Sunday, December 4, 2016

Instrumentation, attention attention attention attention attention attention!!!

Good design for free, or paid to design good?
Although home decoration design of the drawing is not much, but its cost is not necessarily low. A designer salary is far more than a construction worker, if you don't pay the design fee, where is the money out? Some decoration company had to take these costs quietly into the cost of raw materials, labor, management fees, etc, cause some programs offer opaque, make consumers who secretly. Charges and pay the design fee, contribute to the transparency and specification, to spend less money.
Paid design has many advantages: one is independently charge, you can start your design strength strong adornment company alone "buy" design, and then to find good quality companies to decorate construction; 2 it is to have you handed in your design, the designer will not perfunctory; Three is that if under the premise of the design fee paid, you are not satisfied with the design, can let the designer modify satisfaction, also can let decoration company to replace the designer to serve you.
The kitchen decorate should pay attention to?
When decorating the kitchen, should pay attention to the following points
1. The table: should choose mesa of fire prevention, waterproof material production. If do ambry, it is better to finished product. Mesa height should be at home most often on the basis of the height of cooking. Usually the height of the work station for 80 ~ 85 centimeters; Sink generally should be on both sides have a mesa, 40 ~ 60 cm long side for placing unwashed dishes, side placed washed dishes; If not in the kitchen table, working in the kitchen side should also set a mesa of 40 ~ 60 centimeters long, just out of the pot used to temporarily put food. Cabinet on the back of the manger to do, that is on the back of some higher mesa, in order to prevent the water flow to the back of the cabinet, make the base material, such as crack, loss.
2. The top surface: best condole top, in order to swab. Usually use PVC, aluminum gusset plate condole top. Pay attention to the material should be chosen anti-aging, because the kitchen all day is smoky, decorate material aging fast.
(3) : the ground had better choose antiskid geostrophic, and joint, in order to reduce the product hidden dirt, easy to clean. Kitchen should have a floor drain on the ground, the ground in order to facilitate cleaning and drainage.
4: metope had better use ceramic tile on the top, in order to scrub. Some homes, the kitchen only posted on the wall brick of 1.8 metres high, this is not enough to need subsidies.
5. Light: Chinese food is very exquisite color, so the light inside the kitchen wants enough, should also be enough light in the evening light, and light color should be white, otherwise it will affect the color of the judgment, the duration of the food is not easy to master. As far as possible while avoiding light shadow, don't shoot the light.
6. Take lampblack chance: because Chinese meal is decoct, fry, boil, fry, more lampblack, so the smoke lampblack machine to choose the power. On the market have a smoke lampblack machine frame, can put smoke lampblack machine directly on it, is very convenient, and it is made of glass or metal on both sides of the clapboard, can prevent oil droplets scattered, also can form a relatively closed space, make smoke lampblack machine platoon lampblack more thoroughly. When necessary, also can consider to add a cover of exhaust fan, to ensure that the soot can be cleared away.
7. The refrigerator: must be designed well the position of the refrigerator, in order to make reasonable "working triangle" design. Be careful not to let the refrigerator next to the sink, in order to avoid water splashing.
8. Socket: kitchen appliances, more and more, it must first obtain the reasonable design their own position, and well. Attention should be paid to the fridge is best not to share a socket with other appliances. Usually some kitchen appliances include: refrigerators, microwave ovens, food processor, electric rice cooker, smoke lampblack machine, alexipharmic ark, dishwasher, soybean milk machine, etc., should be based on their own power, install socket, respectively, to avoid a wiring board and pick up several high power electric appliance. In addition, the socket must be installed leakage protection device.
9. Eat cabinet: should have a meal in the kitchen cabinet, to put the tableware, avoid tableware exposed. The kitchen POTS and pans, POTS and pans, items such as much and miscellaneous, if exposed, easy to be stained with oil, and difficult to clean, so eat cabinet should be closed as far as possible; Sizes for a variety of tableware, kitchen utensils and appliances, such as big spoon, small spoon, cup, chopsticks and so on, mix together, take put very inconvenient, should do more space, so eat cabinet drawer and best into the partition sizes, will all kinds of tableware classify to store, convenient and neat.
: 10. Gas pipeline in the kitchen a lot, usually in order to beautiful and the pipe covered with hanging cabinet, etc. But gas can't be drainage tubes should be paid attention to, must be exposed, also it is forbidden to move gas meter, meter reading is convenient should be considered at the same time
What is decoration supervision, what effect is there?
Refers to the general residential and industrial and commercial housing decoration supervision in the decoration construction process quality and charge the supervision and management.
Professional decoration supervision should be independent of the owner and contractor's outside the third person, is a institution with legal person status, it is different from some custom supervision personnel affiliated with packaging company. Because only the real third party, can stand on the position of fair safeguard the fundamental interests of the owner.
Decoration supervision is a very professional job must have a professional business skills and qualifications certificate.
Decoration supervision can help owners and determine decoration contractor; Review to determine the design drawings; Audit to determine the price of budget, the budget price and basic consistent settlement price; Assist the owner to decoration engineering contract. Before signing, understand all the listing of the materials needed to brand, grade; To confirm to the material approach; Operational control of construction process: How to adjust and control the construction progress; For masking engineering, division of engineering and the total completion of acceptance of the standard of construction quality in strict accordance with the national planning.
