Monday, October 24, 2016

Construction technology of waterproofing layer of cement mortar

1 scope
This technology is applicable to underground masonry basement, pool engineering of waterproof layer and waterproofing of concrete structures, such as additional waterproof layer, is a rigid waterproofing construction technology of under moist conditions.
2 construction preparation
Requirements 2.1 materials and equipment:
2.1.1 cement: appropriate uses over No. 325 of ordinary Portland cement, slag Portland cement, when there is a corrosive medium, should be selected according to the design requirements.
2.1.2 sand: sand, shall not contain debris. Clay content may not exceed 3%, must be 3~5mm before use sieve of aperture.
2.1.3 admixtures: waterproofing powder, waterproof oil, or Silicone water repellent, metal salts chloride waterproofing agent. Shall be according to the product instructions correct use.
2.1.4 main machinery: grey Board, angle iron trowel, Yin and Yang, large half barrels, wire brush, soft brush, eight-foot, hammer, chisels sharp, twisting a chisel, shovel, broom, wood trowel, scraper bars, and so on.
2.2 operating conditions:
2.2.1 structure of acceptance, has run the acceptance procedures.
2.2.2 during construction of underground waterproof and drainage, waterproofing works completed so far. Measures should be implemented according to the construction plan of drainage and precipitation.
2.2.3 the basement door window, reserve holes, pipe detail such as import and export process.
3 operational processes
3.1 process:
Pigment cement slurry wall, ground base treatment brush bottom brush effect of cement slurry mortar plastering mortar

