop resistance, resistance must be greater than 0.5 M Ω. second string cable circuits such as transistors, integrated circuits, electronic components, check the site is allowed to try using shaking table and bell test, using a multimeter test circuit is connected. on temporary control power supply and operating power supply; The control within the tank (plate), the operation on the power supply circuit fuse at line down, temporary power supply. simulation test: according to the requirements of drawings, simulation test, chain, operation control, relay protection and signal action, accurate, sensitive and reliable. dismantling temporary power supply, power reduction will be removed.
3.8 sending run acceptance:
3.8.1 preparation work before sending generally by the construction unit should be prepare test of the electroscope, insulating boots, insulating gloves, temporary grounding braided copper wire, insulation pads, powder fire extinguisher, etc. thoroughly clean all the equipment and the dust in the transformer room, control room. Vacuum cleaning appliances, instrumentation components, in addition, indoor besides sending need equipment equipment, other items shall not be piled up. check have clearly left on the bus, equipment tools, metal materials and other objects. organization work, clear commissioning commanders, the operator and the guardian. installation work all finished, wide quality inspections department door check all qualified. pilot project all qualified, and the test report. sensitive and reliable relay protection movement control, chain, signal accurately.
3.8.2 sending: by power supply departments after inspection, the power supply into indoor, after check the electricity, the school is correct. together into line by installing unit cabinet switch, check whether PT ark voltmeter three-phase voltage is normal. transformer tank switch, check if there is a power transformer. low voltage into line switch, check to see if the voltmeter three-phase voltage is normal. according to item 2 to 4 above, send other ark of electricity.
Contact incase at low pressure on the up and down side of the switch (switch did not state) in phase respectively. With a voltmeter or multimeter voltage 500 v, with a table of a needle, contact two road in phase, the voltmeter reading, said two lines of electricity in the same phase. In the same way, check the other two phase. acceptance. 24 h power no-load operation, no abnormal phenomenon, the acceptance formalities, the construction unit to use. Submitted at the same time change regarding the record, product quality certificate, manuals, test report and other technical information.
4 quality standards
4.1 ensure projects:
4.4.1 tank (dish) test results must comply with the rules and regulations of construction adjustment.
Test method: check test adjustment record.
High voltage porcelain surface is strictly forbidden to 4.1.2 defects such as cracks, defects and damage of enamel, low-voltage complete insulation parts.
Inspection method: to observe the examination.
4.1.3 ark (plate) within the conductive contact surface and the external bus bar connection of the equipment must be tight. The application of torque wrench fastening. Tightening torque can be seen in "bus" installation requirements.
Test method: the measured records and inspection installation.
4.2 the basic items:
2 ark (disc) installation ark (disc) and basic compact connection between steel, fixed firmly, reliable grounding, ark (disc) between seam is flat and level. disk signs, signs box is complete, correct and clear. push-pull flexible car, drawer ark, no jam collision phenomenon; Contribute grounding contact point contact tightly adjust right, when the grounding contact than the main contact us contact, exit off after grounding contact than the main contact. car, drawer ark the center line of the dynamic and static contact adjustment, contact closely; The secondary loop switch connector or mechanical and electrical interlocking device action is correct and reliable. full uniform paint, disk cleaner, the car or drawer good interchangeability.
Inspection method: to observe the examination.
4.2.2 ark (plate) within the equipment and wiring is complete, the complete fixation. Operation of flexible motion accuracy., there are two power supply cabinet (dish) phase sequence arrangement of busbar is consistent, the relative arrangement of tank (disc) phase sequence arrangement of busbar is symmetrical, bus bar color code is correct. second string cable wiring is correct, fixation, conductor and electric or compact connection terminal row, mark clear and complete. dish busbar colour uniform complete; Secondary connection order, circuit number clear, complete, with a standard terminal number, each terminal screw connection not more than two. The introduction of tank (plate), which leads to the line in order.
Inspection methods: observation and trial operation examination.
Ark holdings (disc) and stand ground (zero) feeder installation, compact connection, strong, choose correct grounding (zero) line section, anticorrosive parts of the paint evenly without omission. Line to the reasonable, color standard, after besmear is not contaminated equipment and buildings.
Inspection method: to observe the examination.
4.3 allowable deviation projects:
Ark (plate) to allow the installation deviation and testing methods are shown in table 2-32.
5 finished product protection
5.1 equipment shipped to the scene, temporarily not in place, immediately with tarpaulin cover, and put the tarpaulin binding is firm, prevent the equipment in the wind and the sun or rain.
5.2 equipment handling process, not promised equipment handstand, prevent damage of paint equipment, electrical components.
5.3 after the installation of equipment, temporarily cannot send operation, transformer room door, window will close, personal guard.
5.4 without permission shall not remove the equipment parts and instrumentation, etc., to prevent damage or loss.
6 should pay attention to quality problems
6.1 complete sets of power distribution cabinet (plate) and the power switch cabinet installation should pay attention to quality problems are shown in table 2 to 33.
7 should possess the quality of the record
7.1 the production license issued by the two.
7.2 product certification.
7.3 equipment material receiving inspection records.
7.4 since the mutual inductance.
Often the quality problems and control measures in table 2 to 33
The quality problem of the serial number often produce for prevention measures
1 base steel welding welding slag cleaning not net, the rust removing impurities, even, brush have leakage phenomenon, improve the quality consciousness, strengthen the operators the sense of responsibility, good lap and since, mutual inspection
2 tank (plate), electrical components, damage to the porcelain paint, strengthen the sense of responsibility, the specific protection measures
3 to strengthen technological learning, improve the quality of the technology, strengthen learning, improve the work sense of responsibility
4 handcart type auxiliary switch cabinet second string cable circuit switch failure, machine
Machinery properties of trial and error adjustment, can not meet the demands of parts manufacturer is replaced

7.5 adjust the test pressure test report.
7.6 design changes regarding the record.
7.7 preview records.
7.8 kinds of construction quality assessment record

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