Saturday, March 25, 2017

Construction Standard of Double Reinforcement Composite Panel

Construction Standard of Double Reinforcement Composite Panel (424-1996)

    The process is suitable for multi-storey and high-rise multi-purpose civil building superstructure or roof panel installation. Suitable industrial buildings can also be used.

Construction preparation
    2.1 Materials and main equipment:
    2.1.1 double steel composite board: thickness is divided into 50mm and 63mm two series. The dimensions are based on three-mode, 50mm series, length 4.2m ~ 6.3m, width l.5m ~ 3.9m. Total 72 kinds; 63mm series, length 4.2m ~ 7.2m, width 1.5m ~ 3.9m, a total of 99 The Prefabricated laminated plate should have a concave and convex relief of not less than 4mm artificial rough surface, the surface shall not have loose layer and floating slurry. Double reinforced composite board to have factory certificate.
    2.1.2 support hard frame and branch slab of wood, wooden or fixed pillars should be prepared according to the construction program.
    2.1.3 machine; vertical transport machinery, steel tape, crowbar and so on.
    2.2 Operating conditions:
    2.2.1 Draw a stack of mounting plates according to the drawings, specifications, stacks, and negotiating requirements. Which should show the flat plate of the plane position, model, slit size, bearing rest length, support hard frame support position, temporary support position, so that the installation of laminated panels.
    2.2.2 Check the quality of the laminate: check for cracks, defects, check the surface quality of the laminate. Those who do not meet the quality requirements shall not be used. And check the type and specification of the laminate according to the mounting diagram.
    2.2.3 Check the elevation and the axis of the wall or beam. Liang and ring beam of steel and template to complete the hidden, pre-inspection.
    2.2.4 Stacking and site requirements of laminates: site should be flattened in advance, the whole building, and build 3:7 gray two steps. The location of the fulcrum of the stack is the same as the lifting point. Each sub-board along the laminated board long to close to the ring should be put through the long mat wood, up and down alignment, alignment, pad flat, mat real. Different board number should be placed separately, do not allow different board number overlap stacking. Stacking height should not be greater than 6 layers. Conditions should be allowed to follow upstairs.
    2.2.5 wall around the hard frame and puzzle joints at the hard frame support and temporary support plate, according to the construction program installed, and finished pre-inspection.

Operation process
    3.1 Process flow chart:
Check the bearing and slit hard frame on the scale of the standard height → slide the positioning plate line → hoisting board →

Adjust the length of the holding plate at the support plate → Tail the reinforcement
    3.2 due to the small length of the support plate on the bearing (or board into the seat), so under normal circumstances around the wall should be used hard frame model, generally single row of pillars and wall locking, spacing 60 ~ 100cm. Wall or beam top elevation should drop l ~ 3cm. Plate of the patchwork also set up hard frame support, generally double row pillars, spacing 60 ~ 100cm. Before installing the stack, carefully check the support system of the hard frame, check the elevation of the wall or beam, the height of the axis, and the horizontal elevation of the horizontal support.
    3.3 Draw the panel position line: in the wall, beam or hard frame horizontal flank on the side, according to the installation of the picture out of the seam position line, and marked board number. Patch between the board is generally 100mm, such as row plate when needed, can change between 80mm ~ 170mm. But more than 100mm of the patchwork should be placed close to the side of the board side. See Figure 4-39.
Figure 4-39 Slotting indentation diagram
    3.4 laminated board in place: If the stack has a reserved hole, before lifting the first to find out its location, clear the board to let the direction. At the same time check, remove bars and other obstacles in place. When lifting should be reserved for hanging ring position, take eight rings to lift the way. However, the stacking plate should be aligned with the designated stacking plate position line, according to the design of the seat to hold the annual slow down in place, stable implementation.
    3.5 Adjust the length of the shelves at the support plate:
    3.5.1 Use the crowbar to adjust the length of the support at the support of the drawing. If necessary, with a trolley hook hook rope (but the board does not leave the bearing), supplemented by artificial crowbar to adjust the length of the set together.
    3.5.2 When the board is left on the concrete member, it is usually + 20mm (ie, 20mm). If the plate needs, can also be between +30mm ~ -50mm change. But if the wall thickness ≤ 160mm, the tube edge of the length of stay should be set to 0. If it must be less than -50mm, according to the design requirements to increase the length of the boring bar. The length of the hold length is shown in Figure 4-40.
    3.5.3 In the brick and concrete structure, the length of the plate into the bearing should generally be greater than 50mm.
    3.6 According to the design requirements, finishing around the stack of reinforced steel bars, not bend 90 °, nor shall it be pressed under the board.
Quality Standard
    4.1 Warranty:
    4.1.1 Concrete strength must be in accordance with the design requirements and construction specifications.
    Inspection method: check the factory certificate and the same conditions to protect the test block test report.
    4.1.2 The concrete at the joint of the laminated plate must be accurately measured, pounded and compacted, and its strength must meet the requirements of the design or construction specification.
    Inspection method: observe and check the standard curing age 28d test block compression test report and construction records.
    4.1.3 The type, position and fulcrum of the laminated plate must meet the design requirements and have no deformation damage.
    Inspection method: observation or scale inspection and inspection of hoisting records.
    4.2 Basic items:
    The height of the laminated plate, the diameter of the slab and the slab shall conform to the design requirements and the construction regulations.
    Check the method: observation, adequate check.
    4.3 Tolerance items are shown in Table 4-37.
                                                                    Table 4-37
Item Item Tolerance (mm) Inspection method
1 axis position displacement 5 feet check
2 layers of high ± 10 with the level or size check
3 board length of stay ± 10 feet check
Plaster 5
Do not plaster 3

Product protection
    5.1 The requirements for the stacking and stacking of the stack shall be strictly in accordance with 2.2.4.
    5.2 cast-in-place wall, beam installation of laminated panels, the concrete strength to reach 4MPa square construction.
    5.3 Throwing bars (anchoring tendons) on the stack shall be properly protected during the stacking, transport and hoisting, and shall not be bent and broken repeatedly.
    5.4 lifting the laminated board, shall not use the "bottom", a number of lifting. Should be reserved for hanging ring position, using eight points synchronized single lifting method. Lifting shall not crash the stack.
    5.5 Timber support The temporary support of the support system board shall be completed before lifting. Each board along the long side of the board in the width of the set by adding long wood as a temporary support. All the pillars should be in the lower end of the bedding through the scaffolding, and the footboard for the base soil, to leveling, tamping.
    5.6 may not be any holes in the board, such as the need for holes on the board, the application of mechanical drilling, according to the design and Atlas requirements to do the corresponding reinforcement.
Quality Records
    The process standards should have the following quality records:
    6.1 factory certificate of concrete components.
    6.2 Structure hoisting record.
    Prefabrication of prefabricated components.
    6.4 sub-project technology to the end.
    6.5 Sub - project quality inspection and evaluation.

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