Plastic floor construction technology
1 范围
1 scope
The technology standard is applicable to industrial and civil building ground floor plastic board on the ground surface.
2 施工准备
2 construction preparation
2.1 材料及主要机具:
2.1 material and main equipments:
2.1.1 塑料板:板块表面应平整、光洁、无裂纹、色泽均匀。厚薄一致、边缘平直,板内不应有杂物和气泡,并应符合产品的各项技术指标,进场时要有出厂合格证。
2.1.1 plastic sheet, plate surface should be smooth, bright and clean, no crack, colour and lustre is uniform. Edge thickness is consistent, flat, plate should not have impurities and air bubbles, and should comply with the product of the technical indicators, want to have factory certificate comes into play.
2.1.2 塑料卷材:材质及颜色符合设计要求。
2.1.2 plastic coil: texture and color comply with the design requirements.
2.1.3 在运输塑料板块及卷材时,应防止日晒雨淋和撞击;在贮存时,应堆放在干燥、洁净的仓库,并距热源3m以外,其环境温度不宜大于32℃。
2.1.3 in transportation plastic plate and coil, should prevent sharp and impact; During storage, should put in a dry, clean the warehouse, and away from heat source, 3 m, should not be greater than the environment temperature 32 ℃.
2.1.4 胶粘剂:应根据基层所铺材料和面层材料使用的要求,通过试验确定。胶粘剂应存放在阴凉通风、干燥的室内。超过生产期三个月的产品,应取样检验,合格后方可使用。超过保质期的产品,不得使用。
2.1.4 adhesive: should according to the base material and surface material spread use requirement, determined by experiment. Adhesive should be stored in a cool, ventilated and dry room. Products of more than production period for three months, should sampling inspection, qualified rear can use. Over shelf life of the product, shall not be used.
Adhesives can be used vinyl (poly vinyl acetate emulsion), chloroprene rubber, polyurethane, epoxy resin, synthetic rubber solution type, asphalt and 926 multi-functional building glue etc. Should be placed the shade, avoid direct sunlight, and isolate the fire.
2.1.5 水泥宜采用硅酸盐水泥、普通硅酸盐水泥,其标号不宜低于425号。
2.1.5 cement appropriate USES of Portland cement and ordinary Portland cement, the label should not be lower than 425.
2.1.6 二甲苯、丙酮、硝基稀料、醇酸稀料、汽油、软蜡等。
2.1.6 xylene, acetone, nitro thinners, alkyd thinner, gasoline, soft wax, etc.
2.1.7 聚醋酸乙烯乳液、107胶。
2.1.7 poly vinyl acetate emulsion, 107 glue.
2.2 作业条件:
2.2 operation conditions:
2.2.1 水暖管线已安装完,并已经试压合格。符合要求后办完验收手续。
2.2.1 plumbing pipe has been installed, and has been test qualified. Meets the requirements after completed acceptance procedures.
2.2.2 顶、墙喷浆或墙面裱糊及一切油漆活已完。
2.2.2 top, wall spray or wall pasting and all paint work has been finished.
2.2.3 室内细木装饰及油漆活已完。
2.2.3 indoor fine wood decoration and paint has ended.
2.2.4 地面及踢脚线的水泥砂浆找平层已抹完,其含水率不应大于9%。
2.2.4 ground and play crural line of cement mortar screed-coat has finished, the moisture content should not be greater than 9%.
2.2.5 室内相对湿度不应大于80%。
2.2.5 indoor relative humidity should not be more than 80%.
2.2.6 施工前应先做样板,对于有拼花要求的地面、应绘出大样图,经甲方及质检部门验收后,方可大面积施工。
2.2.6 before construction should do first sample, there is a requirement for spelling a flower to the ground, should draw details, and quality inspection departments, after acceptance by party a before large area construction.
