Monday, October 10, 2016

Dry stick stone wall construction technology

1 scope
This technology is applicable to general industry and civil architecture wall dry stick stone construction.
2 construction preparation
2.1 materials and equipment:
2.1.1 cement: No. 325 and more cement or Portland cement, color uniformity, should adopt the same products, the same number of cement. Product certification.
2.1.2 sand: sand 5mm before using the sieve of aperture, or if necessary yarn tension and the screen, screen good alternate.
2.1.3 gravel: hard particles, not containing clay, film, alkalis and other organic substances and other harmful substances. Selection of its specifications, the design requirements, eight per cent in size of 6mm, small eight percentage point size is 4mm, sift before use, make it with uniform particle size, meet the above requirements. Sieve with water after wash to dry, color-coded stacking, with canvas cover above.
2.1.4 lime cream: one month before using lime braised, 3mm sieve of aperture, shower of lime paste, when gypsum mortar must not contain particles and impurities that are not cured.
2.1.5 pulverized quicklime: using water to stew through the week before, unripened granules should not.
2.1.6-fly, 107 glue, adhesives or certified and factory certificate, and instructions for use.
2.1.7 main equipment: mortar mixers, iron trowel, wood float, plastic trowel, big bar, mini bar, MI Li, small wooden racket, small sieves 30cmx50cm several, small plastic rollers, small child, foot boards, gravel screening 30cmx80cm.
2.2 operating conditions:
2.2.1 shelf pitched well in advance, the best selection of scaffolding or bridge shelf double exclusion, the use of double exclusion shelf, it should at least guarantee the operation there are two frames of scaffold, the horizontal rod and tie rod, Rod spat 200~250mm should leave doors and Windows, step should be to meet the construction needs of the shelf.
2.2.2 reserved hole dimensions in the drawings should be of good equipment, embedded parts should be installed and fixed in advance, door and window box installed and fixed with the wall, the cracks filled dense aluminum alloy door and window frame corrosion and surface protection film in advance.
2.2.3 wall surface grass-roots cleanup clean, feet hand-eye blocking good, concrete had beam, and circle beam, and combination column,, will its surface cleanup clean, highlight wall surface of concrete tick flat, recessed to part should watering Yin through Hou, with water heavy 10%107 rubber of 1:3 cement mortar layered fill flat, each layer fill wipe thickness not should is greater than 7mm, and each again wipe Hou not should with have too tight. Aerated concrete panel grooves at the patch application with water 10%107 rubber 1:1:6 of the mortar mix layer fill, joints must also Gou Ping, Yan. Precast concrete wall panels have dealt with waterproof seams, after tricking water test, leakage-free.
2.2.4 construction technology, technology to give the low-down to the operator.
2.2.5 model before construction of large area walls, by the person concerned after acceptance, construction model can request.
3 operational processes
3.1 process:
Checks base shelf hanging vertical, looking for plaster cakes, gluten-filled rules base

Line cells viscosity stick stone mortar from the Pat down, finishing stone viscosity, dinging conservation

