Tuesday, February 7, 2017

The Application of Display Art in Modern Interior Design

The Application of Display Art in Modern Interior Design

Since modern times, mankind has experienced the industrial revolution and the development of industrialized production process, people with their own wisdom and hands to create a highly developed industrial civilization, people in the material and spiritual have been greatly satisfied at the same time highly developed industrial civilization Is to disintegrate the basis of people's survival, people's lives drowned in a large indifferent industrial production of man-made environment, the reinforced concrete built skyscrapers, monotonous residential groups ... ... people began to focus on the surrounding environment, The first step is to improve people's indoor environment is closely related. To find out the status and role of furnishings in interior design and to soothe the hearts of the people by means of improving the indoor environment to dilute and soften the coldness of industrial civilization.
Since the human race on Earth, mankind began to constantly add their own will on all things around to make it better and more beautiful for their own services, this is the other animals can not match the human furnishings. With the development of the times, the furnishings gradually evolved into the present furnishing art in combination with art.

    Interior furnishings are generally divided into functional furnishings and decorative furnishings.
    Functional furnishings Refers to a certain practical value and both ornamental furnishings, such as furniture, lamps, fabrics, utensils and so on.
    Furniture is the main component of interior furnishings art, it is the first practical existence. With the progress of the times, furniture with a practical function in the context of its art more and more attention. From the classification of furniture and construction point of view, can be divided into two categories, one is practical furniture, which includes sitting room furniture, storage furniture such as bed, sofa, wardrobe and so on. The other is ornamental furniture, including furnishings frame, screen and so on.
    Lamps in the interior furnishings play a role in lighting, lighting from the type and type of view, as the interior lighting lamps are mainly ceiling lamps, chandeliers, floor lamps, lamps, lamps, etc., it is difficult to imagine indoor no light, how people live .
    At present fabric has penetrated into all aspects of indoor environment design, in the modern interior design environment, the number of fabric used, has become a measure of the level of decorative indoor environment, one of the important signs. It includes curtains, bedspreads, carpets and other soft materials.
Decorative furnishings refers to furnishings mainly ornamental ornamental. Such as sculpture, Crafts, souvenirs, handicrafts, plants and so on.
    Decorative plants into the indoor environment not only play a decorative effect, but also to the normal indoor environment to bring a natural atmosphere. Different plants are placed indoors according to the climate of North and South and the characteristics of plants. Through their space possession, division, implied, contact, separated to resolve unfavorable factors.
    Interior decoration art is different from the general art of decoration, one-sided pursuit of magnificent style and unrestrained pomp; also different from the environmental art, it emphasizes scientific, technical and academic. Is a study of building internal and external function of the effectiveness and artistic effect of the subject belongs to the scope of public science.
Interior decoration is one of the four contents of modern interior design (interior space planning, interior decoration design, indoor physical environment design, interior furnishings design), which is of great significance to the success of interior design. Furnishings in the indoor environment, as if the park flowers and trees, mountains, stone, creek, winding paths, waterside is to give indoor space vitality and spiritual values ​​of the important elements. The interior space will be tedious and lacking in vitality if it is not furnished. As if only skeleton body is not flesh and blood as imperfect space. Visible indoor furnishings art in modern interior space design occupies an important position. At the same time it is also a modern interior space design plays a significant role.
Interior furnishings in the modern interior design of the role of the main reflected in the following aspects:

    1, contrast the indoor atmosphere, create the environment mood.
    Atmosphere that the internal space environment gives the overall impression. Such as cheerful warm festive atmosphere, relaxed and relaxed atmosphere, deep rather heavy solemn atmosphere, elegant and fresh culture and art atmosphere ... ... and so on.
    While the mood is the internal environment to be reflected in a certain kind of thinking and theme. Compared with the atmosphere, the mood is not only being felt, but also to introduce people to enlighten, is a spiritual world to enjoy. Artistic conception is like reading a good poem, as the author into his pen under a mood.
For example, some large building entrance hall, the hall is hung in front of a large relief, so that the space has a certain cultural and artistic atmosphere, so as to better reflect the building's distinctive. Here the relief is a decoration class furnishings, played the effect of modification at the same time also heighten the atmosphere.
People's Great Hall of the top of the furnishings of the form - to five-pointed star lighting as the center, around the five-star lamps arranged 'stars' makes it easy to think under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee 'national unity' theme. To express a solemn atmosphere. Bonsai, calligraphy and painting, ancient pottery and the combination of traditional styles of furniture, creating a simple and elegant atmosphere of the arts environment. Carpets, curtains and other fabrics so that the use of high ceiling to bring the open, loneliness was eased, creating a warm atmosphere.
    2. To create a secondary space, rich spatial level.
    The space enclosed by walls, floors, and tops is called primary space, and because of their characteristics, it is difficult to change their shape in general, unless the alteration is made, but this is a time-consuming, laborious and expensive project. While the use of indoor furnishings separated space is the preferred way. We call this kind of variable space divided in a space called quadratic space. In the interior design of the use of furniture, carpets, green, water and other furnishings to create a secondary space not only makes the use of space more reasonable, more people use, so that a more layered interior space. For example, we design large space office, not only from the actual situation, reasonable arrangements for seating, but also a reasonable separation of organizational space, so as to achieve different purposes.
Large space office exists as a whole, but also by many individuals. We can use office furniture and screens to organize some small work units, in the appropriate place with plant decoration, both rational use of space and rich space.