3 操作工艺
3 operation process
3.1 工艺流程:
3.1 process:
基层处理 → 弹线 → 试铺 → 刷底子胶 → 铺贴塑料地面 →
Basic level processing shop - play line - try to brush base adhesive, the shop is stuck and plastic ground
铺贴塑料踢脚板 → 擦光上蜡
The shop is stuck plastic skirting board - polishing waxing
3.2 基层处理:
3.2 basic level processing:
3.2.1 地面基层为水泥砂浆抹面时,表面应平整(其平整度采用2m直尺检查时,其允许空隙不应大于2mm)、坚硬、干燥,无油及其它杂质。当表面有麻面、起砂、裂缝现象时,应采用乳液腻子处理(配合比为水泥∶107胶∶水=1∶0.2~0.3∶0.3)处理时每次涂刷的厚度不应大于0.8mm,干燥后应用0号铁砂布打磨,然后再涂刷第二遍腻子,直到表面平整后,再用水稀释的乳液涂刷一遍(配合比为水泥∶107胶∶水=l∶0.5~0.8∶ 6~8)。
3.2.1 ground base for cement mortar plaster, surface should be smooth, its roughness using 2 m ruler to check, which allows gap should not be greater than 2 mm), hard, dry, no oil and other impurities. When the surface of pits and sand, crack phenomenon, should be used in the emulsion putty processing (mixing ratio of cement: 107 glue: water = 1:0.2 ~ 0.3:0.3) each time the thickness of the coating when processing should not be greater than 0.8 mm, application of 0 # emery cloth iron grinding after drying, then besmear brushs the be bored with child again, until after surface smooth, the diluted emulsion coating again (mixing ratio of cement: 107 glue: water = l: 0.5 ~ 0.8:6 ~ 8).
3.2.2 基层为预制大楼板时,将大楼板过口处的板缝勾严、勾平、压光。将板面上多余的钢筋头、埋件剔掉,凹坑填平,板面清理干净后,用10%的火碱水刷净,晾干。再刷水泥乳液腻子(配合比为水泥∶107胶∶水=l∶0.2~0.3∶0.4),刮平后,第二天磨砂纸,将其接槎痕迹磨平。
3.2.2 for precast floor slab at the grass-roots level, to big floor of mouth plate too strict, GouPing, calender. Up to floor excess steel head, take off, pit fill and level up, after the board face is clean, with 10% caustic soda water clean and dry. Cement is brushed again emulsion putty (mixing ratio of cement: 107 glue: water = l: 0.2 ~ 0.3:0.2), after leveling, the second day sandpaper, it traces if smooth.
Ground after a basic level processing, at the grass-roots level surface must be clean, in front of the shop is stuck plastic plates shall not come into other process operation.
3.3 弹线:在房间长、宽方向弹十字线,应按设计要求进行分格定位,根据塑料板规格尺寸弹出板块分格线。如房内长、宽尺寸不符合板块尺寸倍数时,应沿地面四周弹出加条镶边线,一般距墙面200~300mm为宜。板块定位方法一般有对角定位法和直角定位法,见图7-3。
3.3 play line: in the room long, wide direction play reticle, should set a frame according to the design requirements, according to the plastic board size pop-up plate grid lines. Such as length, width size does not conform to the plate inside the room size ratio, article should pop up around the ground and the edge line, it is advisable to 200 ~ 300 mm from metope commonly. Plate location methods generally have a diagonal positioning method and Angle positioning method, shown in figure 7-3.
图7-3 定位方法
Figure 7-3 locating method
(a) diagonal positioning method; (b) rectangular positioning method
3.4 试铺:在铺贴塑料板块前,按定位图反弹线应先试铺,并进行编号,然后将板块掀起按编号码放好,将基层清理干净。
3.4 try shop: before the shop is stuck in the plastic plates, according to the positioning line figure rebound should first try, and numbered, and then lifting a plate according to the number of the well pattern, and will be cleaned up at the local level.
3.5 配制胶粘剂:配料前应由专人对原材料进行检查,有无出厂合格证和出厂日期,原剂在原筒内搅拌均匀,如发现胶中有胶团、变色及杂质时,不能使用。使用稀料对胶液进行稀释时,亦应随拌随用,存放间隔不应大于1h。在拌合、运输、贮存时,应用塑料或搪瓷容器,严禁使用铁器,防止发生化学反应,胶液失效。
Dispensing adhesive 3.5: ingredients should be carried out by specialist for raw materials inspection before, any factory certification and manufacture date, the original agent mix within the original barrel, such as found that micelles of glue, color and material, cannot use. Using thinners dilution of adhesive solution, should also be increases with the increasing mix use, store interval should not be greater than 1 h. When mixing, transportation, storage, application or enamel plastic containers, the iron, is strictly prohibited to prevent chemical reaction, adhesive solution.