3.2 grass-roots operation method of concrete wall panels:
3.2.1 grass-roots processing: on with steel die construction of concrete plate should for tick hair processing, board surface Shang has crisp skin of should will crisp skin tick to, or with concentration for 10% of caustic soda water will board surface of oil brush off, with of with water will its lye flush clean, dry Hou with 1:l cement fine mortar (therein of sand should had yarn stretched screen) with water heavy 20% of 107 glue mixing uniform, with empty pressure machine and the spray bucket will mortar spray to wall Shang, or with broom will mortar dumped to wall Shang, requirements spray, and dumped uniform, end gel Hou watering conservation, 3~5d at room temperature, until all lumps of cement mortar cured on a concrete plate, break with one fixed it.
3.2.2 hanging vertically, set square, looking for rules: If the building is the top, in the corners and door window on both sides, using theodolite find vertical. For multi-storey buildings can be hoisted vertically from the top with a big line, stretched wire to find the rules and layered plaster cake. Line the floor elevation datum for coil control, at the end of each layer to gray pie base screed strip so that its bottom ash horizontal even vertical.
3.2.3 wipe bottom mortar: wipe Qian brush a mixed water 10% of 107 rubber cement pigment pulp, follow with layered points again wipe bottom mortar, at room temperature Shi can used 1:0.5:4 (cement: lime cream: sand), winter Shi shi application 1:3 cement mortar playing end of, wipe to and rushed of reinforced a usually, with big bar scraping flat, wood wipe child rub hair, end gel Hou watering conservation.
3.2.4 spring line, cells, cell adhesion, drip line: the line drawing size, grid, and set the grid width as required, should be horizontal even vertical grid surface, smooth and consistent, and stick according to site requirements for drop tanks, their width, depth, the design requirements.
3.2.5 Visco-stone mortar, adhesive stones: Visco-stone mortar, glue there are two stone mortar, one is within the pigment slurry cement 20%-107 adhesive compounded with the polymer cement slurry; the other is polymer cement mortar and mix cement: Lime plaster: sand: 107 gum =1:1.2~2.5:0.2. The plastering layer thickness, selected according to gravel size, generally sticking stone mortar should be less than 1~2mm. Stick stone mortar surface should wipe flat, then stick stone, used dumped stone stick stone, its method is hand took end of nail screens of small sieve, screen within loaded gravel, another hand took small wood took, shovel Shang gravel Hou in small wood took Shang Hoang about, makes gravel uniform to sub cloth in small wood took Shang, again to stick stone mortar Shang dumped, requirements a took received a took to dumped, to will gravel dumped strict, and dumped uniform, dumped Shi application small sieve then off down of gravel, stick stone Hou timely with clean of wipe child gently to will gravel pressure into gray layer among, requirements will gravel grain diameter of 2/3 pressure into gray in the, Exposure of 1/3, and to the principle of not gel paste and bonding. After treating the water slightly steaming ash, with the trowel vertically from bottom to top to slip again, to eliminate traces of the stone.
For large area sticky stone walls, use mechanical shotcreting construction, shotcreting should promptly after rubber roller rolling, gravel onto the ash layer 2/3, their bond.
3.2.6 construction procedures: arch face doors and Windows, balconies, rain cover should be set according to the requirements, such as throat, its width and depth, the design requirements. Stick stone should stick after a small stick surface, surface, small intersection angle put sticky lime should be used when the character on foot, feet when screening small grain of rice by the end of stone repair black to make it bond dense stone tablets.
3.2.7 dressing, and processing black side: stick finished stone Hou should timely check has no didn't stick Shang or stone grain stick of not dense of place, as found Hou water brush dipped water dumped in its Shang, and timely fill stick stone grain, makes its gravel bond dense, and uniform, found gray layer has pendant crack phenomenon, also should in gray layer end gel yiqian dumped water will crack pressure real. Corner a black side should be feet time after sticky rice stone and shoot it.
3.2.8, bars, caulking: after you stick the stone gravel with a trowel onto the ash layer in time 2/3, iron trowel and gently slipped up again to reduce scars. Then out grid, drop tank, using trowel after ash layer after gently press to prevent adhesion of lime bottom ash to be pulled while, formed after the empty drum. Plain cement paste can be used to sew after Gou Ping, hook. Ash again after all the dry joint.
3.2.9 water conservation: stone construction viscosity at room temperature after 24h, you can use the watering can water conservation.
3.3 base for brick wall method of operation:
3.3.1 base treatment: clean walls, highlight the concrete wall tiqu, water wet walls.
3.3.2 hanging vertically, set of square, looking for rules: wall and four-line rules, must start at the top with a special large pendant hanging full height vertical lines, and in the yin and Yang of wall corner and window sides, Duo and other parts under the gray vertical line, column, pie, plays the upper and lower horizontal lines in the window, anyway perpendicular injection gas cake circle.
3.3.3 the underlying mortar: normal construction mixture ratio of 1:0.5:4, mixing mortar or 1:0.2:0.3:4 of fly ash mortar mix, winter construction mixture ratio of 1:3 for cement mortar and mixed with a certain proportion of antifreeze. Base must be forced to squeeze into the mortar joint of mortar, and erase twice and ribs, tie bar anyway, scrape, rub wood trowel, water conservation the next day.
3.3.4 cell adhesion: according to the drawings of the width and depth of cell adhesion, with plain cement paste on both sides of eight fixed, line, should be responsible, so that the grid size to fit drawing. This should be done before in cell adhesion.
