Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Top villas and top mansions

First, the market only recognize the best no matter where you come from
Code ---- classic, can be collection ← ← boutique
Elegant --- elegant, good ← ← culture
High-high, high-level equipment and technology of high input, high quality, high comfort ← ← fashion
Expensive ---- expensive, worth the investment ← ← value

Second, the style 1 improved European and American traditional villa style
2 Chinese traditional style of revival
3 emphasizes the regional, localized modern style
4 simple modern style
5 simple and casual, simple and natural country style
Modern classic style - natural grassland villa
Spring spring snow type
Postmodern style
Show material properties
Classical casual style
The return of the mansion:
First, from the past, the complete copy of the imitation of the world of the times, return to the emergence of a contemporary Chinese architectural works in the middle, this is a return.
Second, the return of life attitude, from the past that kind of very show off or publicity life attitude should return to a natural, peaceful, enjoy life, enjoy the arts, enjoy life such a state of life, lifestyle above
Fourth, the concept of top luxury
The so-called luxury should be higher than the high-end residential in the quality, grade, size, price and other aspects of higher housing. Its degree of luxury mainly in its possession of resources and so on. And different types of residential ownership of the types of resources may be completely different, the so-called luxury is just a uniform title only.
Residential houses are divided from large type, there are independent houses (that is, usually called villa houses) and **** type houses (ie apartment houses). To judge the luxury of villa-style residential, should consider its outdoor environment, such as natural landscape, each household area and other aspects of the possession of resources. While the apartment-type mansion mainly to see each household's indoor construction area and decoration standards. These two types of residential standards are completely different, so the review of the mansion should be divided into two categories: independent luxury (villa mansion) and **** luxury (apartment mansion).
Chinese mainland villa mansion on behalf of the Shanghai Purple Village No. 1 villa. Its worth reached 130 million yuan, covers an area of ​​18 acres, the building area of ​​1,500 square meters, from the steel structure to the atomization of glass and other advanced technology and equipment. In its enjoyment of the natural landscape resources, but also in Shanghai, Beijing, such a big city of the real top. And a new generation of apartment mansion on behalf of the number of Wuxi Fortune Center, a ladder of a hundred meters high, each household has a large air garden, the elevator from the outdoor garden home, steel structure and large span space, so that all flexible units Layout, lobby and other public service facilities according to the star hotel luxury standard decoration. These two types of residential buildings, although the form and enjoy the different resources, but in its facilities, the level of resources, the size of each household and the market price, etc., are able to meet the standards of luxury.
Villa is not equal to luxury (villa product differentiation)
Chinese villa concept in fact with foreign countries are very different. Domestic houses are usually called a villa, each price is generally millions, usually sold to China's rich class, and such an independent house called House in foreign countries, is sold to the general class. People who have gone abroad may have this experience, in addition to the city center has a small number of high-rise and multi-storey residential, in the city's edge or suburbs have a range of square kilometers of such a House community. In the United States called single family house, called detached house in the UK. Such a house is sold to ordinary or high-end income class, the standard is not high, each household area may not be great, the overall density of the building is moderate. In the foreign as a second home, called villa or luxury house of the top luxury, or manor class mansion is really selling the rich class.
The word villa in the domestic real estate market refers to not specifically, and with the foreign house or villa is very different. The term coverage of the domestic villa is very broad, it includes not only the independent housing of each family, developers often also double-fight villa (semi-detached house), stacked fight villa, townhouse and the CIS Villas and even some duplex residential collectively referred to as villa products. In addition to detached house and semi-detachedhouse, other products can be called townhouse, but with the concept of independent villas is absolutely different. The word villa in China has been used to refer to the independent mansion from the top luxury to the ordinary, and some relatively high density of non-independent residential.