3.6 刷底子胶:基层清理干净后,先刷一道薄而均匀的结合层底子胶,待其干燥后,按弹线位置沿轴线由中央向四面铺贴。
3.6 brush base glue: after clean, brush the combination of a thin and uniform layer of base gel, after being its dry, according to the elastic line position along the axis from the central to all around the shop is stuck.
Work, the preparation of the adhesive, when the water-soluble adhesive is used, should be in accordance with the same kind of adhesive (water-insoluble) to join its weight (65) and 10% 10% of gasoline or ethyl acetate, acetic acid and stirring evenly; When using water-soluble adhesives, appropriate according to the same kind of adhesive and water, and stir well.
3.7 铺贴塑料地面
3.7 the shop is stuck plastic surface
3.7.1 粘贴塑料板:拆开包装后,用干净布将塑料板的背面灰尘清擦干净。应从十字线往外粘贴,当采用乳液型胶粘剂时,应在塑料板背面和基层上同时均匀涂胶,即用3″油刷沿塑料板粘贴地面及塑料板的背面各涂刷一道胶。当采用溶剂型胶粘剂时,应在基层上均匀涂胶。在涂刷基层时,应超出分格线10mm,涂刷厚度应小于或等于lmm。在铺贴塑料板块时,应待胶层干燥至不粘手(约10~20mm)为宜,按已弹好的墨线铺贴,应一次就位准确,粘贴密实(用滚子压实),再进行第二块铺贴方法同第一块,以后逐块进行。基层涂刷胶粘剂时,不得面积过大,要随贴随刷。
3.7.1 paste plastic board: after open the packing, with a clean cloth to clean the back of the plastic dust cleaning. Should from the reticle to paste, when emulsion adhesive is used, should be on the plastic board on the back and grass-roots uniform coating at the same time, use 3 "painting along the surface and plastic board on the back of the plastic paste coating glue. When solvent adhesive is used, should be uniform coating on the base. When besmear to brush at the grass-roots level, should be beyond the points grid lines 10 mm, the thickness of the coating should be less than or equal to the LMM. When the shop is stuck in the plastic plate, should be rubber drying to non-stick hand (about 10 ~ 20 mm) is appropriate, according to play good chalk line the shop is stuck, should be in place at a time accurate, paste compaction (with the roller compaction), and a second piece of brick method with the first block, after put in. Coating adhesive, at the grass-roots level shall not be too, want to stick with the brush.
Plastic board for sewing shop is stuck, nuiko must be horizontal even vertical, nuiko smooth without skew cross stitch, the seam sealed, as follow.
3.7.2 半硬质聚氯乙烯板地面的铺贴:预先对板块进行处理,宜采用丙酮、汽油混合溶液(1∶8)进行脱脂除蜡,干后再进行涂胶贴铺,方法同上。
3.7.2 semi-rigid PVC board the shop is stuck on the ground: in advance to deal with plate, appropriate USES acetone, gasoline mixed solution (1:8) defatted dewaxing, dry glue stick, once the above method.
3.7.3 软质聚氯乙烯板地面的铺贴:铺贴前先对板块进行预热处理,宜放入75℃的热水浸泡10~20min,待板面全部松软伸平后,取出晾干待用,但不得用炉火或电热炉预热。当板块缝隙需要焊接时,宜在铺贴48h以后方可施焊,亦可采用先焊后铺贴。焊条成分、性能与被焊的板材性能要相同。
3.7.3 soft PVC board the shop is stuck on the ground: to preheat the plate before the shop is stuck, appropriate is put in the 75 ℃ hot water soak 10 ~ 20 min, after being board face all loose extend deuce, take out to dry for use, but not with the fire or electric furnace preheating. When plate gap need welding, should be in the shop is stuck after 48 h before welding, may also adopt welding before the shop is stuck. Electrode composition, performance, and to be welded plate performance should be the same.
3.7.4 塑料卷材铺贴:预先按已计划好的卷材铺贴方向及房间尺寸裁料,按铺贴的顺序编号,刷胶铺贴时,将卷材的一边对准所弹的尺寸线,用压滚压实,要求对线连接平顺,不卷不翘。然后依以上方法铺贴。
3.7.4 plastic coil the shop is stuck: according to the planned in advance direction of the coil the shop is stuck and room size cutting material, according to the order of the shop is stuck, brushing glue, when the shop is stuck to one side of the coil on the size of the elastic line, with pressure roller compaction, request connection to the line smooth, don't roll become warped. Then the shop is stuck in accordance with the above method.
