Thursday, February 16, 2017

Postmodern furniture design

Talk about furniture design, people first thought is probably the table, chairs, beds and cabinets, etc., as we are visiting the impression of the furniture store in general. In fact, "furniture" covers the contents of the family should be all the furnishings, in addition to tables, chairs, beds and cabinets, in the living space up also includes doors and windows, screens and lighting; parallel also includes household appliances, kitchen utensils, Bathroom equipment and pots and pans; down also includes household hardware, locks and toys. So to say, as if the furniture design is almost all-inclusive look. Because of this, doors and windows, screens and lighting on the combination of architectural design, a space design or interior decoration of a professional; home appliances are more in line with mass production and mechanized production, which attributed to the industrial design;
      Then walk between the industrial design and furniture design. On the other hand, the advent of industrialized societies and the rise of modern design sports, some of the same furniture products, such as office furniture, system compartments, street furniture, car interior and fitness equipment, also have developed by virtue of its nature and Into the furniture design. So, the current modern furniture design generally includes: tables and chairs bed cabinet, lighting, bathroom kitchen equipment, pots and pans, toys, office furniture, system compartments, street furniture, power vehicles (cars, planes, trains, boats Ship) built-in and fitness equipment. Although this is so, as if still all-encompassing, in fact, to understand the furniture design, is to understand and space design, architectural design and product design overlap between the post-modern furniture design concept. Because on the one hand the nature of the use of furniture design is almost in addition to clothing design, the most attention to human contact, the most emphasis on human physiological changes, the most attention to the visual taste of the professional. On the other hand, contemporary design professional development, foreign countries are often the architecture, products, video, furniture and clothing and even plastic arts are integrated together to become the same professional to train, students after graduation to see their own interests and opportunities , Put what you want the design profession.

      Perhaps we are from the design of these large areas (architectural design, industrial design) to understand the post-modern product design is often not clear, so we still look at the history of the development of furniture design, will be more clear.

      Furniture design in the modern design movement has a large area of ​​development (such as the aforementioned office furniture, folding chairs, system compartments, street furniture, powertrain and fitness equipment, etc.), and in postmodern situations, furniture design or Have some of its exclusive professional changes, we later analysis of modern furniture design trends to illustrate these changes.
      First, postmodern furniture design trends
      1) Post-physiologicalism and Efficacy
      From the development trend of modern furniture design point of view, whether it is the development of office furniture or the development of the system compartment has made great progress and results. And these results are often associated with furniture designers, architects and industrial designers with their own professional, combined with materials science and ergonomics and even the last century 30's modern design master Ke Biyi proposed body size system, System achievements contributed to. The following are the same as the "

          Development of furniture design In addition to the above factors, in the late 1970s, architectural design research on the rise of environmental behavior research (E-B
      (80 years), the design research on the rise of the virtual reality research, medical equipment development and computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD-CAN); 90 in the late 80s, the design research on the rise of the virtual reality research, medical equipment development and computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD-CAN); 90 The era of home-style leisure and fitness equipment, a large number of needs. All these, under the influence of many factors, we believe that the new trend in furniture design has emerged, that is, post-physiologicalism and efficacy. The following are the same as the "
      Post-physiologicalism refers to the furniture design has not only take into account the human body size, material and environmental changes in the situational factors, furniture design has not only human engineering or "people - machine - ring" knowledge of the use, but to further show that the furniture design has been Into the use of knowledge of human physiological changes. Post-physiological development of the case from the bed design and sports shoes designed to see the most clearly. Bed design, from the hard board bed, connecting the spring mattress, vertical tube spring mattress to the emergence of each new bed, are accompanied by in-depth physiological analysis report (although may only be propaganda). Sports shoes design is also the case, from the cloth shoes, plastic shoes, elastic insoles, deodorant insoles, high elastic shoes, step shoes, with the step ventilation shoes, the emergence of each new shoe also have Deep analysis report. In addition, a wide variety of healthy sitting chairs, high-performance fitness design and development, almost so. So, we can say that posturalism in furniture design has come. The following are the same as the "

      Efficacy than the post-physiologicalism further, by the medical unit with a medical effect of the note, such a design atmosphere, we can be called curative effect. Focus on efficacy was originally a medical equipment design and development of the necessary conditions, but in the design of the emphasis on efficacy, often not only in the development of medical equipment design. In recent years, disability-assisted design and slimming beauty of the boom have promoted a "quasi-efficacy" of the "false demand", which also indirectly affect the development of furniture design.

      2) the deepening of the system furniture (flexible combination of furniture)
      In the post-physiology and efficacy doctrine we have discussed earlier, we have also briefly introduced the important achievements of modern furniture design - system compartment and office furniture. We believe that in the postmodern situation, the design of modernism system furniture, the concept and design results will be further deepened into the flexible combination of furniture to meet from the mass society to the community, from the sub-community to the niche society of fierce changes. In fact, this trend has been traceable. About 80 years of last century, China's furniture market to launch a combination of bookshelves, the demand is very large, after the combination of bookshelves from the combination of cabinets, and then to the combination of wine coolers and so busy. In addition, there is a track from the computer peripherals and computer tables began, this part of the flexibility of the first combination of special emphasis on furniture design and mold combination. By the mid-1990s, with the development of Internet and electronic communications, emphasis on card-type expansion, wireless Internet access and the combination of electronic security, and even portable desk, plug-in office environment concept and prototype products (prototype
      ) And so all vigorous impact on the furniture design.
      3) exquisite orientation (bathroom kitchen)
      In the furniture design of another major area - bathroom design, post-modern shock can be used to describe the essence of fine, of course, there are some differences in individual areas. Bathroom and toilet equipment, although only to deal with excrement and clean the body, but the toilet design from the noise reduction, water consumption to the pottery to save the burning, and even find Andy Lau to feel the toilet singing, the whole trend is noble, refined The Bath design to further with the front of the efficacy of the combination of ideas, from the general bath to the quiet bath to the jacuzzi, if the city of China's abundant land, residential space is abundant, it will also launch SPA bath or bath. Kitchen design from the spring 3-piece, and soon from the high-necked faucet, mixed thermostat faucet and even the rise of the 1990s, the European wind kitchen utensils, electromagnetic oven, etc., to go or refine the trend. But no matter how refined, suitable for our dining habits in the kitchen of the hood but no greater progress and refinement, which is worth the furniture design community thinking.