Domestic villa products in recent years have a very obvious differentiation trend. Both as the Shanghai Purple Garden as a luxury area, occupying the top of the estate luxury; also to the development of high-density economy villa. In Beijing, for example, the author in recent years to contact a lot of developers ready to develop villa products, the villa project density has not declined but has improved. We recently designed several villa projects, the volume rate is between 0.4 to 0.5, which is already close to the townhouse community building density. Such a large number of small building area, covers an area of ​​small, high density, lack of privacy of the villa products, in fact, marked the trend of the Chinese villa towards the economic development. This kind of economy villa from the possession of resources, basically do not have the conditions of natural landscape, but more with a large area of ​​market recognition and high traffic convenience and other characteristics, that is to say as the first residence. This villa is not the concept of the traditional top residential products, of course, can not be a luxury. They are aimed at the general public class or high-end income groups of economic villa residential. More accurately should be called ordinary independent residential, with the foreign single family house products closer.
In addition, there are a lot of other products in the name of the villa, but not the traditional single-family independent residential products, we called the villa. There are three main types of villa products: the first kind of each household, although independent, but between the two side wall spacing is very close, only about 3 meters. There are no two sides of the garden, only the front and rear gardens of the so-called CIS villas, such as Changsha landscape hibiscus - Mid-level villa in the CIS. The second is to reduce the number of layers to increase the width of the improved townhouse villa to Karl Living Hall, for example, it is not the first generation of three-tier townhouse, before and after the garden. But the maximum width of the 14.4 meters, the depth of the smallest to do 8 meters. There are T-shaped plane, forming three gardens. There are also cross-shaped planes that form four gardens. Layers from three to two layers. This kind of townhouse house, in fact, is a large number of independent villa quality closer. The third is another kind of townhouse residential, it is accurate to say that it should be a double house called the stack of villas, superimposed villas or air villas. This type of product is closer to the ordinary duplex house in the residential type, but it is still in the name of the villa because it enjoys the garden on the south side or the north side, or the air garden with the terrace and the balcony form. Comprehensive analysis of the above, China's villa products have actually been divided into luxury villas, ordinary villas, economic villas and villas and other products. If the structure of the consumer group compared to the pyramid, can only afford to buy a luxury villa on the spire on a very small number of super-rich, and affordable ordinary villas and economic villa is a lot of people, concentrated in the pyramid of the second level. So developers tend to avoid risks, turned to large-scale development of economic villas. There are few projects on the market. The real sense of the luxury villa almost no.
There is little demand for luxury, but they represent a class in real life. As the most upscale type of residential products, China needs to have its own mansion, especially the kind of art that is tailored to meet the special requirements of customers. Mansion.
No Landscape How to call a villa (landscape and natural resources)
When we evaluate the environment and quality of a villa or villa mansion, it should be analyzed from three aspects. The first is the surrounding environment of the project, followed by the community within the environment, the third is the villa own courtyard and internal space small environment.

Evaluation of a villa project around the overall environment, mainly to see four aspects.
The first is whether the district is excellent in the environment, there is the potential for appreciation, or market recognition is relatively high location. Some people say that for a real estate project, "the first is the lot, the second is the lot, the third or the lot." It means that the regional position of a project is the most critical factor in determining its quality and the future.
The second aspect refers to its traffic environment. In the era of car as the main means of transport, no matter how far away from the city, as long as there are high-speed connection, convenient transportation, traffic environment support is in place. Especially for the villa project, the owners are to private cars as the main mode of transport, so the transport is a very important condition. If the traffic conditions are not convenient, no matter how close to the city center, its value should be affected.
The third aspect is the natural landscape environment. Because the villa is not because of the lack of housing to buy a villa, buy a villa is the main purpose is to improve their quality of life and taste, especially the pursuit of a better outdoor living environment, so the natural landscape, natural vegetation Is very heavy. For a city around the villa project, there is no natural landscape environment, its quality and price will be a world of difference. Foreign luxury relies on the important resources is the natural environment.
The fourth aspect is that there are no other resources that can be borrowed around. For example, famous school resources, famous attractions. If there are other tourist attractions or living facilities, will make the villa project appreciation. Many foreign luxury is because it is located in Happy Valley, racing name, with cultural resources and enjoy high value.