3.8 铺贴塑料踢脚顺:地面铺贴完后,弹出踢脚上口线,并分别在房间墙面下部的两端铺贴踢脚后,拴线粘贴,应先铺贴阴阳角,后铺贴大面,用滚子反复压实。注意踢脚与地面交接处阴角的滚压,并及时将挤出的胶痕擦净,侧面应平整、接槎应严密,阴阳角应做成直角或圆角。
Brick plastic kicking down 3.8: the ground after the shop is stuck, pop-up a flowing line that play a base, and the ends of the shop is stuck at the bottom of the room wall respectively after kicking line tied to paste, should be the shop is stuck, Yin and Yang Angle, after the shop is stuck bedding face, repeatedly with roller compaction. Note kicking junction Yin Angle with the ground roll, and timely extrusion of glue mark rub-up, side should level off, if should be tight, Yin and Yang Angle should be squared off or rounded.
3.9 擦光上蜡:铺贴好塑料地面及踢脚板后,用墩市擦干净、晾干,然后用砂布包裹已配好的上光软蜡,满涂1~2遍(重量配合比为软蜡∶汽油=100∶30),掺1%~3%与地板相同颜色的颜料,稍干后用净布擦拭,直至表面光滑、光亮。
Polishing waxing 3.9: after the shop is stuck good plastic floor and skirting board, with a mound city clean, dry, and then with emery cloth have good soft polishing wax, full with 1 ~ 2 times (weight mixing ratio for soft wax: gasoline = 100:30), with 1% ~ 3% with the same color of the floor paint, slightly dry with a clean cloth to wipe, until the surface is smooth and bright.
3.10 冬期施工:室内操作时,环境温度小得低于+10℃。
3.10 winter construction: interior operation, small below + 10 ℃ ambient temperature.
4 质量标准
4 quality standards
4.1 保证项目:
4.1 ensure projects:
4.1.1 塑胶类板块和塑料卷材的品种、规格、颜色、等级必须符合设计要求和国家现行有关标准的规定,粘接料应与之配套。
4.4.1 plastic plates and plastic coil of the varieties, specifications, color, grade and the state must comply with the design requirements of the standard rules, adhesive material should be to match.
4.1.2 粘贴面层的基底表面必须平整、光滑、干燥、密实、洁净。不得有裂纹、胶皮和起砂。
4.1.2 paste surface of the substrate surface must level off, smooth, dry, solid, clean. Can not have crack, rubber and sand.
4.1.3 面层粘结必须牢固,不翘边,不脱胶,粘接无溢胶。
4.1.3 surface adhesive must be strong, don't become warped edge, not degum, adhesive glue.
4.2 基本项目:
4.2 the basic items:
4.2.1 表面洁净,图案清晰,色泽一致,接缝顺直、严密、美观。拼缝处的图案,花纹吻合,无胶痕,与墙边交接严密,阴阳角收边方正。
2 surface clean, design clarity, colour and lustre is consistent, seam straight, tight, beautiful. Flat-fell seam in the design, pattern match, no glue mark, tight with the wall, Yin and Yang Angle as founder.
4.2.2 踢脚线表面洁净,粘结牢固,接缝平整,出墙厚度一致,上口平直。
4.2.2 the line that play a base surface is clean, binding and firm, flat seams, and the wall thickness is consistent, flowing straight.
4.2.3 地面镶边用料尺寸准确,边角整齐,拼接严密,接缝顺直。
Holdings ground edge materials size accurate, neat corners, joining together tightly, seam straight.
4.3 允许偏差项目,见表7-10。
4.3 allowable deviation project, are shown in table 7-10.
塑料板地面允许偏差 表7-10
Plastic surface allowable deviation table 7 to 10
项次 项 目 允许偏差 (mm) 检验方法
Will project allowable deviation (mm) test method
1 表面平整度 2 用2m靠尺和楔形塞尺检查
1 the surface roughness in 2 m by 2 feet and wedge feeler check
2 缝格平直 1 拉5m线不足5m拉通线检查
2 straight seam, 1, 5 m line flux lines with less than 5 m
3 接缝高低差 0.5 尺量和楔形塞尺检查
3 joint wedge feeler check and quantity of the height difference of 0.5 feet
4 踢脚缝上口平直 1 拉5m直线检查,不足5m时拉通线检查
4 kicking sew mouth straight 1, 5 m line inspection, less than 5 m when on line inspection
5 相邻板块排缝宽度 0.3~0.5 尺量检查
5 adjacent plate width 0.3 ~ 0.5 feet quantity check
5 成品保护
5 finished product protection
5.1 塑料地面铺贴完后,房间应设专人看管,非工作人员严禁入内,必须进入室内工作时,应穿拖鞋。
5.1 plastic after the shop is stuck on the ground, the room should be set modes, non-working personnel keep out, must enter indoor work, should wear slippers.