As the carpet of the fabric class can create a symbolic space, also known as 'spontaneous space', in the same room, with or without carpet or carpet texture, color space above the ground, then visually and psychologically divided space, Such as large hotels, hotels, a layer of the foyer to provide accommodation for travelers, procedures, temporary rest places often divided by carpet area, with a sofa to separate a small space for people to rest, parlor, and laying carpet ground, Often as a circulation and green space. The luxurious presidential rooms are often covered in carpeted carpet, in the environment of the visitor area in the elaborate hand-woven carpets, in addition to play a role in the division of space, but also the focus of the formation of indoor or indoor key space.
    3. Strengthen and give space meaning.
    The general interior space should be comfortable and beautiful effect, while the special requirements of the space should have a certain connotation, such as the monumental building interior space,
Traditional architectural space, etc., such as the Chongqing Sino-US Cooperation Exhibition Hall martyrs underground exhibition hall, the hall was round, the wall is depicting the martyrs tortured and heroic
The large frescoes in the center of the circular chamber had a circular skylight at the top of the circular hall, and the light shone down on a long hanging handcuffed shackle.
Of the shock. Here, handcuffs and shackles to strengthen the profound meaning of space, played a role in educating future generations.
    4, to strengthen the indoor environment style.
    The art of furnishings is a microcosm of the development of human culture. The art of furnishings reflects the way of life from ignorance to civilization, from consumption to consumption. In the course of a long history, different periods of the art of furnishings gives different content, but also created a display art colorful artistic characteristics.
The interior has a different style. Such as classical style, modern style, traditional Chinese style, rustic style, simple and generous style, luxurious and rich style ... ... a reasonable selection of furnishings on the indoor environment style plays an enhanced role. Because the furnishings of their own shape, color, pattern, texture, have a certain style features, so it will further strengthen the style of the indoor environment.
Classical style is usually decorated and ornate, heavy and heavy colors, furniture, style complex, high-grade materials, exquisite workmanship. Some are named after the times, such as the Louis era or the Victorian era. In our country, generally use some of Europe's obvious interior design style, as we develop the rational principle. For example, the ancient Greek, Roman columns, space decoration image and handling practices such as architectural and indoor language symbols are combined to use. In the interior decoration in European style. Such as European-style cylinder, the fireplace has become part of the interior,
While in the furnishings placed a large number of imitation European furniture, furniture, Italy has become the first choice of high-paying consumer goods. In the wall inlaid with different paintings and so on.
The modern style is closer to the masses. In the new era, as to meet the needs of people living art furnishings, we must meet people's psychological and physiological changes and development needs. Furniture, for example, has the history of China's furniture and furnishings wrote a glorious chapter of the chapter, as an outstanding cultural heritage Ming-style furniture, has gradually replaced by the modern combination of furniture, the traditional mahogany furniture is changed to laminated Bending the new technology made of large industrial furniture to the pursuit of style as the main purpose of the Taishi chair was also able to meet the comfort requirements of the people to replace the spring sofa. The style of modern furniture is with the great development of industrial society and the development of science and technology came into being. Furniture materials, sprung up, stainless steel, plastic, aluminum and large chunks of glass are widely used. Lines, colors, light and space began a new dialogue to create a modern interior space atmosphere.
People in different social strata, because of material conditions and their own conditions, the choice of furnishings are often very different, thus forming a variety of interior design style.
    5, soften the space, adjust the environment color.