In terms of villa luxury, the most scarce is the natural landscape environment, really have a natural landscape environment projects rarely. So that the region is excellent, convenient transportation and other resources because of the relative is still relatively easy. So many villa projects do not have the natural landscape environment in the case of artificial construction, digging artificial lakes or the construction of golf courses, trying to make up for the lack of natural landscape. No landscape villa project compared with the city's high-end residential, only the density reduction only. Reduced density is undoubtedly an improvement in the quality of living, but because they can not enjoy the real quality of the natural environment, can only downshift into a budget villa. If the selection of luxury projects, there is no natural landscape of the villa project, in terms of environmental resources can not be selected. If a project with such a natural landscape resources, it can be said in the big environment has no war and win.
High density low private villa with mansion (density and community landscape quality)
For a villa community internal environmental quality assessment, that is, the villa project itself within the use of land resources, mainly to see the building density, privacy and planning three aspects.
The first generation of villas are basically high density type. This villa area is very common throughout the country. Into a piece of development, one by one next to the overall appearance of the results and the farmers made their own money to build a small foreign building is not much difference. Density and more in each household covers an area of ​​about 1 acres, such a high density of low-density villa no matter how much each household area, how much luxury decoration standards per household, from the overall quality of the environment are concerned with the mansion. Buyers from the urban area to move outside the villa, the main reason is the pursuit of low density. The second aspect is privacy. Villa owners are relatively rich life, career success, eager to personal family life has a certain degree of privacy. So the distance between the building, the density of the building requirements, especially to protect the privacy of households is very high. The previous generation of the kind of windows on the windows, the distance between the two buildings in the 10 meters below the villa, it is clear that can not meet the new generation of villas or luxury privacy requirements. Currently on the market is planning a number of villas, may be in the cost of land pressure, or to reduce sales risk considerations, the majority is still 0.8 to 1 acres per household. Is still a high density of low privacy products. This batch of villas can be sold as ordinary independent homes or "economy villas" and "villas", but in any case not meet the standards of luxury. The purchase of luxury celebrities Fu Jia for private sensitivity level is probably no less than the requirements of luxury comfort.
The third aspect of the environmental quality of the villa community is the planning of the villa community. The experience of the author's design, for a villa, the highest value, the best selling is often those who are located in the end of the road villas, independent occupation of the island villa, or a few families to share a small island or peninsula villa, and four To five hometown synthesis of small groups of villas. The most difficult to sell is along the public road, ring road **** type layout, commonly known as the ranks of the layout, planning the lack of privacy and sense of the villa. A bungalow in Beijing is an example of the overall appreciation of the project by the rich nature of the planned form.
Planning patterns also include landscape design factors. Landscape garden is the privilege of the rich house, the former Jiangnan garden are part of the mansion. Only luxury and other high-end residential conditions have to build a scale, high-grade landscape. The construction of community landscape is a direct and effective means to enhance the value of the whole project.
Outdoor life is an important lifestyle of luxury (outdoor landscape and architectural design integration)
Not only the luxury, even for ordinary villas, outdoor life, including the villa in their own garden activities and activities in the whole area of ​​the villa owners are an important part of life. People who buy a villa are not because they can not buy a house in the city, but rather enjoy another way of life. The main feature of this lifestyle is healthier, closer to nature, more outdoor venues and opportunities. Outdoor life can be divided into three areas, first of all in their own garden activities, followed by activities in the villa community, the third may be in the community near the natural landscape environment and even the activities of the pastoral.
The first aspect of the villa's garden is half of the villa's life. As a villa must have its own garden. Some villa projects do not have walls around their own gardens, but most of the villa projects, either large or small have private gardens. There is a low wall or fence between each garden. Whether the wall is walled, the courtyard is considered part of the owner's private property. Owners of their investment, construction, conservation will love to add. Its life value of the owner as much as the villa's living room and bedroom. Mention the villa life, people first thought is in the courtyard or balcony, the platform flowers, listen to the rain, drink coffee, the sun and family play and so on.
Do gardening and other planting activities have become an important part of the villa owners living. Bear the pressure of many modern people, close to the natural life has a desire. This desire after SARS, became a more straightforward and more general pursuit. People for the pursuit of an acre of land can be said to be born. The villa of the previous generation has dozens or even ten square meters of courtyards, especially in the case of a complete courtyard. It is impossible to achieve the needs of owners of various outdoor activities, but can not plant more into the scale of the landscape green. If it is a townhouse villa or a budget villa, may be reluctant to accept a relatively small private courtyard, but for the luxury villas, there is not enough courtyard space, is not up to the luxury living standards.