5.2 塑料地面铺贴完后,及时用塑料薄膜覆盖保护好,以防污染。严禁在面层上放置油漆容器。
5.2 plastic after the shop is stuck on the ground, in a timely manner with plastic mulch to protect good, to prevent pollution. It is forbidden to place on the surface of paint containers.
5.3 电工、油工等工种操作时所用木梯、凳腿下端头,要包泡沫塑料或软布头保护,防止划伤地面。
5.3 electrician, type of work operations such as oil industry as a wooden ladder, stool legs under end, foam or soft cloth to protection, prevent scratch the ground.
6 应注意的质量问题
6 should pay attention to quality problems
6.1 塑料板地面翘曲、空鼓:主要原因是基层不平或刷胶后没有风干就急于铺贴,都易造成翘曲现象。基层清理不净、铺设时滚压不实、胶粘剂刷的不均匀、板块面上有尘土或环境温度过低,都易导致空鼓的发生。
6.1 plastic ground warp, empty drum: the main reason is the uneven or rush to the shop is stuck without drying after brushing glue, is easy to warp phenomenon. Grassroots cleanup not net, brush roller when laying false, adhesive of uneven, plate surface dust or ambient temperature is too low, is easy to cause the empty drum.
6.2 板块高低差超过允许偏差:主要原因是板块薄厚不一致,或涂刷胶粘剂厚度不匀。铺设前要对塑料板块进行挑选,凡是不方正、薄厚不均的,要剔出不用。
6.2 plate height difference exceeds allowable deviation: the main reason is that thick plates, or uneven coating adhesive thickness. To choose plastic plate, before laying operations not founder, uneven, to carve out.
6.3 踢脚板上口不平直及局部空鼓:由于铺贴踢脚板时上口未拉水平线,造成板块之间高低木平。铺贴时由于基层清理不净或上口胶漏刷、滚压不实以及阴阳角处煨弯尺寸角度与实际不符等,都易造成空鼓。
6.3 skirting board (not straight and partial empty drum: because the shop is stuck skirting board when not top of the horizontal line, between high and low horizontal plates. When the shop is stuck due to the grassroots cleanup not net or a flowing glue leakage brush, roller compaction and the Angle of Yin and Yang simmer bending Angle do not tally with the actual size, etc., all of the empty drum.
6.4 塑料板面不洁净:主要原因是在铺设塑料板时刷胶太厚,铺贴后胶液外溢未清理干净,造成接缝处胶痕较多、另外地面铺完之后未进行覆盖保护,其他工种如油工进行油漆、喷浆等造成地面污染。
6.4 plastic panel shall be unclean: the main reason is that when laying plastic brush glue is too thick, after the shop is stuck not clean the glue solution, glue mark more, due to the joint after another ground shop did not cover protection, other type of work such as oil workers paint, spray and other causes pollution of the ground.
6.5 塑料板面层凹凸不平:主要原因是基层处理不认真,凹处未进行修补,突出部位未铲平处理(粘结在基层上的砂浆、混凝土)。因此在进行基层处理时必须认真按操作工艺要求进行,并用2m靠尺检查,符合要求后再进行下道工序。
6.5 plastic surface uneven, the main reason is basic level processing is not serious, sunken place not repair, salient parts not razed processing (on the base of mortar, concrete). So when making basic level processing must carefully according to the technological requirements for operation, and 2 m check on feet, meets the requirements before the next working procedure.
7 质量记录
7 quality records
This technology standard should have the following quality records:
7.1 塑料板材的出厂合格证。
7.1 plastic factory certificate.
7.2 胶粘剂的出厂合格证及试验记录。
7.2 adhesive factory certification and testing records.
7.3 分项工程质量检验评定记录。
7.3 kinds of construction quality inspection records.
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