3.3.5 Visco-stone mortar, adhesive stones: stone quality to ensure viscosity, Visco-stone mortar mix is slightly different, the current general use 6mm 1:3 cement mortar, followed by 2mm polymerization of cement plaster (cement: 107 gum =1:0.3). Then stick stone stone into the ash layer 2/3 and viscosity, to shoot, shoot. Sticky when stone mortar should be part of the grid after both sides in order to prevent the wooden lattices of absorbing water, gray morning on both sides, stone impact viscosity effects. Stick stone should be cell adhesion on both sides first and then stick the middle section, when sticking a plate after plate continuous operation, require stone tablets-adhesive evenly close-grained, prison, after no water, with the trowel and gently slip away again.
3.3.6 construction program: top-down construction, doors and Windows, balconies, soft face the rain cover to indwelling throat, its width, depth, the design requirements. Stick stone should first stick small, sticky surface after.
3.3.7 trim, black-edged; sticky lime is not before the final set, should check the glued stone surface, identify problems and repair; yin and Yang Kok should check the flat and vertical, check the Horn parts have no black edges, processed in a timely manner after it was discovered.
3.3.8, bars, caulking: to be repaired, grid, drop tank and, later with the trowel and gently press to prevent adhesive layer when you pull up, after the formation of hollow. The next day, watering moist plaster with cement jointing.
3.3.9 water conservation: 24h at room temperature, with watering can water conservation stick stone surface.
3.4 grassroots for aerated concrete method of operation:
3.4.1 grass-roots processing: will added gas concrete Board spell sewing at of mortar wipe flat, with broom will surface dust, added gas fine not sweep NET, watering Yin through, hook Board sewing, with 10% (water heavy) of 107 glue mud brush a again, follow with with 1:1:6 mixed mortar layered hook sewing, and on deficiency ribs off angle of Board, layered fill flat, each layer thickness 7~9mm.
3.4.2 the underlying mortar: one of the following two methods can be used. on aerated concrete panels in the wet brush 20% 107 adhesive mud mixed with water, followed by a thin shaving a 1:1:6 mortar mix, with a broom to sweep out the vertical lines, water conservation after the final set, bonding with mortar and concrete, hand break does not move. Can be hung vertically, set rules, Chong tendons, the underlying mortar. in wetting of aerated concrete panels, spray or dump a 20% 107 glue mixed with water mixed mortar mix synthetic 1:1:6, requires the pimple to spray, left even after the final setting of water conservation. Spray, after mortar and concrete bond flick, to be hung vertically, sets, rules, the underlying mortar.
Bottom mix 1:1:6 mix mortar, layered application, each ply should be controlled 7~9mm, bottom ash and Chong Jin smooth, big bumper anyway, scrape, rub wood trowel, after the final setting of water conservation.
3.4.3 sticky cells, throat: according to the drawing requirements section line grid, sticking, requiring surface horizontal even vertical grid.
3.4.4 Visco-stone mortar, throwing gravel adhesive stones: the method is the same.
3.4.5 operation program: top-down construction, Arch face doors and Windows, balconies, rain cover should be sticky after small sticky surface, cell adhesion on both sides and then stick the Center. Stick large and small personal corner stone character should be used on foot. Throat width and depth should comply with the design requirements for retention.
3.4.6 trim, Black Sticky lime is not final setting should be checked before the sticky walls with and without defect, found that the problem should be trimmed in a timely manner, as a black, Shan rice stone water viscosity.
3.4.7, bars, caulking: Visco-stone built, grid and drip out in a timely manner, with a trowel and gently press the next day with plain cement plaster joint.
3.4.8 water conservation: 24h at room temperature, with a watering can water conservation.
Winter construction of 3.5:
3.5.1 plastering mortar insulation measures should be taken, the mortar on the wall temperature should not fall below + 5 ° c.
3.5.2 plastering mortar layer hardening beginning not from the cold. When the air temperature is below + 5 c, outdoor plastering can lower the freezing temperature of the additive should be mixed into, its content determined by experiment.
3.5.3 freezing masonry walls, outdoor plastering construction should be completely thawed, shall not be washed with hot water freeze wall or eliminate frost on the wall.
3.5.4 plaster should not be mixed with lime plaster, to ensure that operations can be used with volume fly ash instead of to increase workability.
4 quality criteria
4.1 project: the variety and quality of the material must meet the design requirements. The plaster layer and must bond between plaster layer and the substrate, no delamination, hollowing and cracks and other defects.
4.2 Basic project:
4.2.1 stick stone stone surface particle bonding, distribution, surface roughness, color, don't Cha, no exposed pulp, leak-free sticky corner without black edges.
4.2.2 uniform grid width and depth, (seam) is smooth, Leng corners neatly, horizontal even vertical, smooth.
4.2.3 drop line (Groove) flow direction is correct, drip line straight, throat width and depth is not less than 10MM. Neat and consistent.
4.3 allowable deviation, as shown in table 9-6.
Dry stone wall surface tolerance table 9-6
Project tolerance (mm) method
1 façade vertical 5 2m supporting plate check
2 surface flat 5 2m on foot and wedged feeler Gage check
3 angle vertical 4 2m m on foot and wedged between yin and Yang feeler Gage check
Founder 3 2cm 4 corner feet and wedged feeler Gage check
5 sew straight 3 5M line, less than 5M Latrun Ray
6 full-height vertical single-layer, multi-layer h 20 and transit checks
Senior h 30 and transit checks
Note: h is the total height of building facades.

