Wednesday, February 15, 2017

How to properly mold the porcelain coating

Polyurethane ceramic coating construction methods are as follows.
1, grass-roots treatment should be smooth, no dust, oil, dry surface.
2, coating the bottom of the coating, the first first coated with diluted paint, dry, and then coated 2 times, drying time of 2 ~ 24h. And then use the bottom of the paint preparation of the putty scraping 1 to 3 times, the interval time is 24 ~ 48h, dry and hard after grinding with a # # emery.

3, coated surface coating 2 to 3 times, dry after 3 days maintenance.
4, to be strictly in accordance with the provisions of the construction sequence construction, can not be mixed with other coatings; construction process must be waterproof, moisture; construction environment should be ventilation, fire.
Silicone-C resin-like ceramic coating construction methods are as follows:
1, grass-roots should be smooth, dry, clean, no dust, moisture content of less than 9%.
2, with roller coating, brushing, spraying methods can be applied, coated 2 times, the interval of about 2 ~ 4h.
3, the amount of paint is about 0.4 ~ 0.6kg / m2.
4, the construction site ban fireworks, and fire prevention measures.
Water-soluble polyvinyl alcohol imitation ceramic coating construction methods are as follows:
1, according to the general grass-roots treatment methods will be clean grass-roots level.
2, with 0.3mm thick elastic scraper scraper, until the first pass thoroughly dry and then scraping the second time, and so the second time to dry the film to the sticky but not completely dry with a trowel pressure , Calendering can be used to wipe the original coating of the base material, many pressure calendering.
3, the film is completely dry, irregular corners with fine sandpaper lighting, decorative surface to be shiny, smooth feel, and tile surface similar.
4, the difficulty of construction of such paint, if not coated overcoat, finishes easy to pollution, and easy to remove.

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