Brush cement mortar maintenance

3.2 base treatment:
3.2.1 if cellular concrete wall surface and loose concrete, scrape flush clean then use 1:3 cement mortar trowel or 1:2 of hydraulic cement mortar-twisted reality. Surface application of 10% caustic soda solution cleaned oil, cutting hair on the surface of the concrete.
3.2.2 brick wall waterproofing layer must be in the brick seam depth of 10~12mm. Wall-embedded pipe showing the grass-roots level, around the tick 20~30mm wide, 50~60mm deep grooves, twist real 1:2 hydraulic cement mortar. Pipe through the wall should be according to the design requirements of water, and the hidden procedures.
3.3 concrete wall cement mortar waterproof layer
3.3.1 brush effect of cement slurry: a mix of cement, water and waterproof oil =1:0.8:0.025 (by weight), cement mixed with water first, then add the waterproofing oil mix, use a soft brush at the grass-roots brush evenly on the surface, then wipe bottom waterproof mortar.
3.3.2 lower mortar, 1:2.5 cement mortar, and waterproofing powder on cement 3%~5%, w/c to 0.6~0.65, to a consistency 7~8cm. First waterproof powder, sand and cement mix, add water, mix again. Mix plaster operation, ash plastering 5~10MM thick, in ash solidified with a broom before sweeping hair. To mix with the use of mortar. Time should not be more than 60min mix, using mortar, prohibited the use of overnight mortar.
3.3.3 brush effect of cement slurry: bottom ash after the lapse of 1d at room temperature, brush effect of cement slurry, mix proportion and practices with the first layer.
3.3.4 plastering mortar: brush pigment paste, followed by surface layers, mix with lower mortar, plaster thickness at around 5~10MM, coagulation to use wood trowel before rubbing with iron trowel calender.
3.3.5 brush effect of cement slurry: surface layer after the 1d brush effect of cement slurry, mix cement, water and waterproof oil =1:1:0.03 (by weight), the practice and the first layer of the same.
3.4 wall cement mortar waterproof layer
3.4.1 water the grass-roots moist: plastering the day before with a hose to soak your brick walls, plastering the next day when the sprinkler wet brick wall.
3.4.2 the underlying mortar: mix cement: sand =1:2.5, added 3%-waterproofing powder. Thin iron trowel scraping a first layer, and then use wood trowel on ash, Cha, compacted surfaces and Niki. Thickness of the plaster is about 6~10MM.
3.4.3 grain cement slurry: after the 1~2D at the bottom, water wetting the surface, then put waterproof pigment cement slurry, cement 3%-waterproofing powder. First waterproof cement and flour mix, then add the water and mix with iron trowel thin layer, the thickness of 1mm.
3.4.4 plastering mortar: after you put the pigment cement slurry and then plastering mortar, mix with the same bottom, use a wooden float rub, with an iron trowel after compaction, and light. Plaster thickness between 6~8mm.
3.4.5 brush effect of cement slurry: after surface plastering 1d, brush effect of cement slurry, mix cement, water and waterproof oil =1:1:0.03 (by weight), is the first cement and water mix, joined the waterproofing oil and then stir the surface evenly with a soft hair brush brushing again.
3.5 the ground cement mortar waterproof layer:
3.5.1 clearing the grass-roots: cushion loose concrete, mortar and other clean, protruding bulge out.
3.5.2 brush effect of cement slurry: mix cement: dubbing =1:0.03 (by weight), coupled with the right amount of water mixed with synthetic porridge-like, casting on the ground, even with brooms sweep again.
3.5.3 the underlying mortar: bottom of 1:3 cement mortar, mixed with waterproofing powder on cement 3%~5%. Mix the mortar fell on the ground, with the Poles feet scraping wood trowel Niki, iron trowel all over again.
3.5.4 brush effect of cement slurry: normal temperature interval 1d brush effect of cement slurry, mix cement: dubbing =1:0.03 (by weight) plus adequate water.
3.5.5 plastering mortar: brush pigment slurry of cement and plastering mortar, mix proportion and practices underlying.
3.5.6 brush effect of cement slurry: surface mortar initial brush after last time grain pulp (not too thin in order to meet the requirements of wear-resistant), mix cement: dubbing =1:0.01 (by weight), add the right amount of water, making it closely together with the surface layer of mortar, and calendering, pressing.
3.5.7 maintenance: when the ground has a certain value, sacks or watering the grass bag frequently cover the surface moist curing time according to the weather conditions, generally 7d, slag Portland cement shall not be less than 14d, this period shall not be subject to hydrostatic pressure effects. Conservation of the environment temperature should not be lower than + 5 ° c in winter.
3.6 program in plastering, Cha Yin-Yang point and practice program in plastering, generally vertical walls before they are ground. Cha should not be left at the corner of yin and Yang, each layer plaster Cha on the child cannot remain in a line, between the underlying and surface Ta Cha 15~20cm, Cha, to brush the waterproofing effect of cement slurry. All the internal corner of the wall to do fillet of RADIUS 50mm, 10MM round the corner radius. Internal corner to make 50mm on the ground round, Yin corner trowel, compacting.
3.7 total control of five practices at 20mm. Multi-layer approach suitable for continuous construction, each layer tightly, do not remain or not less than construction joints, such as the need to ladder should be retained when Cha, Cha in accordance with the hierarchical order, layers overlap closely, Cha locations are required to leave the internal corner 200mm.
4 quality criteria
4.1 project:
4.1.1 raw materials (cement, sand), admixtures, mix and its practice, provisions must comply with the design requirements and specifications.
4.1.2 cement mortar waterproof layer and the grass-roots level must be combined with solid, non-empty drums.
4.2 Basic project:
4.2.1 appearance: the surface smooth, dense, crack, sand, pock marks and other defects. Yin and Yang is arc angle, size meets the requirements.
4.2.2 Cha is correctly positioned, hierarchical order, put layer upon layer tightly.
5 finished product protection
5.1 plaster to leave the shelf wall 15cm. Removal shall not smash mouth and Wall shelves.
5.2 floor dust in time to clean up, do live out feet clear.
5.3 the ground people too early.
6 quality problems to be noticed
6.1 hollowing and cracks: grass-roots have not been working well, not cutting hair brush before the pigment slurry concrete surface, gray base for oil is not cleaned, and resulted in the hollowing and cracks. In addition, poor conservation, conservation period is not enough, is one of the reasons.
6.2 leak: the floor plaster master, with tight, flow occurs. Grain dry so fast that seepage caused by plastering mortar adhesive is not strong. Cha, through-wall tubes and other details is bad, cause leakage. Required careful operation.
7 quality records
This standard shall meet the following quality records:
7.1 raw materials (cement, sand, additives and other) factory certificate, the test report.
7.2 hidden inspection records.
7.3 quality inspection and assessment of the project.
7.4 design change and record of negotiation.

7.5 other technical documents.

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