      4) humor trend (pots and pans, toothbrush cup)
      Furniture design also has an important area - pots and pans design, post-modern shock can be used to describe the main humor. Pots and pans design humor of the trend, it is also great backing. This has to mention the postmodern design of Italy, had to mention an Italian kitchenware maker Alice (Alessi). Alice's third-generation chairman is not only a kitchen designer, but also the manufacturing company started to hire hundreds of designers engaged in the design, in the 80 ~ 90 period also continue to invite the world famous Of the architects to design Alice's kitchenware. Alice's kitchenware is characterized by humor, and this feature is also popular through the post-war design of Italy, through several world invitations, through the Alice kitchenware products selling, and thus infected with all advanced countries Of the kitchen (because the product is expensive, developing countries, the family probably rarely used), as the mainstream of modern post-kitchen design. Kitchen design humor trend, but also only in the kitchen design, we look at IKEA furniture into the market in China just a few years, the Nordic style of well-known furniture design is not infected with this Italian-style "after Modern "atmosphere?
      5) the impact of architectural design and product design on furniture
      On the other hand, post-modern furniture design does have too much overlap with post-modern and post-modern industrial designs, and architectural design and product design have a direct impact on furniture design. We can not say that all postmodern architecture and post-modern product design features are replicated as postmodern furniture design, but we can not deny that many of the post-modern design competition and exhibition activities, a large part of the architects are carefully invested The This effect directly and intangible so that people do not easily distinguish in the end is the architectural design or product design? In the end is the furniture design or product design? In fact, do not have to distinguish, this is another feature of post-modern design.

      Second, the postmodern furniture design rare factions
      In front of the post-modern furniture design seems very lively, but also because the design is not easy to sub-Division, because the design and art is not easy to separate, coupled with post-modern furniture design and post-modern architecture, post-modern product design highly overlapping, so It is not easy to subdivide the postmodern furniture design. We can only simply to the classical, ethnic, practical, avant-garde and the Italian faction, these five factions to distinguish.
      Classical school refers to the repetition of each style of culture and art, because it is "every" culture, so the classical faction itself will have different allegations. For example, in the whole of European culture, the classical school may refer to the Renaissance style, while the single on the Italian culture, classical school may refer to the Roman style. Of course, to talk about Chinese culture, the classical school may be Ming and Qing furniture style, and to talk about the Guangdong culture, classical school may be refers to the wide style of furniture. In short, the classical faction, a group of people's cultural peak of the recognition, but also this group of people after dinner taste derived from the taste of it In fact, the classical school is actually full of rice, the market showed a taste of the public, a commercial taste it, not just furniture design can be so, architectural design and product design can also be so to see. In this case, it is difficult to distinguish between classical and ethnic groups.

      Ethnography refers to many countries have a national identity crisis, and special emphasis on "their own" a classical school. However, in the identification, often the scope of the classical school is relatively large, ethnic range is relatively small, so the ethnic factions are more emphasis on the so-called local and local materials use.
      Practical faction refers to the emphasis on the return to the furniture for the design attitude and works. This furniture is not used only in the modern design movement emphasized in the functionalism, more importantly, the economy and convenience. In particular, return to daily life, we will be very concerned about a few million to spend, buy a brand-name chair to sit comfortably? Of course not in the daily life, all people are furniture designers, but the so-called daily life due to changes in the times and the emergence of new life, new activities and new tastes, and can first detect this new life, new activities And new taste to engage in furniture design, then it is easy to produce practical works. We look at the modern design movement, the Finnish architect Otto developed by the design of laminated wood chair, is a practical example of a good example. But so to speak (to be the first to detect this new life, new activities, new taste to engage in furniture design), practical school seems to have some overlap with the avant-garde, in fact, practical and avant-garde is different.

      Postmodern furniture design avant-garde is: "Imagine the first to detect a new life, new activities, new taste", especially the emphasis on the new taste of the experimental nature of the furniture to engage in the design. Of course, this so-called "imagination" should have the appropriate factual basis, to add the human nature of the experiment (but not just engineering and technical experiments). Emphasizing the new taste is easy to distinguish with the practical pie, but it is also emphasizing the new taste, so the avant-garde and it is easy to combine with the artistic creation. We look at the rise of Italian furniture, Italy's post-modern design has been menacing, avant-garde (such as: dream fly) contributed
      Italian faction is the post-war Italian avant-garde designers formed factions, we have to discuss post-modern furniture design there is no mature faction, probably only the Italian faction. Because after the war Italy's design community is not only avant-garde generation, its design academy is also avant-garde generation, the Roman culture such as Phoenix bath rebirth, become an important resource design. The reason why we are not easy to observe the Italian faction after the modern furniture design has a clear national character, because we tend to take the value of modern design movement to measure the Italian faction, it is because the Italian national taste has been through the design industry and design Academia's double effort and rebirth.

      In this way, the Italian faction is not classical and ethnic factions? Is a classical and nationalist of the name? Perhaps this is the uncertainty of postmodern design art and the narrative of postmodern design art in the furniture design profession.

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