In society all kinds of packaging company a dime a dozen, the sham as the genuine are inevitable. Supervision company standing on the ground of justice, from the perspective of owners' interests, in the decoration construction process, the comprehensive supervision on the packaging company, eliminate the owner when decorate houses, worry about the quality entropy, prices were "cut one knife" mentality.
Why do you want to please a family to decorate supervision?
Supervision of the family is decorated, as the name implies, is the supervision and management of home decoration. Refers to the professional home decoration supervision company accepts the commission of the owner (decorate) and authorization, according to the relevant state family decorate documents, laws and regulations, in accordance with the contract and other family decorate a family to decorate supervision, assist the owner to do home decoration engineering supervision and management.
Home decoration supervision is provided by the technical service, the main task is to "three control, two tubes, one coordination", namely the control of investment, control the progress, quality control; Contract management, information management; Coordinate the relationship between the parties.
Services include: audit to decorate a contract, the design scheme, the design drawings, the project budget, check the decoration materials, inspection equipment, concealed engineering acceptance, decorate craft practice examination, engineering supervision, engineering quality inspection, assist customer acceptance, etc.
Supervision unit's relationship with the owner (decorate) is the relationship between the authorization and authorization, contract is a kind of equality; Supervision unit and decoration company is the relationship between supervision and the supervision relations, also is a kind of equal relations.
Home decoration supervision engineer should be a kind of compound talents, should have a higher degree and multidisciplinary knowledge, must have certain economic, legal, and associated with a family to decorate management knowledge, and I will have a rich family decorate practice experience, must have the good moral character, a healthy body and abundant energy.
A family to decorate for the average family is a big project, cost also many, therefore, we are very seriously, for fear that their home decorating quality closes nevertheless, spent the money. But a family to decorate project is complex, the existing decoration company and evil people mixed up and construction personnel, different levels, it is difficult to reassuring quality. In order to prevent the decoration company to cut corners, many owners have to decorate "nail" on the construction site. But the general consumers know very little about decorating, even if all day long staring at it's hard to find, not to control the quality of construction. Decorate some take cover engineering of the project, if can't go wrong at that time, finishing later found that the problem, it is very troublesome. And because the family is decorated is longer than the time limit, generally need to about one to two months, the whole process of "nail down" very troubling, an office worker is to give more. This time, people will naturally think of, if can have a reassuring expert help. For a family to decorate, therefore, consumer service home decoration supervision company in some cities can develop. The family is decorated. If you find a supervision, will make the problem solved.
Before there were special supervision company in decorating a process ACTS as the role of "supervision" has two departments: one is the decoration company's quality inspection department, is a family to decorate the quality department of the market. But to the degree that they find it hard to ensure that the interests of the consumers. This is because the decoration company and construction group is itself a long-term relations of cooperation, adornment company supervision is very difficult to completely and in place; Moreover, if the rework due to qc to find out quality problems, although the losses shall be borne by the contractor, but this may cause delay. Period would cause user's dissatisfaction with the decoration company to decorate the interests of the company itself, for some have not found the quality problem of the bedroom host, quality inspection departments will not necessarily pointed out to them. And the quality inspection department in the home decoration market, on the surface with the decoration company and homeowners association, but home decoration market is live on lease space, decoration company is a family to decorate market customers, this kind of interest relationship may also affect the impartiality of the supervision.
A family to decorate supervision company is completely independent of the third party other than decoration companies and homeowners. To represent it is a family to decorate the consumer decorate to oversee the decoration company to decorate a contract for the family, decorate interests can get maximum protection. Therefore, looking for best decoration supervision independent family decorate supervision company. If not please inspect grain company, learn some knowledge of the family is decorated, the supervisor when decorate can also become their own time.
In the budget to underestimate high risk
The so-called undervaluation, can be divided into two aspects, one is the actual amount of material to underestimate, such as electric wire, estimate the dosage is 100 m, and the actual amount may be in more than 500 m. When doing the budget, the artificial price and material price per meter full overvalued, at the same time by solid settlement amount stipulated in the contract wire, as consumers do not know can pull a few 100 m wire loop, believe that 100 m wire has more than enough, so in actual construction, have to pay according to the idea: high price, goofs off is "fair" to cut with a knife. 2 it is the total cost to underestimate, its practice is intentionally omitted some items in the budget, or with some ambiguous words, then additional expenses in actual construction, realize the total cost of high risk. Such as are set out in the contract (budget) :
"Drain, 200 yuan per labor, materials in real settlement". In actual construction, only into the pipe doesn't discharge pipes, consumers are demanding the discharge pipe an extra fee. Reason is "drain refers to the water pipe, not drainage pipes". The latter tend to be consumers.

Underestimate the technique used to entice consumers of high risk rather than sign a contract, once again success step by step overweight, achieve the goal of "cut".

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