The second aspect is the public greening environment within the villa community. Those who live in the villa know that walking in the villa community is also a great pleasure to watch. People walking, fitness, walking dogs need to have a certain enough open, enough length of leisure walking ****. Also need to provide a good enough location in the landscape area, the public open space. So the villa community is not divided by a villa pure private land ****, it should be a whole community concept. There should be sufficient public activities and public landscapes, and these public landscapes and green land, marking the overall quality of the community's quality. More successful villa projects on the market are due to the public landscape have enough consideration. On the contrary, there is not enough public landscapes of the project, it is difficult to give people a high-end impression.
In short, the owner of the villa is not simply looking inside the residential interior function and area, there is considerable demand and attention to the private environment part of the building and the public part of the environment.
In accordance with the usual practice, architectural design and landscape design separately, it is easy to form a lot of design level of the blank, it is difficult to form a building and landscape integration of outdoor space effect. Villa mansion courtyard landscape should be synchronized with the architectural design, but also to achieve the depth of decoration. For the general villa and the design of the economy villa should also be as much as possible to achieve the same architectural and landscape design, in order to create the details of the advantages.
Buy a luxury people do not lack the house to live (space design of the new experience)
People who buy a villa do not lack house to live. No one because their own house is too small, so buy a villa to live. People who buy villas are mostly second home buyers and even home, and the villa used as a second home. Therefore, the purpose of buying a villa is to improve the quality of life, try a new way of life. Thus requiring a new, high-quality apartment layout and space design. In other words, the owners of the villa not only need a single home alone, but need to adapt to a new way of life, with a new concept of space, space experience of high-level independent residential, villa space design must be unique.
Past villa design is mainly committed two errors.
The first, in the distribution of space area is too stingy;
The second, in terms of area is too big.
The first case of the villa design, often because of the simple pursuit of flat apartment layout is reasonable. The so-called apartment layout is reasonable, is the residential design, especially in ordinary residential design in a core principle. Mainly refers to the maximum utilization of the main function of the room, as far as possible to reduce the proportion of traffic area, improve the room rate, reduce the pool area. Specifically, how to minimize the staircase and corridor area, how to minimize the length of the corridor and other traffic space, so that from the building entrance to the most convenient to reach every room. Since the villa is not a property to meet the basic needs of people, it is the pursuit of new features and more comfortable life, so in the villa and luxury design, should focus on how to develop new functional space, Creating a new sense of space, rather than blindly pursuing an area of ​​savings.
The second case, the previous generation of villas or "luxury", there is no shortage of more than 1000 square meters of "giant villa", but its characteristics is in addition to the extravagant area, in the functional layout and creativity in the space and nothing breakthrough. This resulted in the infinity of the living room, bedroom infinity, and as the whole villa pattern is only a city of ordinary four-bedroom, five-bedroom house simple amplification. So that luxury villa luxury and luxury should be reflected in the architectural space design clever and new functional space development. Simple large or small, extravagant or simple can not meet the needs of a new generation of villas.
Villa mansion to design through the appreciation, first of all in the functional development of the function should be specific, refined, and do in-depth, lifestyle research and exploration. For example, the traditional living room or living room, for example, can be combined with a new way of life to develop a family hall, dance halls, art exhibition hall, living room, private cigar bar and bar, dining, entertainment combined with a variety of private club style Living room space. In addition to the necessary bedroom and living room, the mansion of other non-main space is to show the degree of luxury elements, such as deliberately increase the length and width of the corridor, made art gallery. This area allocation is not a waste but a value increase.
On the other hand, architecture is also a kind of art. As a masterpiece of architectural works of art, villa mansion space art, the expression of space, it should be architects and villas luxury developers new pursuit. Villa mansion rooms should no longer be confined to the traditional four-wall ceilings of the hexahedral model and should not be satisfied with the simple square cave window approach. Should be in the circulation of space bold breakthrough, such as the second floor of the empty, three pick empty, the form of space should also be creative, such as made of circular hall, open hall, etc., window with floor, all Open and so on and create other special shape space. To create a common residential conditions do not have the rich space effect, so that the mansion is the art of real estate appreciation is the best strategy.