    The development of modern science and technology, the towering of urban reinforced concrete buildings, large glass curtain walls, smooth metal materials ... ... All these constitute a chilled, dull space, people increasingly unable to breathe, people are looking forward to a leisurely natural state , The strong pursuit of personality stretch. Therefore, the involvement of plants, fabrics, furniture and other furnishings will undoubtedly make the space full of softness and vitality, cordiality and vitality.
People pay more and more attention to 'people-oriented' design. Focus on combining with nature. As part of nature, plants are used extensively in indoor spaces. Indoor greening can not only improve the indoor environment, climate, but also the designer used to soften the space, adding a means of space fun. For example: a hotel in Guangzhou atrium, furnishings a group of 'hometown of water' as the theme of the indoor landscape, furnishings in the landscape and Baigezhengliu the surging sand surface water surface and sand surface echoes the coordination of indoor and outdoor space environment and In this environment, people's mood has been pleasant, to meet the psychological needs of viewers and users, people indulge in pleasures, leaving a good impression.
Fabrics generally soft texture, feel comfortable, easy to produce warmth, people close. Natural fiber cotton, wool, linen, silk and other fabrics from the natural, easy to create rich in 'human touch' of the natural space. Thereby easing the rigid sense of indoor space, play a role in softening space. But also adds the color of indoor space.
The color of indoor environment is the soul of the indoor environment design. The color of indoor environment has great influence on indoor space sensitivity, comfort, atmosphere, use efficiency and psychological and physiological. In a fixed environment, the first break into our visual senses is the color, and the most contagious is the color. Different colors can cause different psychological feelings, good color environment is the ideal combination of these feelings. People from the harmonious color in the United States produce the reverie, the situation into the situation, much beyond the indoor limitations.
    People in the observation of space color will naturally look on the large area of ​​color furnishings, which is determined by the indoor environment color. Indoor environment color can be divided into the background color, the main color, embellishment color three main parts.
(1), background color. Often refers to the interior of the ceiling, walls, doors and windows, floors and other large-scale construction facilities color. According to the principle of color area, this part of the color should adopt a low chroma of quiet colors, such as the use of a tendency to gray tones of the more subtle colors so that it can play its background color as a foil.
(2) the main color. Refers to the medium-area color of furniture, fabrics, etc. that can be moved. In fact, constitute the most important part of the indoor environment, but also constitute the most basic factors of various colors.
  (3) embellishment color. Refers to the indoor environment, the most easy to change a small area of ​​color, such as wall, cushions, furnishings. Often using the most prominent strong colors.
    The color of the furnishings exists as both the main color and the decorative color. Visible indoor environment, a large part of the color determined by the furnishings. Indoor color processing, the general should be the overall control and grasp, that is, the interior space of the six interface color should be unified and coordinated, but too uniform will make space look dull, boring, the use of furnishings, dotted the space rich colors. Furnishings in different shapes and rich colors to give indoor vitality, the environment lively up. It should be noted that, should not choose too much for the rich colors and embellishment color, which will make the room look messy. Should be fully considered in the overall environment under the premise of appropriate color embellishment, in order to play the role of finishing touch.
     6, reflecting the national characteristics, cultivate personal sentiments
    The concept of nation, generally refers to the common regional environment, lifestyle, language, customs and psychological quality of the community. Therefore, people of all nationalities have their own spirit, character, temperament, quality and aesthetic ideas.
The Chinese nation has its own cultural traditions and artistic styles. At the same time, the psychological characteristics, habits and hobbies of different ethnic groups are also different. This point in the furnishings should be given sufficient attention. For example: the Islamic nation, hanged pig as a display pattern; and since the descendants of the Han as the dragon and phoenix, due to the inheritance of tradition and customs, a large number of decorative text samples have dragon and phoenix theme, dragon and phoenix meaning 'auspicious'. The traditional Han, Taishi wall display ancestral tablets, incense burners, candlesticks and so on. Yi people will gourd as their totem worship and display in the room of God on stage. The famous Kumbum Monastery, located in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the use of hanging a variety of mantle and colored silk ceiling, Tibetan carpet blanket to decorate the interior space. On the one hand, the building has played a protective role in the anti-sand, on the other hand also formed a unique style of the teaching building.
Elegant style, beautiful shape, with a certain cultural connotation of the furnishings make people Yueqing pleasing to the eye, cultivate sentiment, then furnishings have been beyond its own aesthetic boundaries and give the interior space with spiritual value. Such as furnishings in the study Gendiao, Chinese painting, process modeling, classical books, antique bookcase and so on. The furnishings of these furnishings create a cultural atmosphere in which people learn to excite and further arouse their curiosity. In this environment people will be more love life. We can see a lot of art workers in their own indoor space to place both decorative and high artistic furnishings. Many of these furnishings were designed and produced by themselves. During the production process, they not only exerted their own specialties, beautified the environment, but also made people learn what they did not have in the books to enhance their ability to appreciate art. The taste of life.
   Selection of furnishings and furnishings can not only reflect a person's professional characteristics, personality, taste and taste, or one of the means of people's self-expression. For example: Hunter's hut furnishings skins, bows and arrows, brocade specimens, etc., shows the owner's occupation and his brave character.
In short, the furnishings of a very wide range of art, content is extremely rich, the form is not rich and colorful. As an important part of the indoor environment, furnishings play an important role in the indoor environment as well as play an important role. Recognizing the role of furnishings and play its role in space design, will create a rich and colorful human space.

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