5 finished product protection
5.1 mortar on the door and window frames and shelves should be cleaned in time, scattered in the gravel on the shelf should be recovered in time. Aluminum alloy doors and Windows shall be protected, protective film on it intact.
5.2 the Board, remove the shelf do not impact dry stick stone walls, sticky corners after the stone should be protected to prevent collisions.
5.3 Oiler oil brush is strictly prohibited when stepping on the pedal sticking stone surface and edges, do not stick the tank off the pollution stone walls.
5.4 do brush the stone should be protected before sticking stone walls, preventing brush stick stone stone cement pollution.
6 quality problems to be noticed
6.1 stick stone surface roughness, color: sticky lime uneven, stick stone hard and uneven; when you press the glued stone plasters thick places after a slurry, plastering thin ash layers occur at the pit, sticky stones, followed by nothing. Gravel floating in the surface color is heavy, and pulp white, owing to stone surface layer of flowers, different colors.
6.2 grid appears on both sides of the corner and black side: Ash dry faster on both sides, gravel on a stick; angle without the use of eight feet, feet and not repaired. Price should stick then stick at large, Yang Kok stick stone character should be used by foot, feet time after using the stone rice patches and black border.
6.3 a gravel float, flat touch: Ash layer dry too fast, stick stone cannot move, or clap hard enough; end of stick and stone dust should be watered on moist, sticky after stone to tap, will shoot into the gravel layers of ash 2/3.
6.4 crack: bottom ash water saturation. Sticky lime too thin ash layers too thick, sticky stones due to gravel dumped ash layer when shattering crack drop pendant. Watering should be appropriate, and to ensure the consistency of sticky lime.
6.5 empty drum cracked: there are two, one is the bottom cracks with grass-roots; another is a layer of adhesive layer and bottom ash between the cracks. Bottom ash and matrix cracks causes of substrate to clean up dirty; water impermeable; ash layers too thick, plaster, no layering effects. Bottom ash and adhesive layer cracks are mainly caused due to cracking. To prevent cracks grey, a note to clean up, the other is the attention to moderate watering, third, we must pay attention to the thickness of the ash layer and the consistency of mortar. Strengthening the construction inspection checks.
Section 6.6, drip grooves are not smooth, faint: after the main article is uneven seams, according to construction require careful caulking.
7 quality records
This standard shall meet the following quality records:
7.1 raw materials factory certificate and test report (sand, gravel).
7.2 cement reinterview report and factory certified.
7.3 using adhesive material proof and factory certificate.

7.4 quality inspection and assessment of records.

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