Villa mansion social function, public construction is also an important difference between it and ordinary villas. The concept of the top luxury has been alienated from the concept of traditional villas, there is a strong public building features, pay more attention to the effect of social public space, with a unique personality and artistic expression.
The price structure of the mansion must have technical support (equipment and technology of high input, high quality, high comfort)
As a villa mansion, regardless of its price of 5 million, tens of millions or billions of dollars, its price should have a reasonable composition, that is, its resources and equipment configuration to value for money. In addition to a villa mansion enjoy the outdoor environment and the resources occupied by each household, the building itself should have strong technical quality, building materials advantages. Domestic high-end residential, in addition to a very small number of front like a large-scale all-round use of advanced residential technology, the majority of the project and not much residential new technology content. For example, 10,000 yuan per square meter of residential and 20,000 yuan per square meter of residential, the price difference is mainly reflected in the enjoyment of land resources differences, including land costs and environmental quality. There is no significant difference in structure, equipment and other new technologies.
The villa to buy the villa, have a strong ability to pay, not for the savings, nor the lack of housing to live. In addition to the requirements of the size of the area, they require luxury property should have a higher quality, there should be more advanced technology to support and protect the more comfortable life. This requires the luxury in the structural system, the maintenance system, doors and windows hardware, air conditioning and other intelligent equipment has greatly improved. If you do not have these technical support, empty luxury luxury, all the energy on the high-end decoration, not a long-term high-end technology.
Apartment luxury must have a breakthrough in comfort (artificial environment is the key)
Lot is good, the area is large enough, luxury decoration is the necessary conditions for apartment luxury, but these features alone to support its high price is thin. If there is no greater breakthrough in its inherent comfort, the apartment mansion will face the villa class residential and ordinary high-end apartment on both sides of the attack, its market prospects will not be optimistic.
As the apartment mansion does not have enough natural environment resources available, so its indoor and outdoor space and landscape environment carefully created to create a more pleasant living environment is very important. The success of the artificial environment is related to the advantages of residential luxury living comfort of the key factors, the construction of the artificial environment, the specific performance in three levels, namely, design level, technical level and psychological level.
The design level includes the appearance of the building, the appearance of the apartment, the villa of the indoor space, landscape, vertical traffic and so on. Apartment mansion in these areas should be larger than ordinary apartment buildings have a greater breakthrough and innovation. Such as prominent appearance, villa layout, personalized interior space design, the environment to maximize the private elevator direct home, primary and secondary entrance separation, home room garden. As the apartment mansion without the ground courtyard, how to create a human and natural intimate contact with the space environment, but also to enhance its quality an important part. You can learn from the characteristics of villa products, without affecting the main lighting and ventilation circumstances, cleverly designed with different functions and landscape requirements before and after the air garden, and for the residents to fight for outdoor activities, but also become a great city view King platform.
The technical aspects include innovations in structural systems, tectonic systems and electromechanical equipment systems. As the apartment luxury residential units and the high price per unit area of ​​the characteristics of environmental protection, energy conservation, natural health and high-tech use and villa products and ordinary apartment residential products compared to more operable, which is fully embodies the apartment mansion Gold content and an effective means to improve their living comfort. Many of which can learn from the high-end public construction technology, or even a breakthrough. Such as the use of structural systems to create a flexible division of the indoor space, while improving the room rate. In addition, in the external wall insulation, sunscreen, heating and cooling, noise control, garbage disposal and other aspects can be used in some advanced and mature technology, to improve the living comfort, the effect of direct and can be quantified.
Psychological level, including the use of some special means to make the apartment luxury people feel value for money or even value for money, luxury to see. To meet the psychological needs of households and luxury identity. In the way home, form combinations and other aspects of the pursuit of the feeling of single door alone. Both the inherent quality of the air villa, but also to the public to create a luxurious style look. In short, the apartment mansion only through the elaborate construction of the artificial environment, and effectively improve their living comfort, with the villa products and ordinary high-end residential building between the differentiated competitive advantage, with the villa mansion rival unique residential products.

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